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m (thirst)
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<!-- Infobox content -->
<!-- ##### Infobox content ##### -->
| General = Général
| General = Général
| Category = Catégorie
| Category = Catégorie
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| Base ID|Item ID = Objet ID
| Base ID|Item ID = Objet ID

<!-- Items -->
<!-- ##### Other ##### -->
| Egg = Oeuf
| Language = Langue
| Boiled Egg = Oeuf cuit dur
| Egg Carton = Boîte d'oeufs
<!-- ##### ITEMS #####-->
<!-- Start automated translation of ItemName_FR.txt: Generated on 02 June 2023 using a custom script by Vaileasys. -->
| Tree branch | tree branch | Tree Branch = Branche d'arbre
| Pile o' crepe t-shirt | pile o' crepe t-shirt | Pile O' Crepe T-Shirt = T-shirt Pile o'Crepe
| Medical cap blue | medical cap blue | Medical Cap Blue = Bonnet médical (bleu)
| Comfrey | comfrey | Comfrey = Consoude
| Sturdy stick | sturdy stick | Sturdy Stick = Bâton solide
| Goldstar boppers | goldstar boppers | Goldstar Boppers = Serre-tête étoiles
| White game pieces | white game pieces | White Game Pieces = Pièces de jeu blanches
| Jack-o'-lantern | jack-o'-lantern | Jack-O'-Lantern = Citrouille d'Halloween
| Dice | dice | Dice = Dé
| Ground beef | ground beef | Ground Beef = Viande hachée
| Police bulletproof vest | police bulletproof vest | Police Bulletproof Vest = Gilet pare-balles de policier
| Ruby on a gold ring | ruby on a gold ring | Ruby On A Gold Ring = Bague en or ornée d'un rubis
| Red dot | red dot | Red Dot = Pointeur rouge
| V-neck sweater | v-neck sweater | V-Neck Sweater = Pull à col en V
| Pike | pike | Pike = Brochet
| Bottle with water | bottle with water | Bottle With Water = Bidon de javel (remplie d'eau)
| Canned peas | canned peas | Canned Peas = Conserve de petits pois
| Tennis ball | tennis ball | Tennis Ball = Balle de tennis
| Bass | bass | Bass = Bar
| Picture of hank | picture of hank | Picture Of Hank = Photo de Hank
| Coveralls | coveralls | Coveralls = Combinaison de travail
| Dried white beans | dried white beans | Dried White Beans = Haricots blancs secs
| Spiffo suit | spiffo suit | Spiffo Suit = Costume Spiffo
| Empty mug | empty mug | Empty Mug = Tasse (vide)
| Antique stove | antique stove | Antique Stove = Poêle à bois
| Graham crackers | graham crackers | Graham Crackers = Biscuits Graham
| Pineapple | pineapple | Pineapple = Ananas
| Blue electric guitar | blue electric guitar | Blue Electric Guitar = Guitare électrique (bleue)
| Gray hunting vest | gray hunting vest | Gray Hunting Vest = Veste de chasse (grise)
| Vinegar | vinegar | Vinegar = Vinaigre
| Earbuds | earbuds | Earbuds = Écouteurs
| Hat arrow | hat arrow | Hat Arrow = Chapeau d'Halloween
| Army pants | army pants | Army Pants = Pantalon de l'Armée
| Js-2000 shotgun | js-2000 shotgun | Js-2000 Shotgun = Fusil à pompe JS-2000
| Clip-on spiffo tie | clip-on spiffo tie | Clip-On Spiffo Tie = Cravate de Spiffo à clip
| Rubber duck | rubber duck | Rubber Duck = Canard en plastique
| Tomato paste | tomato paste | Tomato Paste = Sauce tomate
| Green paint | green paint | Green Paint = Peinture (verte)
| Hot sauce | hot sauce | Hot Sauce = Sauce piquante
| Bow tie | bow tie | Bow Tie = Noeud papillon
| Double holster | double holster | Double Holster = Double holster
| Milk | milk | Milk = Lait
| Four-logs stack | four-logs stack | Four-Logs Stack = Pile de 4 bûches
| Dough | dough | Dough = Pâte
| Raccoon hat | raccoon hat | Raccoon Hat = Chapeau de trappeur
| Strapless bra - red spots  | strapless bra - red spots  | Strapless Bra - Red Spots  = Soutien-gorge bustier à pois rouges
| Door | door | Door = Porte
| Key ring | key ring | Key Ring = Porte-clés
| Bowl of soup | bowl of soup | Bowl Of Soup = Bol de soupe
| V-neck sweater vest | v-neck sweater vest | V-Neck Sweater Vest = Gilet à col en V
| Front window | front window | Front Window = Fenêtre de portière (avant)
| Steak | steak | Steak = Steak
| Tomato | tomato | Tomato = Tomate
| Bread knife | bread knife | Bread Knife = Couteau à pain
| The metalwork magazine vol. 2 | the metalwork magazine vol. 2 | The Metalwork Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine de métallurgie - Vol. 2
| Bacon strips | bacon strips | Bacon Strips = Tranches de bacon
| Hole puncher | hole puncher | Hole Puncher = Perforatrice
| Fish fillet | fish fillet | Fish Fillet = Filet de poisson
| Bandage | bandage | Bandage = Bandage
| Straps knee-length dress | straps knee-length dress | Straps Knee-Length Dress = Robe mi-longue à bretelles
| Mop | mop | Mop = Serpillière
| Hot teacup | hot teacup | Hot Teacup = Tasse de thé chaude
| Backgammon board | backgammon board | Backgammon Board = Table de jeu de Backgammon
| Light blue paint | light blue paint | Light Blue Paint = Peinture (bleu clair)
| Rubber band | rubber band | Rubber Band = Élastique
| Crafted timer | crafted timer | Crafted Timer = Minuteur artisanal
| Bowl of pasta | bowl of pasta | Bowl Of Pasta = Bol de pâtes
| Tailoring vol. 2 | tailoring vol. 2 | Tailoring Vol. 2 = La couture - Vol. 2
| Beer can | beer can | Beer Can = Cannette de bière
| Red velvet cake slice | red velvet cake slice | Red Velvet Cake Slice = Part de gâteau Red Velvet
| Saucepan with pasta | saucepan with pasta | Saucepan With Pasta = Casserole de pâtes
| Fishing vol. 1 | fishing vol. 1 | Fishing Vol. 1 = La pêche - Vol . 1
| Police shirt | police shirt | Police Shirt = Chemise de policier
| Skinny leather trousers | skinny leather trousers | Skinny Leather Trousers = Pantalon slim en cuir
| Hood | hood | Hood = Capot (avant)
| Tumbler of water | tumbler of water | Tumbler Of Water = Grand verre (rempli d'eau)
| Blue hair dye | blue hair dye | Blue Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (bleu)
| Yoyo | yoyo | Yoyo = Yoyo
| Jack | jack | Jack = Cric
| Margarine | margarine | Margarine = Margarine
| Blacksmith vol. 1 | blacksmith vol. 1 | Blacksmith Vol. 1 = Le manuel du forgeron - Vol. 1
| D-e pistol | d-e pistol | D-E Pistol = Pistolet D-E
| Fire bomb with timer | fire bomb with timer | Fire Bomb With Timer = Bombe incendiaire avec minuteur
| Sack of peaches | sack of peaches | Sack Of Peaches = Sac de pêches
| Metalwork vol. 3 | metalwork vol. 3 | Metalwork Vol. 3 = Le travail des métaux - Vol. 3
| Corkscrew | corkscrew | Corkscrew = Tire-bouchon
| Black sage | black sage | Black Sage = Sauge noire
| Dried kidney beans | dried kidney beans | Dried Kidney Beans = Haricots rouges secs
| The herbalist | the herbalist | The Herbalist = Magazine de l'herboriste
| Muffin tray | muffin tray | Muffin Tray = Moule à Muffins
| Duffel bag | duffel bag | Duffel Bag = Sac de transport
| Crop top arms | crop top arms | Crop Top Arms = Crop top à manches
| Round neck sweater | round neck sweater | Round Neck Sweater = Pull à col rond
| Jockey helmet - 1 | jockey helmet - 1 | Jockey Helmet - 1 = Casque de jockey - 1
| Pearl earrings | pearl earrings | Pearl Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles en perle
| Fishing rod without line | fishing rod without line | Fishing Rod Without Line = Canne à pêche (sans fil)
| Wild racoons leather jacket | wild racoons leather jacket | Wild Racoons Leather Jacket = Veste en cuir des Ratons Sauvages
| Pancake the hedgehog | pancake the hedgehog | Pancake The Hedgehog = Pancake le Hérisson
| Antique television | antique television | Antique Television = Télévision ancienne
| Cooler | cooler | Cooler = Glacière
| Regular tire | regular tire | Regular Tire = Pneu (basique)
| Marshmallows | marshmallows | Marshmallows = Guimauve
| Bowl of stew | bowl of stew | Bowl Of Stew = Bol de ragoût
| Axe | axe | Axe = Hache
| Eyes makeup | eyes makeup | Eyes Makeup = Fard à paupières
| Cigarettes | cigarettes | Cigarettes = Cigarettes
| Pizza slice | pizza slice | Pizza Slice = Part de Pizza
| Silver ring | silver ring | Silver Ring = Bague en argent
| Garden saw | garden saw | Garden Saw = Scie de jardin
| Cube | cube | Cube = Cube
| Poncho | poncho | Poncho = Imperméable
| Egg carton | egg carton | Egg Carton = Boîte d'oeufs
| Coffee | coffee | Coffee = Café
| Bowling shirt pink | bowling shirt pink | Bowling Shirt Pink = Chemise de bowling rose
| Canned carrots | canned carrots | Canned Carrots = Conserve de carottes
| Apron | apron | Apron = Tablier (blanc)
| Baking tray with shortbread cookies | baking tray with shortbread cookies | Baking Tray With Shortbread Cookies = Plaque de cuisson avec biscuits sablés
| Pearl necklace | pearl necklace | Pearl Necklace = Collier de perles
| Berries | berries | Berries = Baies
| Ski goggles | ski goggles | Ski Goggles = Lunettes de ski
| Flint | flint | Flint = Silex
| Dandelions | dandelions | Dandelions = Pissenlits
| The smithing magazine vol. 1 | the smithing magazine vol. 1 | The Smithing Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine du forgeron - Vol. 1
| Leaf rake | leaf rake | Leaf Rake = Ramasse-feuille
| Winter hat | winter hat | Winter Hat = Bonnet
| Lemon | lemon | Lemon = Citron
| Brown ranger t-shirt | brown ranger t-shirt | Brown Ranger T-Shirt = T-shirt de ranger (marron)
| Belly button dangle silver diamond | belly button dangle silver diamond | Belly Button Dangle Silver Diamond = Piercing de nombril pendant en argent orné d'un diamant
| Strapless bra | strapless bra | Strapless Bra = Soutien-gorge bustier
| Screwdriver | screwdriver | Screwdriver = Tournevis
| Opened canned potato | opened canned potato | Opened Canned Potato = Conserve de pommes de terre (ouverte)
| Can of oats | can of oats | Can Of Oats = Paquet de flocons d'avoine
| Green light bulb | green light bulb | Green Light Bulb = Ampoule (verte)
| Lemongrass | lemongrass | Lemongrass = Citronnelle
| Empty gardening spray can | empty gardening spray can | Empty Gardening Spray Can = Vaporisateur (vide)
| Chainsaw | chainsaw | Chainsaw = Tronçonneuse
| Sack of onions | sack of onions | Sack Of Onions = Sac d'oignons
| Aerosol bomb | aerosol bomb | Aerosol Bomb = Bombe aérosol
| Police trooper hat | police trooper hat | Police Trooper Hat = Chapeau de policier
| Riverside rangers baseball shirt | riverside rangers baseball shirt | Riverside Rangers Baseball Shirt = Chemise de baseball des Riverside Rangers
| Duct tape | duct tape | Duct Tape = Duct Tape
| Guerilla radio vol. 3 | guerilla radio vol. 3 | Guerilla Radio Vol. 3 = Magazine spécial radios - Vol. 3
| Rice paper | rice paper | Rice Paper = Feuille de riz
| Beret | beret | Beret = Béret
| Belly button ring silver | belly button ring silver | Belly Button Ring Silver = Piercing de nombril anneau en argent
| Military urban camo pants | military urban camo pants | Military Urban Camo Pants = Pantalon camouflage militaire (urbain)
| Candy corn | candy corn | Candy Corn = Bonbon de maïs
| Carpentry vol. 1 | carpentry vol. 1 | Carpentry Vol. 1 = La menuiserie - Vol. 1
| Strapped shoes | strapped shoes | Strapped Shoes = Sandales
| Tie | tie | Tie = Cravate
| Strapless black dress | strapless black dress | Strapless Black Dress = Robe bustier noire
| Silver nose stud | silver nose stud | Silver Nose Stud = Piercing de nez en argent
| Golf cap | golf cap | Golf Cap = Casquette de golf
| Silver bangle | silver bangle | Silver Bangle = Bracelet en argent
| Red game pieces | red game pieces | Red Game Pieces = Pièces de jeu rouges
| Key | key | Key = Clé de cadenas
| Barrel dogs leather jacket | barrel dogs leather jacket | Barrel Dogs Leather Jacket = Veste en cuir - Barrel Dogs
| Sugar | sugar | Sugar = Sucre
| Military boots | military boots | Military Boots = Bottes militaires
| Crop top | crop top | Crop Top = Crop top
| Bowling shirt brown | bowling shirt brown | Bowling Shirt Brown = Chemise de bowling marron
| Small gold looped earrings | small gold looped earrings | Small Gold Looped Earrings = Petites boucles d'oreilles en or
| Cheese | cheese | Cheese = Fromage
| Metalwork vol. 4 | metalwork vol. 4 | Metalwork Vol. 4 = Le travail des métaux - Vol. 4
| Shower cap | shower cap | Shower Cap = Bonnet de bain
| Basil | basil | Basil = Basilic
| Red wine | red wine | Red Wine = Vin rouge
| Black hair dye | black hair dye | Black Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (noir)
| Military green camo pants | military green camo pants | Military Green Camo Pants = Pantalon camouflage militaire (vert)
| Yarn | yarn | Yarn = Pelote de laine
| Chocolate doughnut | chocolate doughnut | Chocolate Doughnut = Donut au chocolat
| Green camouflage | green camouflage | Green Camouflage = Camouflage (vert)
| Sapphire stone earrings | sapphire stone earrings | Sapphire Stone Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles ornées d'un saphir
| Rolling pin | rolling pin | Rolling Pin = Rouleau à pâtisserie
| Small silver looped earrings (top) | small silver looped earrings (top) | Small Silver Looped Earrings (Top) = Petit anneau d'oreille en argent (haut)
| Makeshift radio | makeshift radio | Makeshift Radio = Radio artisanale
| Bell pepper | bell pepper | Bell Pepper = Poivron
| Amplifier | amplifier | Amplifier = Amplificateur
| Jujubes | jujubes | Jujubes = Bonbons en gelée
| Gold nose ring | gold nose ring | Gold Nose Ring = Anneau de nez en or
| Valutech television | valutech television | Valutech Television = Télévision ValuTech
| Dirty leather strips | dirty leather strips | Dirty Leather Strips = Lanières en cuir (sales)
| Carpentry vol. 4 | carpentry vol. 4 | Carpentry Vol. 4 = La menuiserie - Vol. 4
| Fish roe | fish roe | Fish Roe = Oeufs de poisson
| V1 remote controller | v1 remote controller | V1 Remote Controller = Télécommande V1
| Wooden mallet | wooden mallet | Wooden Mallet = Maillet en bois
| Tv magazine | tv magazine | Tv Magazine = Programme TV
| Saxophone | saxophone | Saxophone = Saxophone
| Cowboy hat | cowboy hat | Cowboy Hat = Chapeau de cowboy
| Foraging vol. 2 | foraging vol. 2 | Foraging Vol. 2 = La recherche - Vol. 2
| Empty white mug | empty white mug | Empty White Mug = Tasse blanche (vide)
| Blacksmith vol. 5 | blacksmith vol. 5 | Blacksmith Vol. 5 = Le manuel du forgeron - Vol. 5
| First aid vol. 1 | first aid vol. 1 | First Aid Vol. 1 = Les premiers secours - Vol. 1
| Engineer magazine vol. 1 | engineer magazine vol. 1 | Engineer Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine de l'ingénieur - Vol. 1
