Ripped Sheets

From PZwiki

Template:Items A bandage can be used to stop bleeding caused by injuries that manage to cut through the skin. If a wound is left untreated, the player will slowly lose health, and will eventually die of blood loss. Therefore, it is a great idea to keep a few bandages on you at all times, and several more back at your stronghold. Bandages can be improvised by ripping them from sheets or from items of clothing. Bandages also have a secondary purpose of use in a molotov cocktail, although this use is far less important than the primary one.

In the Tutorial (version: 0.1.5d)
Bandages can be used to bandage to stem Kate's blood-loss.


Name Recipe Description


item RippedSheets
	Type				=			Normal,
	DisplayName			=			Bandages,
	Icon				=			Rag,
	Count				=			8,
	Weight				=			0.25,
	AlwaysWelcomeGift 	        = 			true,
	CanBandage			=			true,

