Talk:Survival Guide

From PZwiki

This article should be written in a "survival guide" fashion. I can see the person who wrote it made it with Story Mode in mind but derails into a Sandbox Mode walk-through.

Can I have permission to re-write this article? I'm asking because I know it's an important page. --Vagrant 01:00, 16 April 2012 (BST)

Started work on the survival guide now. Going to see if I can't get it a bit more up to date. -Connall 10:26, 13 November 2013

Flagged up as outdated

Anybody have any idea why the person who added the outdated notice would add it? From what I can see the guide is more or less up to date. --Connall (talk) 16:32, 11 January 2014 (UTC)

About the deleted sections..

I went ahead and did two updates for this page. Regrettably two portions have been removed entirely and although I appreciate the thought involved by the people who contributed the information I couldn't help but find the information unhelpful. Let me explain my reasons.

The “Starting Off” section was a tutorial of the main menu. It explained what each button does. This would be fine if the main menu was difficult to understand, but I find it hard to see how this could be the case for any player. Additionally, the explanations were obvious and unhelpful. For example the section included bullet-pointed lines such as “exit (exits the game)”, “options (opens up the options menu)”, join server (opens up the join server menu)”, “last stand (opens up the last stand challenge menu)”.. et al. I personally don't find this necessary. Maybe if the explanations were more elaborate and imaginative the section would be relevant, but in the final state I thought it was a waste of space. Hate me all you like but I kind of doubt anyone needs to spend time reading that “button X opens up the X menu”.

Also, the “Controls” section was a tutorial on the tutorial. While the inclusion of the line pointing out the error in the in-game tutorial is relevant and useful, I found redundancies in both 1) pointing out features of the GUI (as in the previous section) and 2) advising new players to read the tutorial. This is obvious information and the in-game tutorial opens automatically for any new installation, prompting new players to pay heed. I feel the GUI is well laid-out requires no explanation, nor will any new player close the tutorial with the intention of assuming doing so will benefit them greater. I put any relevant information from this section into the new “Starting Off” section.

Hopefully you'll understand why I made the changes I did. While the original content was well-intended and characteristically stylized it distracted from main bulk of the article, which ideally shares obscured or initially unreachable knowledge with new players. This page has an enormous amount of potential and I want to ensure the information it conveys is concise and adequate.

I'll likely be adjusting this section periodically. Please feel free to discuss this issue or challenge my decisions: This is a cooperative effort to create content which is universally acceptable and I personally feel compromises are easy to implement as long as people are reasonable about explaining their ideas.

Thanks! SecretWeaponCoffee (talk) 14:25, 16 October 2014 (BST)

Best weapon of choice

In my opinion, crowbars suck. They are heavy, don't do that much damage and exhaust you pretty quickly. I prefer the Frying pan, because they aren't heavy, they are very common and you don't get exhausted so quickly. Anyone agrees? Put your opinion down below ;)

(And btw, you don't have to add the damage values, just put a link to the Weapons page)

So for me it would be:

Tier 1:

  • Axe
  • Frying Pan
  • (Nailed)Baseball Bat

Tier 2:

  • Hammer
  • Golf Club
  • Crowbar
  • Rolling Pin
  • Kitchen Knife
  • Poolcue

Tier 3: (You should only use these when you really can't find anything else)

  • Screwdriver
  • Butter knife
  • Fork
  • Spoon
  • Pencil
  • Pen
I haven't checked weapon statistics, but yes frying pans are good and crowbars probably aren't tier 1. SecretWeaponCoffee (talk) 13:21, 17 October 2014 (BST)