| Foraging vol. 5 | foraging vol. 5 | Foraging Vol. 5 = La recherche - Vol. 5
| Valutech walkie talkie | valutech walkie talkie | Valutech Walkie Talkie = Talkie-walkie ValuTech
| Wild garlic poultice | wild garlic poultice | Wild Garlic Poultice = Cataplasme à l'ail sauvage
| Choker with amber stone | choker with amber stone | Choker With Amber Stone = Ras du cou orné d'ambre
| Maki | maki | Maki = Makis
| Shotgun shells | shotgun shells | Shotgun Shells = Cartouches de cal.12
| Military green camo t-shirt | military green camo t-shirt | Military Green Camo T-Shirt = T-Shirt camouflage militaire (vert)
| Boonie hat | boonie hat | Boonie Hat = Chapeau de randonneur
| Box of .44 magnum rounds | box of .44 magnum rounds | Box Of .44 Magnum Rounds = Boîte de munitions de .44 Magnum
| Laines auto manual - commercial models | laines auto manual - commercial models | Laines Auto Manual - Commercial Models = Connaissances automobiles - Les modèles résistants
| Grapefruit | grapefruit | Grapefruit = Pamplemousse
| Kindling | kindling | Kindling = Bois d'allumage
| Book | book | Book = Livre
| Sack of radishes | sack of radishes | Sack Of Radishes = Sac de radis
| Police trooper t-shirt | police trooper t-shirt | Police Trooper T-Shirt = T-shirt de policier
| Pen - blue | pen - blue | Pen - Blue = Stylo (bleu)
| Mechanics vol. 3 | mechanics vol. 3 | Mechanics Vol. 3 = La mécanique - Vol. 3
| Visor | visor | Visor = Visière (noire)
| Receiver | receiver | Receiver = Récepteur
| Workable iron | workable iron | Workable Iron = Fer malléable
| Centipede | centipede | Centipede = Mille-pattes
| Fishing vol. 3 | fishing vol. 3 | Fishing Vol. 3 = La pêche - Vol . 3
| Bowl of oatmeal | bowl of oatmeal | Bowl Of Oatmeal = Bol de flocons d'avoine
| Catfish | catfish | Catfish = Poisson-chat
| Bread slices | bread slices | Bread Slices = Tranches de pain
| Sesame bagel | sesame bagel | Sesame Bagel = Bagel au sésame
| The metalwork magazine vol. 4 | the metalwork magazine vol. 4 | The Metalwork Magazine Vol. 4 = Magazine de métallurgie - Vol. 4
| Pink hair dye | pink hair dye | Pink Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (rose)
| Smoke bomb with timer | smoke bomb with timer | Smoke Bomb With Timer = Bombe fumigène avec minuteur
| Bottle with remoulade (half) | bottle with remoulade (half) | Bottle With Remoulade (Half) = Sauce rémoulade (moitié)
| Peanut butter sandwich | peanut butter sandwich | Peanut Butter Sandwich = Sandwich au beurre de cacahuètes
| Freddy the fox | freddy the fox | Freddy The Fox = Freddy le Renard
| Gun light | gun light | Gun Light = Lampe d'arme
| Plonkies | plonkies | Plonkies = Roulé fourré à la crème
| Padlock | padlock | Padlock = Cadenas
| Dirty denim strips | dirty denim strips | Dirty Denim Strips = Lanières en jeans (sales)
| Guerilla radio vol. 2 | guerilla radio vol. 2 | Guerilla Radio Vol. 2 = Magazine spécial radios - Vol. 2
| Beanie hat | beanie hat | Beanie Hat = Beanie
| Black beans | black beans | Black Beans = Haricot noir
| Ranger pants | ranger pants | Ranger Pants = Pantalon de ranger
| Marmalade | marmalade | Marmalade = Marmelade
| Hawaiian red shirt | hawaiian red shirt | Hawaiian Red Shirt = Chemise hawaïenne (rouge)
| Firefighter helmet | firefighter helmet | Firefighter Helmet = Casque de pompier
| Furbert the squirrel | furbert the squirrel | Furbert The Squirrel = Furbert l'Écureuil
| The metalwork magazine vol. 1 | the metalwork magazine vol. 1 | The Metalwork Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine de métallurgie - Vol. 1
| Saucepan with water | saucepan with water | Saucepan With Water = Casserole (remplie d'eau)
| Cupcake | cupcake | Cupcake = Cupcake
| Canned peaches | canned peaches | Canned Peaches = Conserve de pêches
| Jelly doughnut | jelly doughnut | Jelly Doughnut = Beignet fourré
| Machete | machete | Machete = Machette
| Police deputy hat | police deputy hat | Police Deputy Hat = Chapeau d'adjoint de police
| Swim trunks | swim trunks | Swim Trunks = Maillot de bain (jaune)
| Rice vinegar | rice vinegar | Rice Vinegar = Vinaigre de riz
| Sledgehammer | sledgehammer | Sledgehammer = Masse
| Empty beer can | empty beer can | Empty Beer Can = Cannette de bière (vide)
| Water dish | water dish | Water Dish = Gamelle
| Chicken foot | chicken foot | Chicken Foot = Patte de poulet
| Ice pick | ice pick | Ice Pick = Pic à glace
| Key | key | Key = Clé
| Grape leaves | grape leaves | Grape Leaves = Feuille de vigne
| Hand axe | hand axe | Hand Axe = Hachette
| Wedding ring | wedding ring | Wedding Ring = Alliance
| Bare hands | bare hands | Bare Hands = Mains nues
| Msr700 magazine | msr700 magazine | Msr700 Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de .223
| Dirt bag | dirt bag | Dirt Bag = Sac de terre
| Bowling ball bag | bowling ball bag | Bowling Ball Bag = Sac de boule de Bowling
| Cologne | cologne | Cologne = Eau de Cologne
| Belly button dangle gold | belly button dangle gold | Belly Button Dangle Gold = Piercing de nombril pendant en or
| Mechanics vol. 2 | mechanics vol. 2 | Mechanics Vol. 2 = La mécanique - Vol. 2
| Pasta | pasta | Pasta = Pâtes
| Teacup of water | teacup of water | Teacup Of Water = Tasse à thé (remplie d'eau)
| Insecticide spray | insecticide spray | Insecticide Spray = Vaporisateur d'insecticide
| Shrimp | shrimp | Shrimp = Crevette
| Small metal sheet | small metal sheet | Small Metal Sheet = Petite plaque en métal
| Premium technologies radio | premium technologies radio | Premium Technologies Radio = Radio Premium Technologies
| Kentucky baseball helmet | kentucky baseball helmet | Kentucky Baseball Helmet = Casque de baseball du Kentucky
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bouteille de mayonnaise (vide)
| Peaked army cap | peaked army cap | Peaked Army Cap = Casquette militaire
| Crayons | crayons | Crayons = Crayons
| Spiffo tie | spiffo tie | Spiffo Tie = Cravate Spiffo
| Foraging vol. 1 | foraging vol. 1 | Foraging Vol. 1 = La recherche - Vol. 1
| Adhesive bandages | adhesive bandages | Adhesive Bandages = Pansement
| Nails | nails | Nails = Clous
| Cat toy | cat toy | Cat Toy = Jouet pour chat
| Lime | lime | Lime = Citron vert
| Boxing shorts | boxing shorts | Boxing Shorts = Short de boxe
| Chicken | chicken | Chicken = Poulet
| Beef jerky | beef jerky | Beef Jerky = Viande séchée
| Stone knife | stone knife | Stone Knife = Couteau en pierre
| Black licorice | black licorice | Black Licorice = Réglisse noire
| Mug of water | mug of water | Mug Of Water = Tasse blanche (remplie d'eau)
| Classic wrist watch with black strap | classic wrist watch with black strap | Classic Wrist Watch With Black Strap = Montre classique noire
| Pants | pants | Pants = Pantalon
| Stone | stone | Stone = Pierre
| Boxing gloves | boxing gloves | Boxing Gloves = Gants de boxe
| Empty fertilizer | empty fertilizer | Empty Fertilizer = Fertilisant (vide)
| Good cooking magazine vol. 2 | good cooking magazine vol. 2 | Good Cooking Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine du cuisinier - Vol. 2
| Military t-shirt | military t-shirt | Military T-Shirt = T-shirt militaire (vert)
| Tarp | tarp | Tarp = Bâche
| Leek | leek | Leek = Poireau
| Duffel bag | duffel bag | Duffel Bag = Sac d'armes
| Mattress | mattress | Mattress = Matelas
| Pie slice | pie slice | Pie Slice = Part de tarte
| Dry ramen noodles | dry ramen noodles | Dry Ramen Noodles = Nouilles instantanées
| White wine | white wine | White Wine = Vin blanc
| Parsley | parsley | Parsley = Persil
| Chocolate-covered coffee beans | chocolate-covered coffee beans | Chocolate-Covered Coffee Beans = Grains de café recouverts de chocolat
| Pie preparation | pie preparation | Pie Preparation = Préparation pour tarte
| Dead rat | dead rat | Dead Rat = Rat (mort)
| Premium technologies television | premium technologies television | Premium Technologies Television = Télévision Premium Technologies
| Home alarm | home alarm | Home Alarm = Alarme de maison
| Bowling shirt blue | bowling shirt blue | Bowling Shirt Blue = Chemise de bowling bleue
| Pipe bomb with sensor | pipe bomb with sensor | Pipe Bomb With Sensor = Bombe tuyau avec capteur
| Scalpel | scalpel | Scalpel = Scalpel
| Tights semi transparent | tights semi transparent | Tights Semi Transparent = Bas semi-transparents
| Shovel | shovel | Shovel = Bêche
| Police motorcycle helmet | police motorcycle helmet | Police Motorcycle Helmet = Casque de moto de police
| Npk fertilizer | npk fertilizer | Npk Fertilizer = Fertilisant NPK
| Empty bucket | empty bucket | Empty Bucket = Seau (vide)
| Chair leg | chair leg | Chair Leg = Pied de chaise
| Rear window | rear window | Rear Window = Fenêtre de portière (arrière)
| String | string | String = Cordelette
| Raspberry shortbread | raspberry shortbread | Raspberry Shortbread = Biscuit à la framboise
| Moveable | moveable | Moveable = Déplaçable
| Biscuit baking tray | biscuit baking tray | Biscuit Baking Tray = Plaque de cuisson avec des biscuits
| Hot cuppa | hot cuppa | Hot Cuppa = Boisson chaude
| Dead rabbit | dead rabbit | Dead Rabbit = Lapin (mort)
| Pot of soup | pot of soup | Pot Of Soup = Marmite de soupe
| Box of .38 special rounds | box of .38 special rounds | Box Of .38 Special Rounds = Boîte de munitions de .38 Special
| Silver chain bracelet | silver chain bracelet | Silver Chain Bracelet = Gourmette en argent
| Mango | mango | Mango = Mangue
| Canoe paddle - double-bladed | canoe paddle - double-bladed | Canoe Paddle - Double-Bladed = Pagaie double
| Hazmat suit | hazmat suit | Hazmat Suit = Combinaison Hazmat
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bidon de javel (vide)
| Fried fish | fried fish | Fried Fish = Friture de poisson
| Sweatband | sweatband | Sweatband = Bandeau de sport
| Silver necklace with saphire stone | silver necklace with saphire stone | Silver Necklace With Saphire Stone = Collier en argent orné d'un saphir
| Valu-tire | valu-tire | Valu-Tire = Pneu (usé)
| Opened canned beans | opened canned beans | Opened Canned Beans = Conserve de haricots (ouverte)
| Wedding dress | wedding dress | Wedding Dress = Robe de mariée
| Long gloves | long gloves | Long Gloves = Longs gants
| Mechanics vol. 5 | mechanics vol. 5 | Mechanics Vol. 5 = La mécanique - Vol. 5
| Ear protectors | ear protectors | Ear Protectors = Casque anti-bruit
| Motion sensor | motion sensor | Motion Sensor = Capteur de mouvement
| Ghillie suit pants | ghillie suit pants | Ghillie Suit Pants = Pantalon de tenue de camouflage
| Candle | candle | Candle = Bougie
| Jalapeno | jalapeno | Jalapeno = Piment Jalapeño
| Sack | sack | Sack = Sac en toile
| Shorts | shorts | Shorts = Short
| Toolbox | toolbox | Toolbox = Boîte à outils
| Average muffler | average muffler | Average Muffler = Silencieux (standard)
| T-shirt | t-shirt | T-Shirt = T-shirt
| The smithing magazine vol. 2 | the smithing magazine vol. 2 | The Smithing Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine du forgeron - Vol. 2
| Tofu | tofu | Tofu = Tofu
| Belly button dangle silver | belly button dangle silver | Belly Button Dangle Silver = Piercing de nombril pendant en argent
| Spiffo suit tail | spiffo suit tail | Spiffo Suit Tail = Costume Spiffo (queue)
| Roast | roast | Roast = Rôti
| Squid calamari | squid calamari | Squid Calamari = Beignets de calamar
| Carrots | carrots | Carrots = Carottes
| Lettuce | lettuce | Lettuce = Laitue
| Bacon | bacon | Bacon = Bacon
| Fast food server hat | fast food server hat | Fast Food Server Hat = Chapeau de serveur de fast-food
| Windshield | windshield | Windshield = Pare-brise (avant)
| Frog | frog | Frog = Grenouille
| Vhs - retail | vhs - retail | Vhs - Retail = VHS au détail
| Gun case | gun case | Gun Case = Mallette de revolver
| Light bulb | light bulb | Light Bulb = Ampoule
| Radish seeds packet | radish seeds packet | Radish Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de radis
| Dried split peas | dried split peas | Dried Split Peas = Pois cassés secs
| Underpants | underpants | Underpants = Culotte
| Thistles | thistles | Thistles = Chardon
| Boris the badger | boris the badger | Boris The Badger = Boris le Blaireau
| Jacket | jacket | Jacket = Veste (bleue marine)
| Meat dumpling | meat dumpling | Meat Dumpling = Bouchées à la viande
| Rodent meat | rodent meat | Rodent Meat = Viande de petit animal
| Baking tray with oatmeal cookies | baking tray with oatmeal cookies | Baking Tray With Oatmeal Cookies = Plaque de cuisson avec cookies aux flocons d'avoine
| Tennis racket | tennis racket | Tennis Racket = Raquette de tennis
| Wedding veil | wedding veil | Wedding Veil = Voile de mariée
| Fishnets | fishnets | Fishnets = Bas résille
| Gold necklace with ruby stone | gold necklace with ruby stone | Gold Necklace With Ruby Stone = Collier en or orné d'un rubis
| Carrot seeds packet | carrot seeds packet | Carrot Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de carottes
| Short skirt | short skirt | Short Skirt = Jupe courte
| Club hammer | club hammer | Club Hammer = Massette
| Cyan light bulb | cyan light bulb | Cyan Light Bulb = Ampoule (cyan)
| Maggots | maggots | Maggots = Asticots
| Canned tuna | canned tuna | Canned Tuna = Conserve de thon
| M14 magazine | m14 magazine | M14 Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de M14
| Cilantro | cilantro | Cilantro = Coriandre
| Shell suit trousers | shell suit trousers | Shell Suit Trousers = Pantalon de survêtement
| Scissors | scissors | Scissors = Ciseaux
| Clip-on bow tie | clip-on bow tie | Clip-On Bow Tie = Noeud papillon à clip
| Propane tank | propane tank | Propane Tank = Réservoir à propane
| Plantain poultice | plantain poultice | Plantain Poultice = Cataplasme au plantain
| Black electric guitar | black electric guitar | Black Electric Guitar = Guitare électrique (noire)
| Medical cap green | medical cap green | Medical Cap Green = Bonnet médical (vert)
| Underwear | underwear | Underwear = Sous-vêtements
| Checkerboard | checkerboard | Checkerboard = Échiquier
| Gold nose stud | gold nose stud | Gold Nose Stud = Piercing de nez en or
| Teacup | teacup | Teacup = Tasse à thé
| Trunk lid | trunk lid | Trunk Lid = Capot (arrière)
| Digital watch | digital watch | Digital Watch = Montre digitale
| Cooking vol. 5 | cooking vol. 5 | Cooking Vol. 5 = La cuisine - Vol. 5
| Makeshift walkie talkie | makeshift walkie talkie | Makeshift Walkie Talkie = Talkie-walkie artisanal
