
From PZwiki

The crowbar is a blunt weapon that currently has the sprite and the properties of a baseball bat.


<nowiki>item Crowbar

{ Type = Weapon, DisplayName = Crowbar, SubCategory = Swinging, Icon = Crowbar, MinAngle = 0, MaxDamage = 1.9, MinDamage = 0.8, MaxRange = 1.5, MinRange = 0.61, CriticalChance = 10, PushBackMod = 0.5, HitAngleMod = -30.0, SwingAnim = Bat, MaxHitCount = 1, WeaponSprite = Baseballbat, IdleAnim = Idle_Weapon2, RunAnim = Run_Weapon2, Weight = 2.5, DoorDamage = 5, MinimumSwingTime = 2.1, SwingTime = 2.1, SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10, ConditionMax = 200, Categories = Blunt,
