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Lucky and Unlucky

does anyone know what those traits do exactly, i played every char since 0017 with either of them, they seem to influence the item spawn, maybe the player spawn location, but not the infection chance.

- got scratched 5times with unlucky, still not infected

- it took me a week to find any real-weapon(hammer in this case, had a pan and dozens of knifes&forks before) with unlucky

- took me nerly one month tho find a saw, a sledgehammer and an axe even after clearing ~300 zombies and 2 of the smaller storagebuildings with unlucky

i cant tell much about lucky, just that i found everything important way faster, but i got spawned near the big storagehouse both times i had this perk so it maybe affects the spawn too?

I'm not completely sure either, I've been meaning to see if I can find some code for the traits. The best you can do is just run some experiments to see if your hypothesis is correct. --Connall (talk) 12:49, 29 December 2013 (UTC)