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bouteille de soda (vide)
| Dangly sapphire earrings | dangly sapphire earrings | Dangly Sapphire Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles pendantes ornées d'un saphir
| Cooking pot with pasta | cooking pot with pasta | Cooking Pot With Pasta = Marmite de pâtes
| Orange | orange | Orange = Orange
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bocal de sauce rémoulade (vide)
| Civilian bulletproof vest | civilian bulletproof vest | Civilian Bulletproof Vest = Gilet pare-balles civil
| Plastic bag | plastic bag | Plastic Bag = Sac plastique
| Cold pack | cold pack | Cold Pack = Pain de glace
| Foraging vol. 3 | foraging vol. 3 | Foraging Vol. 3 = La recherche - Vol. 3
| Sandwich | sandwich | Sandwich = Sandwich
| Red light bulb | red light bulb | Red Light Bulb = Ampoule (rouge)
| Canned corn | canned corn | Canned Corn = Conserve de maïs
| Opened canned evaporated milk | opened canned evaporated milk | Opened Canned Evaporated Milk = Lait concentré sucré (ouvert)
| Ranger jacket | ranger jacket | Ranger Jacket = Veste de ranger
| Denim shorts | denim shorts | Denim Shorts = Short en jeans
| Bunny tail | bunny tail | Bunny Tail = Queue de lapin
| Crayfish | crayfish | Crayfish = Écrevisse
| Sewing kit | sewing kit | Sewing Kit = Kit de couture
| Empty cooking pot | empty cooking pot | Empty Cooking Pot = Marmite (vide)
| Long silver necklace with diamond | long silver necklace with diamond | Long Silver Necklace With Diamond = Grand collier en argent orné d'un diamant
| Broccoli | broccoli | Broccoli = Brocoli
| Canned fruit beverage | canned fruit beverage | Canned Fruit Beverage = Conserve de sirop de fruits
| Spiked pickaxe handle | spiked pickaxe handle | Spiked Pickaxe Handle = Manche de pioche clouté
| Wooden cutting board | wooden cutting board | Wooden Cutting Board = Planche à découper en bois
| Welder mask | welder mask | Welder Mask = Masque de soudure
| Rice | rice | Rice = Riz
| Violets | violets | Violets = Violettes
| Water bottle | water bottle | Water Bottle = Bocal de sauce rémoulade (rempli d'eau)
| Fishing vol. 4 | fishing vol. 4 | Fishing Vol. 4 = La pêche - Vol . 4
| Hard candies | hard candies | Hard Candies = Bonbon dur
| Small silver looped earrings | small silver looped earrings | Small Silver Looped Earrings = Petites boucles d'oreilles en argent
| Sage | sage | Sage = Sauge
| Pepperoni | pepperoni | Pepperoni = Pepperoni
| Black trunks | black trunks | Black Trunks = Slip de bain noir
| Large gold looped earrings | large gold looped earrings | Large Gold Looped Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles grandes créoles en or
| Formal shirt | formal shirt | Formal Shirt = Chemise formelle
| Military desert boots | military desert boots | Military Desert Boots = Bottes militaires (désert)
| Holly berry | holly berry | Holly Berry = Baie de houx
| Brick toys | brick toys | Brick Toys = Lego
| Dangly ruby earrings | dangly ruby earrings | Dangly Ruby Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles pendantes ornées d'un rubis
| Salmon | salmon | Salmon = Saumon
| Locket | locket | Locket = Médaillon
| Boxing head gear | boxing head gear | Boxing Head Gear = Casque de boxe
| Hiking bag | hiking bag | Hiking Bag = Sac de randonnée
| Purple light bulb | purple light bulb | Purple Light Bulb = Ampoule (violette)
| Belly button stud silver diamond | belly button stud silver diamond | Belly Button Stud Silver Diamond = Piercing de nombril en argent orné d'un diamant
| Fruit jam | fruit jam | Fruit Jam = Confiture
| Oatmeal cookie | oatmeal cookie | Oatmeal Cookie = Cookie aux flocons d'avoine
| Pepper | pepper | Pepper = Poivre
| Bikini | bikini | Bikini = Bikini
| Fried chicken | fried chicken | Fried Chicken = Poulet rôti
| Msr788 magazine | msr788 magazine | Msr788 Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de .308
| Long socks | long socks | Long Socks = Chaussettes hautes
| Baking tray with raspberry shortbread | baking tray with raspberry shortbread | Baking Tray With Raspberry Shortbread = Plaque de cuisson avec biscuits à la framboise
| Potato seeds | potato seeds | Potato Seeds = Graines de pommes de terre
| Opened canned corn | opened canned corn | Opened Canned Corn = Conserve de maïs (ouverte)
| Long skirt | long skirt | Long Skirt = Jupe longue
| Hairspray | hairspray | Hairspray = Laque
| Meat steam bun | meat steam bun | Meat Steam Bun = Buns vapeur à la viande
| Spear with letter opener | spear with letter opener | Spear With Letter Opener = Lance avec ouvre-lettre
| Salad | salad | Salad = Salade
| Muffin baking tray | muffin baking tray | Muffin Baking Tray = Moule avec Muffins
| Cordless phone | cordless phone | Cordless Phone = Téléphone sans fil
| Corpse | corpse | Corpse = Cadavre (femme)
| Toy car | toy car | Toy Car = Voiture (jouet)
| Katana | katana | Katana = Katana
| Soy sauce | soy sauce | Soy Sauce = Sauce soja
| Pine cone | pine cone | Pine Cone = Pomme de pin
| Yellow hair dye | yellow hair dye | Yellow Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (jaune)
| Jar of leeks | jar of leeks | Jar Of Leeks = Bocal de poireaux
| Spear with scissors | spear with scissors | Spear With Scissors = Lance avec ciseaux
| Wood glue | wood glue | Wood Glue = Colle à bois
| Common mallow | common mallow | Common Mallow = Mauve commune
| Shooting glasses | shooting glasses | Shooting Glasses = Lunettes de tir
| Cabbage | cabbage | Cabbage = Chou
| Spiffo | spiffo | Spiffo = Spiffo
| Magazine | magazine | Magazine = Magazine
| Baseball | baseball | Baseball = Balle de baseball
| Painkillers | painkillers | Painkillers = Anti-douleurs
| M14 rifle | m14 rifle | M14 Rifle = Fusil M14
| Red electric guitar | red electric guitar | Red Electric Guitar = Guitare électrique (rouge)
| Sausage | sausage | Sausage = Saucisse
| Thyme | thyme | Thyme = Thym
| Hat knife | hat knife | Hat Knife = Chapeau d'Halloween
| Red digital watch | red digital watch | Red Digital Watch = Montre digitale rouge
| Strawberries | strawberries | Strawberries = Fraises
| Radio receiver | radio receiver | Radio Receiver = Récepteur radio
| Recoil pad | recoil pad | Recoil Pad = Coussin de recul
| Picture of casey-jo | picture of casey-jo | Picture Of Casey-Jo = Photo de Casey-Jo
| X8 scope | x8 scope | X8 Scope = Lunette de visée x8
| Badminton racket | badminton racket | Badminton Racket = Raquette de Badminton
| Bowling shoes | bowling shoes | Bowling Shoes = Chaussures de bowling
| Bayonet | bayonet | Bayonet = Baïonnette
| Noise generator with sensor | noise generator with sensor | Noise Generator With Sensor = Générateur de bruit avec capteur
| Cheese sandwich | cheese sandwich | Cheese Sandwich = Sandwich au fromage
| Table leg | table leg | Table Leg = Pied de table
| Generator | generator | Generator = Groupe électrogène
| Ice cream server apron | ice cream server apron | Ice Cream Server Apron = Tablier de glacier
| Fancy shoes | fancy shoes | Fancy Shoes = Chaussures fantaisie
| Plastic cutting board | plastic cutting board | Plastic Cutting Board = Planche à découper en plastique
| Blue electric bass | blue electric bass | Blue Electric Bass = Basse électrique (bleue)
| Plunger | plunger | Plunger = Ventouse
| Tights | tights | Tights = Bas
| Watermelon | watermelon | Watermelon = Pastèque
| Roasting pan | roasting pan | Roasting Pan = Plat à rôtir (vide)
| Baseball cap | baseball cap | Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball (rouge)
| In a glass | in a glass | In A Glass = dans un verre
| Smore | smore | Smore = Biscuit Smore
| Military desert camo pants | military desert camo pants | Military Desert Camo Pants = Pantalon camouflage militaire (désert)
| Flip flops | flip flops | Flip Flops = Tongs
| Cake | cake | Cake = Gâteau
| Black choker | black choker | Black Choker = Ras du cou noir
| Pork chop | pork chop | Pork Chop = Côte de porc
| Choke tube - improved | choke tube - improved | Choke Tube - Improved = Tube d'étouffement (amélioré)
| Tomato seeds | tomato seeds | Tomato Seeds = Graines de tomates
| Golf club | golf club | Golf Club = Club de golf
| Green santa hat | green santa hat | Green Santa Hat = Bonnet de Noël (vert)
| Purple paint | purple paint | Purple Paint = Peinture (violette)
| Pickaxe handle | pickaxe handle | Pickaxe Handle = Manche de pioche
| Military urban camo t-shirt | military urban camo t-shirt | Military Urban Camo T-Shirt = T-Shirt camouflage militaire (urbain)
| Timer | timer | Timer = Minuteur
| Handbag | handbag | Handbag = Sac à main
| Jacket | jacket | Jacket = Veste
| Kitchen knife | kitchen knife | Kitchen Knife = Couteau de cuisine
| Red hair dye | red hair dye | Red Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (rouge)
| Paintbrush | paintbrush | Paintbrush = Pinceau
| Chives | chives | Chives = Ciboulette
| Yeast | yeast | Yeast = Levure
| Rain boots | rain boots | Rain Boots = Bottes de pluie
| Icing | icing | Icing = Glaçage
| Speaker | speaker | Speaker = Haut-parleur
| Belt | belt | Belt = Ceinture
| Bourbon | bourbon | Bourbon = Bouteille de Bourbon
| Wedding jacket | wedding jacket | Wedding Jacket = Veste de marié
| Camera | camera | Camera = Appareil photo
| White police t-shirt | white police t-shirt | White Police T-Shirt = T-shirt de policier (blanc)
| Pretzel | pretzel | Pretzel = Bretzels
| Basketball | basketball | Basketball = Ballon de basketball
| Canned potato | canned potato | Canned Potato = Conserve de pommes de terre
| Carving fork | carving fork | Carving Fork = Fourchette à barbecue
| Packaged corn | packaged corn | Packaged Corn = Sachet de maïs
| Trapping vol. 5 | trapping vol. 5 | Trapping Vol. 5 = L'art du trappeur - Vol. 5
| Mortar and pestle | mortar and pestle | Mortar And Pestle = Mortier et pilon
| Water bottle | water bottle | Water Bottle = Bouteille de soda (remplie d'eau)
| Mining helmet | mining helmet | Mining Helmet = Casque de mineur
| Wasabi | wasabi | Wasabi = Wasabi
| Pancakes | pancakes | Pancakes = Pancakes
| Double rear door | double rear door | Double Rear Door = Double portière (arrière)
| Jar of eggplants | jar of eggplants | Jar Of Eggplants = Bocal d'aubergines
| Bowl of beans | bowl of beans | Bowl Of Beans = Bol de haricots
| Purse | purse | Purse = Porte-monnaie
| Picture of bob | picture of bob | Picture Of Bob = Photo de Bob
| Foreman vest | foreman vest | Foreman Vest = Veste de Contremaître
| Pop | pop | Pop = Cannette de soda
| Lard | lard | Lard = Lard
| High-end camera | high-end camera | High-End Camera = Appareil photo haut de gamme
| Toast | toast | Toast = Toast
| Visor | visor | Visor = Visière (blanche)
| Baseball cap | baseball cap | Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball (verte)
| Kentucky baseball cap | kentucky baseball cap | Kentucky Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball du Kentucky (rouge)
| Lipstick | lipstick | Lipstick = Rouge à lèvres
| Green ranger t-shirt | green ranger t-shirt | Green Ranger T-Shirt = T-shirt de ranger (vert)
| Padded pants | padded pants | Padded Pants = Pantalon rembourré
| Gold bangle | gold bangle | Gold Bangle = Bracelet en or
| Cotton balls doused in alcohol | cotton balls doused in alcohol | Cotton Balls Doused In Alcohol = Balles de coton désinfectées
| Black paint | black paint | Black Paint = Peinture (noire)
| Jockey helmet - 5 | jockey helmet - 5 | Jockey Helmet - 5 = Casque de jockey - 5
| Blacksmith vol. 2 | blacksmith vol. 2 | Blacksmith Vol. 2 = Le manuel du forgeron - Vol. 2
| Kentucky baseball shirt | kentucky baseball shirt | Kentucky Baseball Shirt = Chemise de baseball du Kentucky
| Jar of bell peppers | jar of bell peppers | Jar Of Bell Peppers = Bocal de poivrons
| Opened canned peaches | opened canned peaches | Opened Canned Peaches = Conserve de pêches (ouverte)
| Hot drink | hot drink | Hot Drink = Boisson chaude
| Fanny pack (back) | fanny pack (back) | Fanny Pack (Back) = Sac banane (derrière)
| Vhs - home | vhs - home | Vhs - Home = VHS
| Broken fishing net trap | broken fishing net trap | Broken Fishing Net Trap = Nasse (cassée)
| Dog chew toy | dog chew toy | Dog Chew Toy = Jouet pour chien
| Box of 9mm rounds | box of 9mm rounds | Box Of 9Mm Rounds = Boîte de munitions de 9 mm
| Canned corned beef | canned corned beef | Canned Corned Beef = Conserve de corned-beef
| Sandwich | sandwich | Sandwich = Casse-croûte
| Holster | holster | Holster = Holster
| Performance muffler | performance muffler | Performance Muffler = Silencieux (performant)
| Ring | ring | Ring = Bague
| Pillbug | pillbug | Pillbug = Cloporte
| Opened canned chili | opened canned chili | Opened Canned Chili = Conserve de chili con carne (ouverte)
| Wine glass of water | wine glass of water | Wine Glass Of Water = Verre à pied (rempli d'eau)
| Taco | taco | Taco = Taco
| Sling | sling | Sling = Bandoulière
| M1911 pistol | m1911 pistol | M1911 Pistol = Pistolet M1911
| Box of shotgun shells | box of shotgun shells | Box Of Shotgun Shells = Boîte de cartouches de cal.12
| .308 bullet mold | .308 bullet mold | .308 Bullet Mold = Moule - Munitions .308
| Bowling shirt white | bowling shirt white | Bowling Shirt White = Chemise de bowling blanche
| Party hat with stars | party hat with stars | Party Hat With Stars = Chapeau de fête étoilé
| Standard bra - black | standard bra - black | Standard Bra - Black = Soutien-gorge basique
| Canoe paddle | canoe paddle | Canoe Paddle = Pagaie
| Belly button ring gold diamond | belly button ring gold diamond | Belly Button Ring Gold Diamond = Piercing de nombril anneau en or orné d'un diamant
| Unusable metal | unusable metal | Unusable Metal = Métal inutilisable
| Trapping vol. 3 | trapping vol. 3 | Trapping Vol. 3 = L'art du trappeur - Vol. 3
| Sack of lettuce | sack of lettuce | Sack Of Lettuce = Sac de laitues
| Doughnut | doughnut | Doughnut = Donut
| Long silver necklace with sapphire stone | long silver necklace with sapphire stone | Long Silver Necklace With Sapphire Stone = Grand collier en argent orné d'un saphir
| Grill brush | grill brush | Grill Brush = Brosse pour grill
| Biscuit | biscuit | Biscuit = Biscuit
| Bowl of water | bowl of water | Bowl Of Water = Bol (rempli d'eau)
| Ripped sheets | ripped sheets | Ripped Sheets = Tissu déchiré
| Belly button dangle gold ruby | belly button dangle gold ruby | Belly Button Dangle Gold Ruby = Piercing de nombril pendant en or orné d'un rubis
| Nuclear biochemical mask | nuclear biochemical mask | Nuclear Biochemical Mask = Masque biochimique
| Opened canned tuna | opened canned tuna | Opened Canned Tuna = Conserve de thon (ouverte)
| Marinara | marinara | Marinara = Sauce Marinara
| Small bird meat | small bird meat | Small Bird Meat = Viande de petit oiseau
| Baggy jeans | baggy jeans | Baggy Jeans = Jeans baggy
| Boots | boots | Boots = Bottes
| Black trousers | black trousers | Black Trousers = Pantalon (noir)
| Antlers boppers | antlers boppers | Antlers Boppers = Serre-tête renne de Noël
| Empty paint bucket | empty paint bucket | Empty Paint Bucket = Pot de peinture (vide)
| .45 auto round | .45 auto round | .45 Auto Round = Munitions de .45 Auto
| Military green camo jacket | military green camo jacket | Military Green Camo Jacket = Veste camouflage militaire (verte)
| Dress | dress | Dress = Robe
| Welding rods | welding rods | Welding Rods = Baguette de soudage
| Plastic cup | plastic cup | Plastic Cup = Gobelet en plastique
| Mutton chop | mutton chop | Mutton Chop = Côtelette d'agneau
| Suit jacket | suit jacket | Suit Jacket = Veste de costume
| Military desert camo t-shirt | military desert camo t-shirt | Military Desert Camo T-Shirt = T-shirt camouflage militaire (désert)
| Wooden spear | wooden spear | Wooden Spear = Lance en bois
| Dart | dart | Dart = Fléchette
| Electronics magazine vol. 4 | electronics magazine vol. 4 | Electronics Magazine Vol. 4 = Magazine spécial électronique - Vol. 4
| Jar of potatoes | jar of potatoes | Jar Of Potatoes = Bocal de pommes de terre
| Quagga cakes | quagga cakes | Quagga Cakes = Gâteau zébré
| Rosemary | rosemary | Rosemary = Romarin
| Mushrooms | mushrooms | Mushrooms = Champignons
| Watering can with water | watering can with water | Watering Can With Water = Arrosoir (rempli d'eau)
| Dead squirrel | dead squirrel | Dead Squirrel = Écureuil (mort)
| Long silver necklace | long silver necklace | Long Silver Necklace = Grand collier en argent
| Empty gas can | empty gas can | Empty Gas Can = Bidon d'essence (vide)
| Violin | violin | Violin = Violon
| Suitcase | suitcase | Suitcase = Valise
| Bullets bandolier | bullets bandolier | Bullets Bandolier = Sangle de munitions (vêtement)
| Prisoner jumpsuit | prisoner jumpsuit | Prisoner Jumpsuit = Combinaison de prisonnier
| Remote pipe bomb | remote pipe bomb | Remote Pipe Bomb = Bombe tuyau télécommandée
| Boxers - hearts | boxers - hearts | Boxers - Hearts = Boxer à petits coeurs
| Paper bag | paper bag | Paper Bag = Sac en papier
| Grasshopper | grasshopper | Grasshopper = Sauterelle
| Angler usa magazine vol. 2 | angler usa magazine vol. 2 | Angler Usa Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine du pêcheur - Vol. 2
| Military green camo shorts | military green camo shorts | Military Green Camo Shorts = Short camouflage militaire (vert)
| Cold cuppa | cold cuppa | Cold Cuppa = Boisson froide
| Compost bag | compost bag | Compost Bag = Sac de compost
| Magnum | magnum | Magnum = Magnum
| Aviator glasses | aviator glasses | Aviator Glasses = Lunettes d'aviateur
| The smithing magazine vol. 3 | the smithing magazine vol. 3 | The Smithing Magazine Vol. 3 = Magazine du forgeron - Vol. 3
| Box of nails | box of nails | Box Of Nails = Boîte de clous
| Silver stud earrings | silver stud earrings | Silver Stud Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles en argent
| Pencil | pencil | Pencil = Crayon de papier
| Wire | wire | Wire = Fil de fer
| Sunflower seeds | sunflower seeds | Sunflower Seeds = Graines de tournesol
| Sack of cherries | sack of cherries | Sack Of Cherries = Sac de cerises
| Red veteran t-shirt | red veteran t-shirt | Red Veteran T-Shirt = T-Shirt de vétéran (rouge)
| Bath robe | bath robe | Bath Robe = Peignoir
| Can opener | can opener | Can Opener = Ouvre-boîte
| Z hurricanes baseball shirt | z hurricanes baseball shirt | Z Hurricanes Baseball Shirt = Chemise de baseball des Z Hurricanes
| Pot of stew | pot of stew | Pot Of Stew = Marmite de ragoût
| Chips | chips | Chips = Chips
| Red paint | red paint | Red Paint = Peinture (rouge)
| Knee-length dress | knee-length dress | Knee-Length Dress = Robe mi-longue
| Meat cleaver | meat cleaver | Meat Cleaver = Couperet
| Box of .308 rounds | box of .308 rounds | Box Of .308 Rounds = Boîte de munitions de .308
| Shells bandolier | shells bandolier | Shells Bandolier = Sangle de cartouches (vêtement)
| Gold necklace with diamond | gold necklace with diamond | Gold Necklace With Diamond = Collier en or orné d'un diamant
| Denim strips | denim strips | Denim Strips = Lanières en jeans
| Hunting knife | hunting knife | Hunting Knife = Couteau de chasse
| Vitamins | vitamins | Vitamins = Vitamines
| Paint bucket with water | paint bucket with water | Paint Bucket With Water = Pot de peinture (rempli d'eau)
| Slippers | slippers | Slippers = Chaussons
| Sunfish | sunfish | Sunfish = Poisson-lune
| Sack of corn | sack of corn | Sack Of Corn = Sac de maïs
| Mug of water | mug of water | Mug Of Water = Tasse rouge (remplie d'eau)
| Button | button | Button = Bouton
| Cinnamon roll | cinnamon roll | Cinnamon Roll = Roulé à la cannelle
| Banana | banana | Banana = Banane
| Cherry | cherry | Cherry = Cerise
| Big trunk | big trunk | Big Trunk = Coffre (remorque)
| Jockey silks - 3 | jockey silks - 3 | Jockey Silks - 3 = Tenue de jockey - 3
| Wrench | wrench | Wrench = Clé à molette
| Box of 5.56mm rounds | box of 5.56mm rounds | Box Of 5.56Mm Rounds = Boîte de munitions de 5.56 mm
| Santa suit pants | santa suit pants | Santa Suit Pants = Pantalon de Père-Noël
| Medical pants | medical pants | Medical Pants = Pantalon médical
| Box of screws | box of screws | Box Of Screws = Boîte de vis
| Sheet rope | sheet rope | Sheet Rope = Corde de draps
| Mirror | mirror | Mirror = Miroir
| Baloney | baloney | Baloney = Saucisse de Lyon
| Butter knife | butter knife | Butter Knife = Couteau à beurre
| Plastic cup of water | plastic cup of water | Plastic Cup Of Water = Gobelet en plastique (rempli d'eau)
| Baguette | baguette | Baguette = Baguette de pain
| Lumberjack shirt | lumberjack shirt | Lumberjack Shirt = Chemise de bûcheron
| The smithing magazine vol. 4 | the smithing magazine vol. 4 | The Smithing Magazine Vol. 4 = Magazine du forgeron - Vol. 4
| Crackers | crackers | Crackers = Biscuits
| Gold necklace | gold necklace | Gold Necklace = Collier en or
| Swim trunks | swim trunks | Swim Trunks = Maillot de bain (bleu)
| Eyepatch | eyepatch | Eyepatch = Cache-oeil
| Bucket of concrete | bucket of concrete | Bucket Of Concrete = Seau de béton
| Sack of cabbages | sack of cabbages | Sack Of Cabbages = Sac de choux
| Rock t-shirt | rock t-shirt | Rock T-Shirt = T-shirt Rock
| Diamond on a gold ring | diamond on a gold ring | Diamond On A Gold Ring = Bague en or ornée d'un diamant
| Underwear | underwear | Underwear = Caleçon
| Metalwork vol. 5 | metalwork vol. 5 | Metalwork Vol. 5 = Le travail des métaux - Vol. 5
| Cleaning liquid | cleaning liquid | Cleaning Liquid = Liquide vaisselle
| Standard gas tank | standard gas tank | Standard Gas Tank = Réservoir d'essence (normal)
| Pipe bomb | pipe bomb | Pipe Bomb = Bombe tuyau
| Blonde hair dye | blonde hair dye | Blonde Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (blond)
| Hard hat | hard hat | Hard Hat = Casque de chantier
| Leather strips | leather strips | Leather Strips = Lanières en cuir
| Coveralls | coveralls | Coveralls = Combinaison
| Shovel | shovel | Shovel = Pelle
| Garden fork | garden fork | Garden Fork = Fourche
| Classic wrist watch with brown strap | classic wrist watch with brown strap | Classic Wrist Watch With Brown Strap = Montre classique marron
| Dead mouse | dead mouse | Dead Mouse = Souris (morte)
| Plantain | plantain | Plantain = Plantain
| Spear with hunting knife | spear with hunting knife | Spear With Hunting Knife = Lance avec couteau de chasse
| Cyan paint | cyan paint | Cyan Paint = Peinture (cyan)
| Valley station t-shirt | valley station t-shirt | Valley Station T-Shirt = T-shirt Valley Station
| Canned mushroom soup | canned mushroom soup | Canned Mushroom Soup = Conserve de soupe aux champignons
| Spear with bread knife | spear with bread knife | Spear With Bread Knife = Lance avec couteau à pain
| X2 scope | x2 scope | X2 Scope = Lunette de visée x2
| Overalls | overalls | Overalls = Salopette
| Fried shrimp | fried shrimp | Fried Shrimp = Beignet de crevette
| Strapless bra - black frills | strapless bra - black frills | Strapless Bra - Black Frills = Soutien-gorge bustier noir à froufrous
| Performance suspension | performance suspension | Performance Suspension = Suspension (performante)
| Sterilized rag | sterilized rag | Sterilized Rag = Tissu stérilisé
| Pumpkin pie slice | pumpkin pie slice | Pumpkin Pie Slice = Part de tarte à la citrouille
| Us army walkie talkie | us army walkie talkie | Us Army Walkie Talkie = Talkie-walkie de l'Armée américaine
| Baking tray with chocolate chip cookies | baking tray with chocolate chip cookies | Baking Tray With Chocolate Chip Cookies = Plaque de cuisson avec cookies aux pépites de chocolat
| Plank | plank | Plank = Planche
| Safety goggles | safety goggles | Safety Goggles = Lunettes de sécurité
| Campfire materials | campfire materials | Campfire Materials = Kit pour feu de camp
| Red licorice | red licorice | Red Licorice = Réglisse rouge
| Fried oysters | fried oysters | Fried Oysters = Huîtres gratinées
| Bag of concrete powder | bag of concrete powder | Bag Of Concrete Powder = Sac de béton
| School bag | school bag | School Bag = Sac à dos
| Tartan golf cap | tartan golf cap | Tartan Golf Cap = Casquette de golf
| Fishing rod | fishing rod | Fishing Rod = Canne à pêche
| Straw | straw | Straw = Paille
| Diamond on a gold ring | diamond on a gold ring | Diamond On A Gold Ring = Bague en or avec diamant
| Ghillie suit torso | ghillie suit torso | Ghillie Suit Torso = Haut de tenue de camouflage
| Riding boots | riding boots | Riding Boots = Bottes d'équitation
| Standard military issue wrist watch | standard military issue wrist watch | Standard Military Issue Wrist Watch = Montre classique militaire
| Frame | frame | Frame = Cadre
| Spear with spoon | spear with spoon | Spear With Spoon = Lance avec cuillère
| Red frilly underpants | red frilly underpants | Red Frilly Underpants = Culotte rouge à froufrous
| Jar lid | jar lid | Jar Lid = Couvercle de bocal
| Red fireman t-shirt | red fireman t-shirt | Red Fireman T-Shirt = T-shirt de pompier (rouge)
| Workman shirt | workman shirt | Workman Shirt = Chemise d'ouvrier
| Blue fireman t-shirt | blue fireman t-shirt | Blue Fireman T-Shirt = T-shirt de pompier (bleu)
| Knee-length skirt | knee-length skirt | Knee-Length Skirt = Jupe mi-longue
| Omelette | omelette | Omelette = Omelette
| Standard bra - black frills | standard bra - black frills | Standard Bra - Black Frills = Soutien-gorge noir à froufrous
| Ranger shirt | ranger shirt | Ranger Shirt = Chemise de ranger
| Newspaper | newspaper | Newspaper = Journal
| Thunder gas t-shirt | thunder gas t-shirt | Thunder Gas T-Shirt = T-shirt Thunder Gas
| Gun case | gun case | Gun Case = Mallette de fusil
| Jar of radishes | jar of radishes | Jar Of Radishes = Bocal de radis
| Long silver necklace with emerald | long silver necklace with emerald | Long Silver Necklace With Emerald = Grand collier en argent orné d'une émeraude
| Stockings semi transparent | stockings semi transparent | Stockings Semi Transparent = Collants semi-transparents
| Sunglasses | sunglasses | Sunglasses = Lunettes de soleil
| M625 revolver | m625 revolver | M625 Revolver = Revolver M625
| Furry ears | furry ears | Furry Ears = Oreilles en fourrure
| Twigs | twigs | Twigs = Brindilles
| Dangly pearl earrings | dangly pearl earrings | Dangly Pearl Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles en perles pendantes
| Woolly hat | woolly hat | Woolly Hat = Bonnet en laine
| Bellows | bellows | Bellows = Soufflet
| Empty red mug | empty red mug | Empty Red Mug = Tasse rouge (vide)
| Jockey silks - 1 | jockey silks - 1 | Jockey Silks - 1 = Tenue de jockey - 1
| Perogies | perogies | Perogies = Pierogis
| Ear muffs | ear muffs | Ear Muffs = Cache-oreilles
| Toy bear | toy bear | Toy Bear = Ours en peluche
| Chef hat | chef hat | Chef Hat = Toque de Chef cuisinier
| Tea bag | tea bag | Tea Bag = Sachet de thé
| Doodle | doodle | Doodle = Gribouillis
| Kentucky baseball cap | kentucky baseball cap | Kentucky Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball du Kentucky
| Large backpack | large backpack | Large Backpack = Grand sac à dos
| Good cooking magazine vol. 1 | good cooking magazine vol. 1 | Good Cooking Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine du cuisinier - Vol. 1
| Fishing rod | fishing rod | Fishing Rod = Canne à pêche artisanale
| Saucepan | saucepan | Saucepan = Casserole (vide)
| Butter | butter | Butter = Beurre
| Squid | squid | Squid = Calamar
| Shrimp dumpling | shrimp dumpling | Shrimp Dumpling = Bouchées à la crevette
| Electronics magazine vol. 1 | electronics magazine vol. 1 | Electronics Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine spécial électronique - Vol. 1
| Camo hunting vest | camo hunting vest | Camo Hunting Vest = Veste de chasse camouflage
| Cake preparation | cake preparation | Cake Preparation = Préparation pour gâteau
| Dangly diamond earrings | dangly diamond earrings | Dangly Diamond Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles pendantes ornées d'un diamant
| Spear with butter knife | spear with butter knife | Spear With Butter Knife = Lance avec couteau à beurre
| Magenta light bulb | magenta light bulb | Magenta Light Bulb = Ampoule (magenta)
| Noise maker | noise maker | Noise Maker = Générateur de bruit
| Blue paint | blue paint | Blue Paint = Peinture (bleue)
| Crafted spear | crafted spear | Crafted Spear = Lance artisanale
| Dried lentils | dried lentils | Dried Lentils = Lentilles sèches
| Police trooper pants | police trooper pants | Police Trooper Pants = Pantalon de policier
| Ginger root | ginger root | Ginger Root = Racine de gingembre
| Bell | bell | Bell = Cloche
| Jay chicken server apron | jay chicken server apron | Jay Chicken Server Apron = Tablier de serveur du Coq Jay
| Carpentry vol. 3 | carpentry vol. 3 | Carpentry Vol. 3 = La menuiserie - Vol. 3
| Briefs | briefs | Briefs = Slip
| Grilled cheese sandwich | grilled cheese sandwich | Grilled Cheese Sandwich = Sandwich au fromage fondu
| Apple pie slice | apple pie slice | Apple Pie Slice = Tarte aux pommes
| Antidepressants | antidepressants | Antidepressants = Antidépresseurs
| Ranger t-shirt | ranger t-shirt | Ranger T-Shirt = T-shirt de ranger
| Tortilla | tortilla | Tortilla = Tortilla
| Foundation makeup | foundation makeup | Foundation Makeup = Fond de teint
| Strawberry seeds | strawberry seeds | Strawberry Seeds = Graines de fraises
| Hand scythe | hand scythe | Hand Scythe = Faucille
| Propane torch | propane torch | Propane Torch = Chalumeau
| Riot helmet | riot helmet | Riot Helmet = Casque anti-émeute
| Boiled egg | boiled egg | Boiled Egg = Oeuf cuit dur
| How to use generators | how to use generators | How To Use Generators = Magazine - Tout savoir sur les groupes électrogènes
| Reading glasses | reading glasses | Reading Glasses = Lunettes de lecture
| Bowling shirt lime green | bowling shirt lime green | Bowling Shirt Lime Green = Chemise de bowling verte
| Spoon | spoon | Spoon = Cuillère
| Tortilla chips | tortilla chips | Tortilla Chips = Chips tortilla
| Stockings transparent | stockings transparent | Stockings Transparent = Collants transparents
| Thread | thread | Thread = Bobine de fil
| Cd | cd | Cd = CD
| Satin negligee | satin negligee | Satin Negligee = Nuisette en satin
| Ketchup | ketchup | Ketchup = Ketchup
| Millipede | millipede | Millipede = Millipède
| Jacques the beaver | jacques the beaver | Jacques The Beaver = Jacques le Castor
| Opened canned fruit beverage | opened canned fruit beverage | Opened Canned Fruit Beverage = Conserve de sirop de fruits (ouverte)
| Dust mask | dust mask | Dust Mask = Masque anti-poussière
| Hair gel | hair gel | Hair Gel = Gel coiffant
| Canned vegetable soup | canned vegetable soup | Canned Vegetable Soup = Conserve de soupe
| Jockey helmet - 4 | jockey helmet - 4 | Jockey Helmet - 4 = Casque de jockey - 4
| Medical t-shirt | medical t-shirt | Medical T-Shirt = T-shirt médical
| Drumstick | drumstick | Drumstick = Baguette de batterie
| Empty watering can | empty watering can | Empty Watering Can = Arrosoir (vide)
| Rabbit meat | rabbit meat | Rabbit Meat = Viande de lapin
| Fire bomb with sensor | fire bomb with sensor | Fire Bomb With Sensor = Bombe incendiaire avec capteur
| Strapless bra - black  | strapless bra - black  | Strapless Bra - Black  = Soutien-gorge noir sans bretelles
| Burrito | burrito | Burrito = Burrito
| Army coat | army coat | Army Coat = Manteau militaire
| Onion slices | onion slices | Onion Slices = Lamelles d'oignon
| Strawberry cake slice | strawberry cake slice | Strawberry Cake Slice = Part de fraisier
| Mixed vegetables | mixed vegetables | Mixed Vegetables = Mélange de légumes
| Mustard | mustard | Mustard = Moutarde
| M1911 auto magazine | m1911 auto magazine | M1911 Auto Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de .45 Auto
| Hottiez | hottiez | Hottiez = Magazine érotique - HottieZ
| Pool cue | pool cue | Pool Cue = Queue de billard
| Leather jacket | leather jacket | Leather Jacket = Veste en cuir (noire)
| Silver necklace with crucifix | silver necklace with crucifix | Silver Necklace With Crucifix = Collier en argent avec crucifix
| Spear with screwdriver | spear with screwdriver | Spear With Screwdriver = Lance avec tournevis
| Boxers - red stripes | boxers - red stripes | Boxers - Red Stripes = Boxer à rayures rouges
| Red corset | red corset | Red Corset = Corset rouge
| Paperclip | paperclip | Paperclip = Trombone
| Mccoy's t-shirt | mccoy's t-shirt | Mccoy'S T-Shirt = T-shirt McCoy
| Nightstick | nightstick | Nightstick = Matraque de police
| Spare engine parts | spare engine parts | Spare Engine Parts = Pièce de rechange moteur
| Premium technologies walkie talkie | premium technologies walkie talkie | Premium Technologies Walkie Talkie = Talkie-Walkie Premum Technologies
| Burger | burger | Burger = Burger
| Hand torch | hand torch | Hand Torch = Torche
| Wet bath towel | wet bath towel | Wet Bath Towel = Serviette de toilette (mouillée)
| Usa crash helmet | usa crash helmet | Usa Crash Helmet = Casque de protection USA
| Baguette | baguette | Baguette = Baguette
| Laines auto manual - performance models | laines auto manual - performance models | Laines Auto Manual - Performance Models = Connaissances automobiles - Les modèles de sport
| Medical mask blue | medical mask blue | Medical Mask Blue = Masque chirurgical (bleu)
| Military urban camo shirt | military urban camo shirt | Military Urban Camo Shirt = Chemise camouflage militaire (urbain)
| Sports seat | sports seat | Sports Seat = Siège de voiture (sport)
| Formal shirt | formal shirt | Formal Shirt = Chemise formelle (blanche)
| Swim trunks | swim trunks | Swim Trunks = Maillot de bain (rouge)
| Antibiotics | antibiotics | Antibiotics = Antibiotiques
| Riding helmet | riding helmet | Riding Helmet = Bombe d'équitation
| Dog tags | dog tags | Dog Tags = Plaques militaires
| Twine | twine | Twine = Ficelle
| Cheese cake slice | cheese cake slice | Cheese Cake Slice = Part de Cheesecake
| Guitar case | guitar case | Guitar Case = Étui de guitare
| Denim shirt | denim shirt | Denim Shirt = Chemise en jeans
| Dried chick peas | dried chick peas | Dried Chick Peas = Pois chiches secs
| Z hurricanes baseball helmet | z hurricanes baseball helmet | Z Hurricanes Baseball Helmet = Casque de baseball des Z Hurricanes
| Bagel | bagel | Bagel = Bagel
| Tomato seeds packet | tomato seeds packet | Tomato Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de tomates
| Key lime pie slice | key lime pie slice | Key Lime Pie Slice = Tarte au citron vert
| Sno globes | sno globes | Sno Globes = Petit gâteau rose
| Knitting needles | knitting needles | Knitting Needles = Aiguilles à tricoter
| Ice cream cone | ice cream cone | Ice Cream Cone = Cône de glace
| Juice box | juice box | Juice Box = Brique de jus de fruits
| Polo neck sweater | polo neck sweater | Polo Neck Sweater = Pull à col roulé
| Trailer trunk | trailer trunk | Trailer Trunk = Coffre (remorque)
| Stapler | stapler | Stapler = Agrafeuse
| Crafted trigger | crafted trigger | Crafted Trigger = Gâchette artisanale
| Strapless bra - red frills | strapless bra - red frills | Strapless Bra - Red Frills = Soutien-gorge bustier rouge à froufrous
| Diamond-pattern sweater vest | diamond-pattern sweater vest | Diamond-Pattern Sweater Vest = Gilet à motif losanges
| Newspaper hat | newspaper hat | Newspaper Hat = Chapeau en papier journal
| Bouillon cube | bouillon cube | Bouillon Cube = Bouillon Cube
| Cork | cork | Cork = Bouchon en liège
| Strapless small dress | strapless small dress | Strapless Small Dress = Petite robe bustier
| Fedora | fedora | Fedora = Chapeau en feutrine
| Ham slice | ham slice | Ham Slice = Tranche de jambon
| Saw | saw | Saw = Scie
| Hi his | hi his | Hi His = Roulé suisse
| Cornmeal | cornmeal | Cornmeal = Semoule de maïs
| Snare trap | snare trap | Snare Trap = Piège à collet
| Croissant | croissant | Croissant = Croissant
| Water bottle | water bottle | Water Bottle = Bouteille (remplie d'eau)
| Belly button stud gold diamond | belly button stud gold diamond | Belly Button Stud Gold Diamond = Piercing de nombril en or orné d'un diamant
| Electrician vol. 3 | electrician vol. 3 | Electrician Vol. 3 = L'électricité - Vol. 3
| Lamp | lamp | Lamp = Lampe
| Glove box | glove box | Glove Box = Boîte à gant
| Shotgun shells mold | shotgun shells mold | Shotgun Shells Mold = Moule - Cartouches de cal.12
| .308 round | .308 round | .308 Round = Munitions de calibre .308
| Sugar cookie | sugar cookie | Sugar Cookie = Petits sablés
| Empty pop can | empty pop can | Empty Pop Can = Canette (vide)
| Metallic dress style digital watch | metallic dress style digital watch | Metallic Dress Style Digital Watch = Montre digitale stylée
| Canned evaporated milk | canned evaporated milk | Canned Evaporated Milk = Lait concentré sucré
| Notched wooden plank | notched wooden plank | Notched Wooden Plank = Planche percée
| Old muffler | old muffler | Old Muffler = Silencieux (usé)
| Bath towel | bath towel | Bath Towel = Serviette de toilette
| Satchel | satchel | Satchel = Cartable
| Garter | garter | Garter = Jarretière
| Spiffo suit head | spiffo suit head | Spiffo Suit Head = Costume Spiffo (tête)
| Processed cheese | processed cheese | Processed Cheese = Fromage fondu
| Orange plate | orange plate | Orange Plate = Assiette orange
| Clip-on tie | clip-on tie | Clip-On Tie = Cravate à clip
| Trapping vol. 1 | trapping vol. 1 | Trapping Vol. 1 = L'art du trappeur - Vol. 1
| The metalwork magazine vol. 3 | the metalwork magazine vol. 3 | The Metalwork Magazine Vol. 3 = Magazine de métallurgie - Vol. 3
| Pink paint | pink paint | Pink Paint = Peinture (rose)
| Car key | car key | Car Key = Clé de voiture
| Gummy worms | gummy worms | Gummy Worms = Vers en gélatine
| Cooking vol. 2 | cooking vol. 2 | Cooking Vol. 2 = La cuisine - Vol. 2
| Dangly emerald earrings | dangly emerald earrings | Dangly Emerald Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles pendantes ornées d'un émeraude
| Standard trunk | standard trunk | Standard Trunk = Coffre (standard)
| Black forest cake slice | black forest cake slice | Black Forest Cake Slice = Part de Forêt Noire
| Splint | splint | Splint = Attelle
| Gigamart waistcoat | gigamart waistcoat | Gigamart Waistcoat = Gilet du GigaMart
| The hunter magazine vol. 2 | the hunter magazine vol. 2 | The Hunter Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine du chasseur - Vol. 2
| Animal print underpants | animal print underpants | Animal Print Underpants = Culotte imprimée animaux
| Trap crate | trap crate | Trap Crate = Caisse piégée
| Santa suit jacket | santa suit jacket | Santa Suit Jacket = Veste de Père-Noël
| Cooking vol. 3 | cooking vol. 3 | Cooking Vol. 3 = La cuisine - Vol. 3
| Necklace with crucifix | necklace with crucifix | Necklace With Crucifix = Collier avec crucifix
| Opened canned corned beef | opened canned corned beef | Opened Canned Corned Beef = Conserve de corned-beef (ouverte)
| Glasses | glasses | Glasses = Lunettes
| Dirty bandage | dirty bandage | Dirty Bandage = Bandage (sale)
| Tin foil hat | tin foil hat | Tin Foil Hat = Chapeau en aluminium
| Shell suit jacket | shell suit jacket | Shell Suit Jacket = Veste de survêtement
| Guerilla radio vol. 1 | guerilla radio vol. 1 | Guerilla Radio Vol. 1 = Magazine spécial radios - Vol. 1
| Electronics magazine vol. 3 | electronics magazine vol. 3 | Electronics Magazine Vol. 3 = Magazine spécial électronique - Vol. 3
| Snail | snail | Snail = Escargot
| Choker with sapphire stone | choker with sapphire stone | Choker With Sapphire Stone = Ras du cou orné d'un saphir
| Regular brake | regular brake | Regular Brake = Frein (standard)
| Firefighter pants | firefighter pants | Firefighter Pants = Pantalon de pompier
| Wooden door frame | wooden door frame | Wooden Door Frame = Cadre de porte en bois
| Fingerless gloves | fingerless gloves | Fingerless Gloves = Mitaines
| Bowling shirt green | bowling shirt green | Bowling Shirt Green = Chemise de bowling verte
| Cake batter | cake batter | Cake Batter = Pâte à gâteau
| Map | map | Map = Carte
| Lacrosse stick | lacrosse stick | Lacrosse Stick = Bâton de crosse
| Jockey silks - 4 | jockey silks - 4 | Jockey Silks - 4 = Tenue de jockey - 4
| March ridge map | march ridge map | March Ridge Map = Carte de March Ridge
| Hot dog | hot dog | Hot Dog = Hot-dog
| Screws | screws | Screws = Vis
| Melted ice cream | melted ice cream | Melted Ice Cream = Crème glacée (fondue)
| Spear with machete | spear with machete | Spear With Machete = Lance avec machette
| Double barrel shotgun | double barrel shotgun | Double Barrel Shotgun = Fusil à double canon
| Habanero | habanero | Habanero = Piment Habanero
| Pie dough | pie dough | Pie Dough = Pâte à tarte
| Toys-r-mine walkie talkie | toys-r-mine walkie talkie | Toys-R-Mine Walkie Talkie = Talkie-walkie Toys-R-Mine
| Jar of tomatoes | jar of tomatoes | Jar Of Tomatoes = Bocal de tomates
| Belly button ring silver amethyst | belly button ring silver amethyst | Belly Button Ring Silver Amethyst = Piercing de nombril anneau en argent améthyste
| Opened canned sardines | opened canned sardines | Opened Canned Sardines = Conserve de sardines (ouverte)
| Hospital gown | hospital gown | Hospital Gown = Blouse de patient
| Stake | stake | Stake = Pieu
| Tissue | tissue | Tissue = Mouchoir
| Stir fry | stir fry | Stir Fry = Poêlée
| Medium gold looped earrings | medium gold looped earrings | Medium Gold Looped Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles moyennes créoles en or
| Wild garlic | wild garlic | Wild Garlic = Ail sauvage
| Canned tomato | canned tomato | Canned Tomato = Conserve de tomates
| Tire pump | tire pump | Tire Pump = Pompe à pneu
| Suture needle holder | suture needle holder | Suture Needle Holder = Porte-aiguille de suture
| Visor | visor | Visor = Visière (rouge)
| Ginseng | ginseng | Ginseng = Ginseng
| Flour | flour | Flour = Farine
| Strapless bra - pink frills | strapless bra - pink frills | Strapless Bra - Pink Frills = Soutien-gorge bustier rose à froufrous
| Black chess pieces | black chess pieces | Black Chess Pieces = Pièces d'échec noires
| Rock candy | rock candy | Rock Candy = Sucette en forme de roche
| Spatula | spatula | Spatula = Spatule
| Playing cards | playing cards | Playing Cards = Jeu de cartes
| Crappie | crappie | Crappie = Crapet
| Stairs piece | stairs piece | Stairs Piece = Morceau d'escalier
| Ammo straps | ammo straps | Ammo Straps = Sangle de munitions
| M16 magazine | m16 magazine | M16 Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de 5.56 mm
| Military green camo shirt | military green camo shirt | Military Green Camo Shirt = Chemise camouflage militaire (verte)
| Grapes | grapes | Grapes = Raisin
| Allsorts | allsorts | Allsorts = Assortiment de réglisses
| Tray of biscuits | tray of biscuits | Tray Of Biscuits = Plaque de biscuits
| White fireman t-shirt | white fireman t-shirt | White Fireman T-Shirt = T-shirt de pompier (blanc)
| Brown paint | brown paint | Brown Paint = Peinture (marron)
| Barbell | barbell | Barbell = Barre d'haltères
| Farming vol. 3 | farming vol. 3 | Farming Vol. 3 = L'agriculture - Vol. 3
| Strawberry seeds packet | strawberry seeds packet | Strawberry Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de fraises
| Wordsearch magazine | wordsearch magazine | Wordsearch Magazine = Magazine de Mots Mêlés
| Bandana (head) | bandana (head) | Bandana (Head) = Bandana (tête)
| Big seat | big seat | Big Seat = Siège de voiture (grand)
| Standard seat | standard seat | Standard Seat = Siège de voiture (standard)
| Water bottle | water bottle | Water Bottle = Bouteille en verre (remplie d'eau)
| Box of .45 auto rounds | box of .45 auto rounds | Box Of .45 Auto Rounds = Boîte de munitions de .45 auto
| Air force helmet | air force helmet | Air Force Helmet = Casque de l'Armée de l'air
| Small trunk | small trunk | Small Trunk = Coffre (petit)
| Trumpet | trumpet | Trumpet = Trompette
| Eggplant | eggplant | Eggplant = Aubergine
| Tailoring vol. 4 | tailoring vol. 4 | Tailoring Vol. 4 = La couture - Vol. 4
| Video game | video game | Video Game = Jeu vidéo
| Wild eggs | wild eggs | Wild Eggs = Oeufs sauvages
| Wild eggs | wild eggs | Wild Eggs = Oeufs sauvages
| Maple syrup | maple syrup | Maple Syrup = Sirop d'érable
<!-- Other -->
| Medical scrubs | medical scrubs | Medical Scrubs = Tunique médicale
| Language = Langue
| Sheet of paper | sheet of paper | Sheet Of Paper = Morceau de papier
| Pie | pie | Pie = Tarte
| .223 bullet mold | .223 bullet mold | .223 Bullet Mold = Moule - Munitions de .223
| Turquoise paint | turquoise paint | Turquoise Paint = Peinture (turquoise)
| Sack of carrots | sack of carrots | Sack Of Carrots = Sac de carottes
| Picture of marianne brown | picture of marianne brown | Picture Of Marianne Brown = Photo de Marianne Brown
| Metal sheet | metal sheet | Metal Sheet = Plaque en métal
| Opened canned carrots | opened canned carrots | Opened Canned Carrots = Conserve de carottes (ouverte)
| Sandals | sandals | Sandals = Sandales
| Snow shovel | snow shovel | Snow Shovel = Pelle à neige
| Banjo | banjo | Banjo = Banjo
| Rolled dough | rolled dough | Rolled Dough = Boule de pâte
| Chef jacket | chef jacket | Chef Jacket = Veste de Chef cuisinier
| Bucket of plaster | bucket of plaster | Bucket Of Plaster = Seau de plâtre
| Broom | broom | Broom = Balai
| Long johns bottoms | long johns bottoms | Long Johns Bottoms = Bas Longs Johns
| Bunny suit | bunny suit | Bunny Suit = Costume de lapin
| Socks | socks | Socks = Chaussettes
| Medical corset | medical corset | Medical Corset = Corset médical
| Cage trap | cage trap | Cage Trap = Cage piégée
| Bleach | bleach | Bleach = Javel
| Necklace with yin and yang symbol | necklace with yin and yang symbol | Necklace With Yin And Yang Symbol = Collier symbole Ying & Yang
| Green camo hunting vest | green camo hunting vest | Green Camo Hunting Vest = Veste de chasse camouflage (verte)
| Standard bra - pink frills | standard bra - pink frills | Standard Bra - Pink Frills = Soutien-gorge rose à froufrous
| Light brown hair dye | light brown hair dye | Light Brown Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (brun clair)
| Spear with scalpel | spear with scalpel | Spear With Scalpel = Lance avec scalpel
| Carpentry vol. 2 | carpentry vol. 2 | Carpentry Vol. 2 = La menuiserie - Vol. 2
| Stone axe | stone axe | Stone Axe = Hache en pierre
| Spear with ice pick | spear with ice pick | Spear With Ice Pick = Lance avec pic à glace
| Corn flour | corn flour | Corn Flour = Farine de maïs
| Lunchbox | lunchbox | Lunchbox = Lunchbox
| Silver necklace with diamond | silver necklace with diamond | Silver Necklace With Diamond = Collier en argent orné d'un diamant
| Choker with diamond | choker with diamond | Choker With Diamond = Ras du coup orné d'un diamant
| Swimming goggles | swimming goggles | Swimming Goggles = Lunettes de natation
| Corset | corset | Corset = Corset
| Fanny pack (front) | fanny pack (front) | Fanny Pack (Front) = Sac banane (devant)
| Baking tray | baking tray | Baking Tray = Plaque de cuisson
| Sack of bell peppers | sack of bell peppers | Sack Of Bell Peppers = Sac de poivrons
| Ice hockey stick | ice hockey stick | Ice Hockey Stick = Crosse de hockey sur glace
| Rose hips | rose hips | Rose Hips = Églantier
| First aid vol. 4 | first aid vol. 4 | First Aid Vol. 4 = Les premiers secours - Vol. 4
| Trap box | trap box | Trap Box = Boîte piégée
| Salt | salt | Salt = Sel
| Daikon | daikon | Daikon = Radis blanc
| Long gold necklace with diamond | long gold necklace with diamond | Long Gold Necklace With Diamond = Grand collier en or orné d'un diamant
| Barbed wire | barbed wire | Barbed Wire = Fil barbelé
| Tailoring vol. 5 | tailoring vol. 5 | Tailoring Vol. 5 = La couture - Vol. 5
| Hammer | hammer | Hammer = Marteau
| Oregano | oregano | Oregano = Origan
| Fire bomb | fire bomb | Fire Bomb = Bombe incendiaire
| Acorn | acorn | Acorn = Gland
| Baking pan | baking pan | Baking Pan = Moule à gâteau (vide)
| Spiked baseball bat | spiked baseball bat | Spiked Baseball Bat = Batte de baseball cloutée
| Sack of leeks | sack of leeks | Sack Of Leeks = Sac de poireaux
| Potato seeds packet | potato seeds packet | Potato Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de pommes de terre
| Beverage | beverage | Beverage = Boisson
| Mouse trap | mouse trap | Mouse Trap = Tapette à souris
| Baseball cap | baseball cap | Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball
| Bowl of rice | bowl of rice | Bowl Of Rice = Bol de riz
| Wet dish towel | wet dish towel | Wet Dish Towel = Torchon (mouillé)
| Tank top | tank top | Tank Top = Débardeur
| M36 revolver | m36 revolver | M36 Revolver = Revolver M36
| Edamame | edamame | Edamame = Edamame
| Mushrooms | mushrooms | Mushrooms = Champignon
| Sleeping tablets | sleeping tablets | Sleeping Tablets = Somnifères
| Sugar packet | sugar packet | Sugar Packet = Sachet de sucre
| First aid vol. 2 | first aid vol. 2 | First Aid Vol. 2 = Les premiers secours - Vol. 2
| Mini skirt | mini skirt | Mini Skirt = Mini-jupe
| Belly button ring gold | belly button ring gold | Belly Button Ring Gold = Piercing de nombril anneau en or
| Msr788 rifle | msr788 rifle | Msr788 Rifle = Fusil MSR788
| Summer hat | summer hat | Summer Hat = Chapeau d'été
| Msr700 rifle | msr700 rifle | Msr700 Rifle = Fusil MSR700
| Avocado | avocado | Avocado = Avocat
| Premium technologies ham radio | premium technologies ham radio | Premium Technologies Ham Radio = Radio amateur Premium Technologies
| Ruby earrings | ruby earrings | Ruby Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles ornées d'un rubis
| Stir fry | stir fry | Stir Fry = Sauté
| Camera film | camera film | Camera Film = Appareil photo argentique
| Cooking pot with water | cooking pot with water | Cooking Pot With Water = Marmite (remplie d'eau)
| Candy package | candy package | Candy Package = Paquet de sucettes
| Poured in a cup | poured in a cup | Poured In A Cup = dans un gobelet
| Rosewood map | rosewood map | Rosewood Map = Carte de Rosewood
| Perfume | perfume | Perfume = Parfum
| Refried beans | refried beans | Refried Beans = Purée de haricots frits
| Pizza | pizza | Pizza = Pizza
| Pancake mix | pancake mix | Pancake Mix = Préparation pour pancakes
| Box of paperclips | box of paperclips | Box Of Paperclips = Boîte de trombones
| Honey | honey | Honey = Miel
| Iron rodent leather jacket | iron rodent leather jacket | Iron Rodent Leather Jacket = Veste en cuir du Rongeur d'Acier
| Fluffyfoot the bunny | fluffyfoot the bunny | Fluffyfoot The Bunny = Fluffyfoot le Lapin
| Chef pants | chef pants | Chef Pants = Pantalon de Chef cuisinier
| Gold stud earrings | gold stud earrings | Gold Stud Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles en or
| Boxers - black silk  | boxers - black silk  | Boxers - Black Silk  = Boxer noir en soie
| Medium silver looped earrings | medium silver looped earrings | Medium Silver Looped Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles moyennes créoles en argent
| Laines auto manual - standard models | laines auto manual - standard models | Laines Auto Manual - Standard Models = Connaissances automobiles - Les modèles standards
| Rope | rope | Rope = Corde
| Remoulade | remoulade | Remoulade = Sauce rémoulade
| Sterilized bandage | sterilized bandage | Sterilized Bandage = Bandage stérilisé
| Metal drum | metal drum | Metal Drum = Baril en métal
| Remote smoke bomb | remote smoke bomb | Remote Smoke Bomb = Bombe fumigène télécommandée
| Beautyberry | beautyberry | Beautyberry = Callicarpe
| Crowbar | crowbar | Crowbar = Pied de biche
| Charcoal | charcoal | Charcoal = Charbon de bois
| Car battery | car battery | Car Battery = Batterie de voiture
| Plastic pipe | plastic pipe | Plastic Pipe = Tuyau en plastique
| Black digital watch | black digital watch | Black Digital Watch = Montre digitale noire
| Golf bag | golf bag | Golf Bag = Sac de golf
| Motorcycle helmet | motorcycle helmet | Motorcycle Helmet = Casque de moto
| Long necklace with amber stone | long necklace with amber stone | Long Necklace With Amber Stone = Grand collier orné d'ambre
| Aerosol bomb with sensor | aerosol bomb with sensor | Aerosol Bomb With Sensor = Bombe aérosol avec capteur
| Comic book | comic book | Comic Book = Bande dessinée
| Noise generator with timer | noise generator with timer | Noise Generator With Timer = Générateur de bruit avec minuteur
| Trapping vol. 4 | trapping vol. 4 | Trapping Vol. 4 = L'art du trappeur - Vol. 4
| Fishing net trap | fishing net trap | Fishing Net Trap = Nasse
| Paper napkins | paper napkins | Paper Napkins = Serviette en papier
| M16 assault rifle | m16 assault rifle | M16 Assault Rifle = Fusil d'assaut M16
| Skirt | skirt | Skirt = Jupe
| Picture of chris bailey | picture of chris bailey | Picture Of Chris Bailey = Photo de Chris Bailey
| Fork | fork | Fork = Fourchette
| Waffles | waffles | Waffles = Gaufres
| Peanut butter | peanut butter | Peanut Butter = Beurre de cacahuètes
| Umbrella | umbrella | Umbrella = Parapluie
| Chocolate chips | chocolate chips | Chocolate Chips = Pépites de chocolat
| Toothpaste | toothpaste | Toothpaste = Dentifrice
| Orange paint | orange paint | Orange Paint = Peinture (orange)
| Wine glass | wine glass | Wine Glass = Verre à pied
| Electric wire | electric wire | Electric Wire = Fil électrique
| Police trooper shirt | police trooper shirt | Police Trooper Shirt = Chemise de policier
| Mug of water | mug of water | Mug Of Water = Tasse (remplie d'eau)
| Rake | rake | Rake = Râteau
| Alarm clock | alarm clock | Alarm Clock = Réveil-matin
| Tent kit | tent kit | Tent Kit = Kit de tente
| Boxers - red silk | boxers - red silk | Boxers - Red Silk = Boxer rouge en soie
| Red spots underpants | red spots underpants | Red Spots Underpants = Culotte à pois rouges
| Perch | perch | Perch = Perche
| Chocolate | chocolate | Chocolate = Chocolat
| Gum | gum | Gum = Chewing-gum
| Fountain cup | fountain cup | Fountain Cup = Gobelet en papier
| Big trunk | big trunk | Big Trunk = Coffre (grand)
| Carrot cake slice | carrot cake slice | Carrot Cake Slice = Part de gâteau à la carotte
| Silver necklace | silver necklace | Silver Necklace = Collier en argent
| White chess pieces | white chess pieces | White Chess Pieces = Pièces d'échec blanches
| Poached egg | poached egg | Poached Egg = Oeuf poché
| Tweezers | tweezers | Tweezers = Pince à épiler
| Corndog | corndog | Corndog = Corn Dog
| M9 magazine | m9 magazine | M9 Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de 9 mm
| Stick trap | stick trap | Stick Trap = Piège à bâtons
| Barricade | barricade | Barricade = Barricade
| Flight case | flight case | Flight Case = Mallette d'instrument
| Performance brake | performance brake | Performance Brake = Frein (performant)
| Sheet | sheet | Sheet = Drap
| Pizza whirled server apron | pizza whirled server apron | Pizza Whirled Server Apron = Tablier de serveur Pizza Whirled
| Gold chain bracelet | gold chain bracelet | Gold Chain Bracelet = Gourmette en or
| Ham | ham | Ham = Jambon
| Keytar | keytar | Keytar = Keytar
| Waistcoat | waistcoat | Waistcoat = Gilet
| Bottle of gasoline | bottle of gasoline | Bottle Of Gasoline = Bidon de javel (rempli d'essence)
| Remote aerosol bomb | remote aerosol bomb | Remote Aerosol Bomb = Bombe aérosol télécommandée
| Jar of broccoli | jar of broccoli | Jar Of Broccoli = Bocal de brocolis
| Combination padlock | combination padlock | Combination Padlock = Cadenas à code
| X4 scope | x4 scope | X4 Scope = Lunette de visée x4
| Lobster | lobster | Lobster = Homard
| Army baseball cap | army baseball cap | Army Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball de l'Armée
| Metalwork vol. 1 | metalwork vol. 1 | Metalwork Vol. 1 = Le travail des métaux - Vol. 1
| Seed bag | seed bag | Seed Bag = Sac de graines
| Baseball bat | baseball bat | Baseball Bat = Batte de baseball
| Bunny suit | bunny suit | Bunny Suit = Costume lapin
| Lollipop | lollipop | Lollipop = Sucette
| Guacamole | guacamole | Guacamole = Guacamole
| Electrician vol. 4 | electrician vol. 4 | Electrician Vol. 4 = L'électricité - Vol. 4
| Moley the mole | moley the mole | Moley The Mole = Molly la Taupe
| Vhs | vhs | Vhs = VHS
| Black frilly underpants | black frilly underpants | Black Frilly Underpants = Culotte noire à froufrous
| Wallet | wallet | Wallet = Portefeuille
| Red electric bass | red electric bass | Red Electric Bass = Basse électrique (rouge)
| Cooking pot with rice | cooking pot with rice | Cooking Pot With Rice = Marmite de riz
| Gas can | gas can | Gas Can = Bidon d'essence
| Razor | razor | Razor = Rasoir
| Hand fork | hand fork | Hand Fork = Râteau à main
| Tactical walkie talkie | tactical walkie talkie | Tactical Walkie Talkie = Talkie-walkie Tactique
| Trauma bag | trauma bag | Trauma Bag = Sacoche médicale
| Watermelon chunks | watermelon chunks | Watermelon Chunks = Morceaux de pastèque
| Egg | egg | Egg = Oeuf
| Watermelon slice | watermelon slice | Watermelon Slice = Tranches de pastèque
| Opened canned mushroom soup | opened canned mushroom soup | Opened Canned Mushroom Soup = Conserve de soupe aux champignons (ouverte)
| Valutech portadisc | valutech portadisc | Valutech Portadisc = Lecteur CD ValuTech
| Jar of carrots | jar of carrots | Jar Of Carrots = Bocal de carottes
| Trapping vol. 2 | trapping vol. 2 | Trapping Vol. 2 = L'art du trappeur - Vol. 2
| Diamond on a silver ring | diamond on a silver ring | Diamond On A Silver Ring = Bague en argent ornée d'un diamant
| Opened canned peas | opened canned peas | Opened Canned Peas = Conserve de petits pois (ouverte)
| Money | money | Money = Monnaie
| Choke tube - full | choke tube - full | Choke Tube - Full = Tube d'étouffement (plein)
| Chipped stone | chipped stone | Chipped Stone = Pierre affutée
| Potato | potato | Potato = Pomme de terre
| Blue light bulb | blue light bulb | Blue Light Bulb = Ampoule (bleue)
| Yogurt | yogurt | Yogurt = Yaourt
| Hockey helmet | hockey helmet | Hockey Helmet = Casque de hockey
| Fruit muffin | fruit muffin | Fruit Muffin = Muffin aux fruits
| Small gold looped earrings (top) | small gold looped earrings (top) | Small Gold Looped Earrings (Top) = Petit anneau d'oreille en or (haut)
| Blue trunks | blue trunks | Blue Trunks = Slip de bain bleu
| Pipe wrench | pipe wrench | Pipe Wrench = Clé anglaise
| Doll | doll | Doll = Poupée
| Needle | needle | Needle = Aiguille
| Valutech radio | valutech radio | Valutech Radio = Radio ValuTech
| Ice cream | ice cream | Ice Cream = Crème glacée
| Prison guard shirt | prison guard shirt | Prison Guard Shirt = Chemise de gardien de prison
| First aid vol. 5 | first aid vol. 5 | First Aid Vol. 5 = Les premiers secours - Vol. 5
| Long sport shorts | long sport shorts | Long Sport Shorts = Short de sport long
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bouteille en verre (vide)
| Empty kettle | empty kettle | Empty Kettle = Bouilloire (vide)
| Spring roll | spring roll | Spring Roll = Rouleau de printemps
| Laser | laser | Laser = Laser
| Mac and cheese | mac and cheese | Mac And Cheese = Mac'n'cheese
| Coal | coal | Coal = Charbon
| Olive oil | olive oil | Olive Oil = Huile d'olive
| Sack of pears | sack of pears | Sack Of Pears = Sac de poires
| Bowl of ramen noodles | bowl of ramen noodles | Bowl Of Ramen Noodles = Bol de ramen
| Smoke bomb with sensor | smoke bomb with sensor | Smoke Bomb With Sensor = Bombe fumigène avec capteur
| Lemon meringue pie slice | lemon meringue pie slice | Lemon Meringue Pie Slice = Tarte au citron meringuée
| Police deputy pants | police deputy pants | Police Deputy Pants = Pantalon d'adjoint de police
| Baking tray with bread | baking tray with bread | Baking Tray With Bread = Plaque de cuisson avec du pain
| Empty notebook | empty notebook | Empty Notebook = Calepin (vide)
| Yellow light bulb | yellow light bulb | Yellow Light Bulb = Ampoule (jaune)
| Scrap wood | scrap wood | Scrap Wood = Bois inutilisable
| Short sleeve shirt | short sleeve shirt | Short Sleeve Shirt = Chemise à manches courtes
| Kettle of water | kettle of water | Kettle Of Water = Bouilloire (remplie d'eau)
| Soccer ball | soccer ball | Soccer Ball = Ballon de foot
| Cooking vol. 4 | cooking vol. 4 | Cooking Vol. 4 = La cuisine - Vol. 4
| Radish seeds | radish seeds | Radish Seeds = Graines de radis
| Zucchini | zucchini | Zucchini = Courgette
| Peach | peach | Peach = Pêche
| Radio | radio | Radio = Radio
| Jockey silks - 5 | jockey silks - 5 | Jockey Silks - 5 = Tenue de jockey - 5
| Engineer magazine vol. 2 | engineer magazine vol. 2 | Engineer Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine de l'ingénieur - Vol. 2
| The hunter magazine vol. 1 | the hunter magazine vol. 1 | The Hunter Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine du chasseur - Vol. 1
| Baking tray with sugar cookies | baking tray with sugar cookies | Baking Tray With Sugar Cookies = Plaque de cuisson avec petits sablés
| Mint candy | mint candy | Mint Candy = Bonbon à la menthe
| Trout | trout | Trout = Truite
| Gun case | gun case | Gun Case = Mallette de Pistolet
| Pen | pen | Pen = Stylo
| Scrap electronics | scrap electronics | Scrap Electronics = Pièces électroniques
| Radish | radish | Radish = Radis
| Broccoli seeds packet | broccoli seeds packet | Broccoli Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de brocolis
| Big spiffo | big spiffo | Big Spiffo = Gros Spiffo
| Opened canned vegetable soup | opened canned vegetable soup | Opened Canned Vegetable Soup = Conserve de soupe (ouverte)
| Noodle soup | noodle soup | Noodle Soup = Soupe de nouilles
| Toilet paper | toilet paper | Toilet Paper = Papier toilette
| Blacksmith vol. 3 | blacksmith vol. 3 | Blacksmith Vol. 3 = Le manuel du forgeron - Vol. 3
| Jockey silks - 6 | jockey silks - 6 | Jockey Silks - 6 = Tenue de jockey - 6
| Riverside rangers baseball helmet | riverside rangers baseball helmet | Riverside Rangers Baseball Helmet = Casque de baseball des Riverside Rangers
| Yellow paint | yellow paint | Yellow Paint = Peinture (jaune)
| Black corset | black corset | Black Corset = Corset noir
| Baloney slices | baloney slices | Baloney Slices = Tranches de saucisse de Lyon
| Mechanics vol. 4 | mechanics vol. 4 | Mechanics Vol. 4 = La mécanique - Vol. 4
| Front door | front door | Front Door = Portière (avant)
| Blueberry pie slice | blueberry pie slice | Blueberry Pie Slice = Tarte à la myrtille
| Brown sugar | brown sugar | Brown Sugar = Sucre brun
| Suture needle | suture needle | Suture Needle = Aiguille de suture
| Water bottle | water bottle | Water Bottle = Bouteille de mayonnaise (rempli d'eau)
| Fossoil t-shirt | fossoil t-shirt | Fossoil T-Shirt = T-shirt Fossoil
| Blue police t-shirt | blue police t-shirt | Blue Police T-Shirt = T-shirt de policier (bleu)
| Camo boonie hat | camo boonie hat | Camo Boonie Hat = Chapeau de randonneur camouflage
| Opened canned spaghetti bolognese | opened canned spaghetti bolognese | Opened Canned Spaghetti Bolognese = Conserve de spaghettis bolognaise (ouverte)
| Egg sushi | egg sushi | Egg Sushi = Sushis aux oeufs
| Boxing gloves | boxing gloves | Boxing Gloves = Gants de Boxe
| Gravy mix | gravy mix | Gravy Mix = Préparation pour sauce
| Salami slices | salami slices | Salami Slices = Tranches de salami
| Firefighter jacket | firefighter jacket | Firefighter Jacket = Veste de pompier
| Jockey helmet - 3 | jockey helmet - 3 | Jockey Helmet - 3 = Casque de jockey - 3
| Crossword magazine | crossword magazine | Crossword Magazine = Magazine de Mots Croisés
| Doorknob | doorknob | Doorknob = Poignée de porte
| Big gas tank | big gas tank | Big Gas Tank = Réservoir d'essence (grand)
| Bandana (tied) | bandana (tied) | Bandana (Tied) = Bandana (noué)
| Chicken nuggets | chicken nuggets | Chicken Nuggets = Nuggets de poulet
| Toothbrush | toothbrush | Toothbrush = Brosse à dents
| Fishing vol. 5 | fishing vol. 5 | Fishing Vol. 5 = La pêche - Vol . 5
| Police deputy t-shirt | police deputy t-shirt | Police Deputy T-Shirt = T-shirt d'adjoint de police
| Lit candle | lit candle | Lit Candle = Bougie (allumée)
| Light brown paint | light brown paint | Light Brown Paint = Peinture (marron clair)
| Remote noise generator | remote noise generator | Remote Noise Generator = Générateur de bruit télécommandé
| Air force coveralls | air force coveralls | Air Force Coveralls = Combinaison de l'Armée de l'air
| Pumpkin | pumpkin | Pumpkin = Citrouille
| Emerald earrings | emerald earrings | Emerald Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles ornées d'une émeraude
| Cockroach | cockroach | Cockroach = Cafard
| Acoustic guitar | acoustic guitar | Acoustic Guitar = Guitare acoustique
| Adhesive tape | adhesive tape | Adhesive Tape = Ruban adhésif
| Drawer | drawer | Drawer = Tiroir
| Long johns | long johns | Long Johns = Sous-vêtement complet
| Smoke bomb | smoke bomb | Smoke Bomb = Bombe fumigène
| Large silver looped earrings | large silver looped earrings | Large Silver Looped Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles grandes créoles en argent
| Mayonnaise | mayonnaise | Mayonnaise = Mayonnaise
| Angler usa magazine vol. 1 | angler usa magazine vol. 1 | Angler Usa Magazine Vol. 1 = Magazine du pêcheur - Vol. 1
| Sack of eggplants | sack of eggplants | Sack Of Eggplants = Sac d'aubergines
| Belly button stud silver | belly button stud silver | Belly Button Stud Silver = Piercing de nombril en argent
| Jockey helmet - 2 | jockey helmet - 2 | Jockey Helmet - 2 = Casque de jockey - 2
| Pipe bomb with timer | pipe bomb with timer | Pipe Bomb With Timer = Bombe tuyau avec minuteur
| Choco cakes | choco cakes | Choco Cakes = Gâteau au chocolat
| Stone hammer | stone hammer | Stone Hammer = Marteau en pierre
| Performance tire | performance tire | Performance Tire = Pneu (performant)
| White paint | white paint | White Paint = Peinture (blanche)
| Military backpack | military backpack | Military Backpack = Sac à dos militaire
| Empty bowl | empty bowl | Empty Bowl = Bol (vide)
| Cabbage seeds | cabbage seeds | Cabbage Seeds = Graine de choux
| Garbage bag | garbage bag | Garbage Bag = Sac poubelle
| Canned beans | canned beans | Canned Beans = Conserve de haricots
| Gardening spray can with water | gardening spray can with water | Gardening Spray Can With Water = Vaporisateur (rempli d'eau)
| .38 special round | .38 special round | .38 Special Round = Munitions de .38 Special
| Bicycle helmet | bicycle helmet | Bicycle Helmet = Casque de vélo
| Football | football | Football = Ballon de football américain
| Military desert camo shirt | military desert camo shirt | Military Desert Camo Shirt = Chemise camouflage militaire (désert)
| Peas | peas | Peas = Petits pois
| Shortbread cookie | shortbread cookie | Shortbread Cookie = Biscuits sablés
| Electrician vol. 5 | electrician vol. 5 | Electrician Vol. 5 = L'électricité - Vol. 5
| Green hair dye | green hair dye | Green Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (vert)
| Carrot seeds | carrot seeds | Carrot Seeds = Graines de carottes
| Fiberglass stock | fiberglass stock | Fiberglass Stock = Crosse en fibre de verre
| Orange soda | orange soda | Orange Soda = Bouteille de soda à l'orange
| Long denim shorts | long denim shorts | Long Denim Shorts = Short en jeans long
| Golf ball | golf ball | Golf Ball = Balle de golf
| Radio transmitter | radio transmitter | Radio Transmitter = Émetteur radio
| Bottle of gasoline | bottle of gasoline | Bottle Of Gasoline = Bouteille (remplie d'essence)
| Plate | plate | Plate = Assiette
| Spiked plank | spiked plank | Spiked Plank = Planche cloutée
| Cake slice | cake slice | Cake Slice = Part de gâteau
| Tailoring vol. 3 | tailoring vol. 3 | Tailoring Vol. 3 = La couture - Vol. 3
| Chocolate cake slice | chocolate cake slice | Chocolate Cake Slice = Part de gâteau au chocolat
| D-e magazine | d-e magazine | D-E Magazine = Chargeur de munitions de .44
| Hockey stick | hockey stick | Hockey Stick = Crosse de hockey
| Peppermint | peppermint | Peppermint = Bonbon à la menthe
| Cricket | cricket | Cricket = Criquet
| Black band fedora | black band fedora | Black Band Fedora = Chapeau en feutrine
| Sack of grapes | sack of grapes | Sack Of Grapes = Sac de raisins
| Remote fire bomb | remote fire bomb | Remote Fire Bomb = Bombe incendiaire télécommandée
| Small bandeau | small bandeau | Small Bandeau = Petit bandeau
| Chocolate bread | chocolate bread | Chocolate Bread = Pain au chocolat
| Corn | corn | Corn = Maïs
| Rear door | rear door | Rear Door = Portière (arrière)
| Headphones | headphones | Headphones = Casque audio
| Long gold necklace | long gold necklace | Long Gold Necklace = Grand collier en or
| Wood axe | wood axe | Wood Axe = Hache de Bûcheron
| Granola bar | granola bar | Granola Bar = Barre de céréales
| Mug of water | mug of water | Mug Of Water = Tasse Spiffo (remplie d'eau)
| Comfrey poultice | comfrey poultice | Comfrey Poultice = Cataplasme à la consoude
| Sand bag | sand bag | Sand Bag = Sac de sable
| Sack of strawberries | sack of strawberries | Sack Of Strawberries = Sac de fraises
| Saucepan with rice | saucepan with rice | Saucepan With Rice = Casserole de riz
| Apple | apple | Apple = Pomme
| Picture of dr cortman | picture of dr cortman | Picture Of Dr Cortman = Photo du Dr Cortman
| Medical coat | medical coat | Medical Coat = Blouse chirurgicale
| Worm | worm | Worm = Ver de terre
| Leather jacket | leather jacket | Leather Jacket = Longue veste en cuir
| Military helmet | military helmet | Military Helmet = Casque militaire
| Standard bra | standard bra | Standard Bra = Soutien-gorge basique
| Ranger hat | ranger hat | Ranger Hat = Chapeau de ranger
| Bacon bits | bacon bits | Bacon Bits = Morceaux de bacon
| Credit card | credit card | Credit Card = Carte de crédit
| Pink frilly underpants | pink frilly underpants | Pink Frilly Underpants = Culotte rose à froufrous
| Chocolate chip cookie | chocolate chip cookie | Chocolate Chip Cookie = Cookie aux pépites de chocolat
| Empty spiffo mug | empty spiffo mug | Empty Spiffo Mug = Tasse Spiffo (vide)
| Balaclava | balaclava | Balaclava = Cagoule
| Alcohol wipes | alcohol wipes | Alcohol Wipes = Lingettes désinfectantes
| Navy blue trousers | navy blue trousers | Navy Blue Trousers = Pantalon (bleu marine)
| First aid kit | first aid kit | First Aid Kit = Trousse de premiers secours
| Lighter | lighter | Lighter = Briquet
| Opened canned pineapple | opened canned pineapple | Opened Canned Pineapple = Conserve d'ananas (ouverte)
| Dish towel | dish towel | Dish Towel = Torchon
| Metal pipe | metal pipe | Metal Pipe = Tuyau en métal
| Oven mitt | oven mitt | Oven Mitt = Gants de cuisine
| Fancy plate | fancy plate | Fancy Plate = Assiette fantaisie
| Carpentry vol. 5 | carpentry vol. 5 | Carpentry Vol. 5 = La menuiserie - Vol. 5
| Opened canned fruit cocktail | opened canned fruit cocktail | Opened Canned Fruit Cocktail = Conserve de salade de fruits (ouverte)
| Gold wrist watch | gold wrist watch | Gold Wrist Watch = Montre classique en or
| Gunpowder | gunpowder | Gunpowder = Poudre à canon
| Salami | salami | Salami = Salami
| Meat patty | meat patty | Meat Patty = Steak haché
| Tis t-shirt | tis t-shirt | Tis T-Shirt = T-shirt TIS
| Cd player | cd player | Cd Player = Lecteur CD
| Trunks | trunks | Trunks = Slip de bain
| .223 round | .223 round | .223 Round = Munitions de .223
| Long sleeve t-shirt | long sleeve t-shirt | Long Sleeve T-Shirt = T-shirt à manches longues
| Farming vol. 2 | farming vol. 2 | Farming Vol. 2 = L'agriculture - Vol. 2
| Police deputy shirt | police deputy shirt | Police Deputy Shirt = Chemise d'adjoint de police
| Winterberry | winterberry | Winterberry = Houx verticillé
| Stockings | stockings | Stockings = Collants
| Police deputy jacket | police deputy jacket | Police Deputy Jacket = Veste d'adjoint de police
| Canned sardines | canned sardines | Canned Sardines = Conserve de sardines
| Ice cream server hat | ice cream server hat | Ice Cream Server Hat = Chapeau de glacier
| Black electric bass | black electric bass | Black Electric Bass = Basse électrique
| Pink light bulb | pink light bulb | Pink Light Bulb = Ampoule (rose)
| Tv remote | tv remote | Tv Remote = Télécommande de télévision
| Sport shorts | sport shorts | Sport Shorts = Short de sport
| Soap | soap | Soap = Savon
| Jellybeans | jellybeans | Jellybeans = Bonbon haricots
| Sack of apples | sack of apples | Sack Of Apples = Sac de pommes
| Military desert camo jacket | military desert camo jacket | Military Desert Camo Jacket = Veste camouflage militaire (désert)
| Military bulletproof vest | military bulletproof vest | Military Bulletproof Vest = Gilet pare-balles militaire
| Spear with hand fork | spear with hand fork | Spear With Hand Fork = Lance avec râteau à main
| Surgical gloves | surgical gloves | Surgical Gloves = Gants chirurgicaux
| Onigiri | onigiri | Onigiri = Onigiris
| Closed umbrella | closed umbrella | Closed Umbrella = Parapluie (fermé)
| Rear windshield | rear windshield | Rear Windshield = Pare-brise (arrière)
| 9mm round | 9mm round | 9Mm Round = Munitions de 9 mm
| Seaweed | seaweed | Seaweed = Feuille d'algue Nori
| Trowel | trowel | Trowel = Déplantoir
| Bra - animal print  | bra - animal print  | Bra - Animal Print  = Soutien-gorge imprimé animaux
| Blue plate | blue plate | Blue Plate = Assiette bleue
| Oysters | oysters | Oysters = Huîtres
| Three-logs stack | three-logs stack | Three-Logs Stack = Pile de 3 bûches
| Cabbage seeds packet | cabbage seeds packet | Cabbage Seeds Packet = Paquet de graines de choux
| Crash helmet | crash helmet | Crash Helmet = Casque de protection
| Pool ball | pool ball | Pool Ball = Boule de billard
| Pickaxe | pickaxe | Pickaxe = Pioche
| Candy cane | candy cane | Candy Cane = Sucre d'orge
| Pickles | pickles | Pickles = Cornichons
| Sack of broccoli | sack of broccoli | Sack Of Broccoli = Sac de brocolis
| Lug wrench | lug wrench | Lug Wrench = Clé en croix
| Peanuts | peanuts | Peanuts = Cacahuètes
| Swimsuit | swimsuit | Swimsuit = Maillot de bain
| Gas mask | gas mask | Gas Mask = Masque à gaz
| Scrambled eggs | scrambled eggs | Scrambled Eggs = Oeuf brouillé
| Bottle of gasoline | bottle of gasoline | Bottle Of Gasoline = Bouteille de soda (remplie d'essence)
| 5.56mm round | 5.56mm round | 5.56Mm Round = Munitions de 5.56 mm
| Hoodie | hoodie | Hoodie = Sweat à capuche
| Picture of james garcia | picture of james garcia | Picture Of James Garcia = Photo de James Garcia
| Sack | sack | Sack = Sac
| Cotton balls | cotton balls | Cotton Balls = Balles de coton
| Mechanics vol. 1 | mechanics vol. 1 | Mechanics Vol. 1 = La mécanique - Vol. 1
| Picture of kate | picture of kate | Picture Of Kate = Photo de Kate
| Tv dinner | tv dinner | Tv Dinner = Plateau télé du Dinner
| .44 magnum round | .44 magnum round | .44 Magnum Round = Munitions de .44 Magnum
| Toaster | toaster | Toaster = Grille-pain
| Jar of cabbage | jar of cabbage | Jar Of Cabbage = Bocal de chou
| Tongs | tongs | Tongs = Pince
| Scarf | scarf | Scarf = Écharpe
| First aid vol. 3 | first aid vol. 3 | First Aid Vol. 3 = Les premiers secours - Vol. 3
| Santa hat | santa hat | Santa Hat = Bonnet de Noël
| Candied fruit slices | candied fruit slices | Candied Fruit Slices = Pâtes de fruits
| Gray paint | gray paint | Gray Paint = Peinture (grise)
| Vegetable oil | vegetable oil | Vegetable Oil = Huile végétale
| Foraging vol. 4 | foraging vol. 4 | Foraging Vol. 4 = La recherche - Vol. 4
| M9 pistol | m9 pistol | M9 Pistol = Pistolet M9
| Sneakers | sneakers | Sneakers = Chaussures de sport
| Diamond-pattern sweater | diamond-pattern sweater | Diamond-Pattern Sweater = Pull à motif losanges
| Termites | termites | Termites = Termites
| Football helmet | football helmet | Football Helmet = Casque de football américain
| Battery | battery | Battery = Pile
| Bowl of cereal | bowl of cereal | Bowl Of Cereal = Bol de céréales
| Sponge | sponge | Sponge = Éponge
| Friendship bracelet | friendship bracelet | Friendship Bracelet = Bracelet de l'amitié
| Fish sushi | fish sushi | Fish Sushi = Sushis au poisson
| Padded jacket | padded jacket | Padded Jacket = Doudoune
| Dehydrated meat stick | dehydrated meat stick | Dehydrated Meat Stick = Morceau de viande séchée
| Spear with knife | spear with knife | Spear With Knife = Lance avec couteau
| Electrician vol. 2 | electrician vol. 2 | Electrician Vol. 2 = L'électricité - Vol. 2
| Frog meat | frog meat | Frog Meat = Viande de grenouille
| Instant popcorn | instant popcorn | Instant Popcorn = Pop-corn instantané
| Car battery charger | car battery charger | Car Battery Charger = Chargeur de batterie
| High visibility vest | high visibility vest | High Visibility Vest = Gilet réfléchissant
| Prison guard pants | prison guard pants | Prison Guard Pants = Pantalon de gardien de prison
| Poker chips | poker chips | Poker Chips = Jetons de poker
| Briefcase | briefcase | Briefcase = Mallette
| Baseball cap | baseball cap | Baseball Cap = Casquette de baseball (bleue)
| Rice | rice | Rice = Marmite de riz
| Garden hoe | garden hoe | Garden Hoe = Houe de jardin
| Cocoa powder | cocoa powder | Cocoa Powder = Cacao en poudre
| Empty bottle | empty bottle | Empty Bottle = Bouteille (vide)
| Bandeau | bandeau | Bandeau = Bandeau
| Beta blockers | beta blockers | Beta Blockers = Bêta-bloquants
| Extinguisher | extinguisher | Extinguisher = Extincteur
| Bucket hat | bucket hat | Bucket Hat = Bob
| Pile o' crepe server apron | pile o' crepe server apron | Pile O' Crepe Server Apron = Tablier de serveur Pile o' Crepe
| Slug | slug | Slug = Limace
| Glue | glue | Glue = Super glue
| Sack of tomatoes | sack of tomatoes | Sack Of Tomatoes = Sac de tomates
| Ginger pickled | ginger pickled | Ginger Pickled = Gingembre mariné
| Varsity jacket | varsity jacket | Varsity Jacket = Veste universitaire
| Letter opener | letter opener | Letter Opener = Ouvre-lettre
| Water drop | water drop | Water Drop = Goutte d'eau
| Black underpants | black underpants | Black Underpants = Culotte noire
| Dead bird | dead bird | Dead Bird = Oiseau (mort)
| Strapless bra - animal print | strapless bra - animal print | Strapless Bra - Animal Print = Soutien-gorge bustier imprimé animaux
| Tights transparent | tights transparent | Tights Transparent = Bas transparents
| Chopsticks | chopsticks | Chopsticks = Baguettes
| Empty tin can | empty tin can | Empty Tin Can = Conserve (vide)
| Baking tray with chocolate cookies | baking tray with chocolate cookies | Baking Tray With Chocolate Cookies = Plaque de cuisson avec cookies au chocolat
| Gravel bag | gravel bag | Gravel Bag = Sac de graviers
| Griddle pan | griddle pan | Griddle Pan = Poêle à frire (vide)
| Flint and steel | flint and steel | Flint And Steel = Silex et acier
| Flute | flute | Flute = Flûte
| Disposable camera | disposable camera | Disposable Camera = Appareil photo jetable
| Kitchen tongs | kitchen tongs | Kitchen Tongs = Pince à servir
| Electrician vol. 1 | electrician vol. 1 | Electrician Vol. 1 = L'électricité - Vol. 1
| Makeshift ham radio | makeshift ham radio | Makeshift Ham Radio = Radio amateur artisanale
| Apron | apron | Apron = Tablier (noir)
| Spiffo's server apron | spiffo's server apron | Spiffo'S Server Apron = Tablier de serveur Spiffo
| Fishing vol. 2 | fishing vol. 2 | Fishing Vol. 2 = La pêche - Vol . 2
| Belly button ring gold ruby | belly button ring gold ruby | Belly Button Ring Gold Ruby = Piercing de nombril anneau en or orné d'un rubis
| Black leather trousers | black leather trousers | Black Leather Trousers = Pantalon en cuir noir
| Dark red fireman t-shirt | dark red fireman t-shirt | Dark Red Fireman T-Shirt = T-shirt de pompier (rouge foncé)
| Nettles | nettles | Nettles = Orties
| Straps dress | straps dress | Straps Dress = Robe à bretelles
| Boxers | boxers | Boxers = Boxer
| Strawberry blonde hair dye | strawberry blonde hair dye | Strawberry Blonde Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (blond fraise)
| Standard bra - red frills | standard bra - red frills | Standard Bra - Red Frills = Soutien-gorge rouge à froufrous
| Box of jars | box of jars | Box Of Jars = Carton de bocaux
| Empty jar | empty jar | Empty Jar = Bocal (vide)
| Reflective sunglasses | reflective sunglasses | Reflective Sunglasses = Lunettes de soleil réfléchissantes
| Swim trunks | swim trunks | Swim Trunks = Maillot de bain (vert)
| Bottle with mayonnaise (full) | bottle with mayonnaise (full) | Bottle With Mayonnaise (Full) = Mayonnaise (moitié)
| Bandana (face) | bandana (face) | Bandana (Face) = Bandana (visage)
| Denim jeans | denim jeans | Denim Jeans = Jeans
| Lead pipe | lead pipe | Lead Pipe = Tuyau en plomb
| Log | log | Log = Bûches
| Mildew spray | mildew spray | Mildew Spray = Vaporisateur de fongicide (mildiou)
| Straps small dress | straps small dress | Straps Small Dress = Petite robe à bretelles
| Belly button ring silver diamond | belly button ring silver diamond | Belly Button Ring Silver Diamond = Piercing de nombril anneau en argent orné d'un diamant
| Black game pieces | black game pieces | Black Game Pieces = Pièces de jeu noires
| Seeding broccoli | seeding broccoli | Seeding Broccoli = Brocoli en floraison
| Handle | handle | Handle = Poignée
| Colored party hat | colored party hat | Colored Party Hat = Chapeau de fête
| Spiffo t-shirt | spiffo t-shirt | Spiffo T-Shirt = T-shirt Spiffo
| Big hiking bag | big hiking bag | Big Hiking Bag = Grand sac de randonnée
| Aerosol bomb with timer | aerosol bomb with timer | Aerosol Bomb With Timer = Bombe aérosol équipée d'un minuteur
| Leather gloves | leather gloves | Leather Gloves = Gants en cuir
| Modjeska | modjeska | Modjeska = Caramel Modjeska
| V2 remote controller | v2 remote controller | V2 Remote Controller = Télécommande V2
| Poured in a glass | poured in a glass | Poured In A Glass = dans un verre
| Sack of potatoes | sack of potatoes | Sack Of Potatoes = Sac de pommes de terre
| Silver nose ring | silver nose ring | Silver Nose Ring = Piercing de nez en argent
| Poppy bagel | poppy bagel | Poppy Bagel = Bagel au pavot
| Opened dog food | opened dog food | Opened Dog Food = Pâtée pour chien (ouverte)
| Scanner module | scanner module | Scanner Module = Module de numérisation
| West point map | west point map | West Point Map = Carte de West Point
| Chocolate cookie | chocolate cookie | Chocolate Cookie = Cookie au chocolat
| Gloves | gloves | Gloves = Gants
| Dirty rag | dirty rag | Dirty Rag = Tissu déchiré (sale)
| Medical mask green | medical mask green | Medical Mask Green = Masque chirurgical (vert)
| Pen - red | pen - red | Pen - Red = Stylo (rouge)
| Broccoli seeds | broccoli seeds | Broccoli Seeds = Graines de brocolis
| Dog food | dog food | Dog Food = Pâtée pour chien
| Pizza whirled t-shirt | pizza whirled t-shirt | Pizza Whirled T-Shirt = T-shirt Pizza Whirled
| Canned pineapple | canned pineapple | Canned Pineapple = Conserve d'ananas
| Sawed-off js-2000 shotgun | sawed-off js-2000 shotgun | Sawed-Off Js-2000 Shotgun = Fusil à canon scié JS-2000
| Cornbread | cornbread | Cornbread = Pain au maïs
| Little bait fish | little bait fish | Little Bait Fish = Petit poisson-appât
| Us army ham radio | us army ham radio | Us Army Ham Radio = Radio amateur de l'Armée américaine
| Hockey mask | hockey mask | Hockey Mask = Masque de hockey
| Green santa suit jacket | green santa suit jacket | Green Santa Suit Jacket = Veste de Père-Noël (verte)
| Bag of plaster powder | bag of plaster powder | Bag Of Plaster Powder = Sac de plâtre
| 9mm bullet mold | 9mm bullet mold | 9Mm Bullet Mold = Moule - Munitions de 9 mm
| Farming vol. 5 | farming vol. 5 | Farming Vol. 5 = L'agriculture - Vol. 5
| Box of sparklers | box of sparklers | Box Of Sparklers = Boîte de cierges magiques
| Jockey helmet - 6 | jockey helmet - 6 | Jockey Helmet - 6 = Casque de jockey - 6
| Plastic tray | plastic tray | Plastic Tray = Plateau en plastique
| Dumbbell | dumbbell | Dumbbell = Poids de fitness
| Military urban camo shorts | military urban camo shorts | Military Urban Camo Shorts = Short camouflage militaire (urbain)
| Belly button stud gold | belly button stud gold | Belly Button Stud Gold = Piercing de nombril en or
| Fries | fries | Fries = Frites
| Electronics magazine vol. 2 | electronics magazine vol. 2 | Electronics Magazine Vol. 2 = Magazine spécial électronique - Vol. 2
| Green veteran t-shirt | green veteran t-shirt | Green Veteran T-Shirt = T-shirt de vétéran (vert)
| Louisville map | louisville map | Louisville Map = Carte de Louisville
| Gravy | gravy | Gravy = Sauce
| Metal bar | metal bar | Metal Bar = Barre en métal
| Gummy bears | gummy bears | Gummy Bears = Oursons en gélatine
| Earrings | earrings | Earrings = Boucles d'oreilles
| Cone | cone | Cone = Cône
| Pillow | pillow | Pillow = Oreiller
| Steel knuckle | steel knuckle | Steel Knuckle = Poing américain
| Tailoring vol. 1 | tailoring vol. 1 | Tailoring Vol. 1 = La couture - Vol. 1
| Comb | comb | Comb = Peigne
| Spiffo's server hat | spiffo's server hat | Spiffo'S Server Hat = Chapeau de serveur Spiffo
| Taco shell | taco shell | Taco Shell = Tortilla
| Priest shirt | priest shirt | Priest Shirt = Chemise de prêtre
| Fishing line | fishing line | Fishing Line = Fil de pêche
| Riverside map | riverside map | Riverside Map = Carte de Riverside
| Fried onion rings | fried onion rings | Fried Onion Rings = Rondelles d'oignon frites
| Red trunks | red trunks | Red Trunks = Slip de bain rouge
| Jay chicken hat | jay chicken hat | Jay Chicken Hat = Chapeau du Coq Jay
| Army beret | army beret | Army Beret = Béret de l'Armée
| Melted ice cream cone | melted ice cream cone | Melted Ice Cream Cone = Cône de glace (fondu)
| Muldraugh map | muldraugh map | Muldraugh Map = Carte de Muldraugh
| Ball-peen hammer | ball-peen hammer | Ball-Peen Hammer = Marteau à panne ronde
| Molotov cocktail | molotov cocktail | Molotov Cocktail = Cocktail Molotov
| Farming vol. 4 | farming vol. 4 | Farming Vol. 4 = L'agriculture - Vol. 4
| Metalwork vol. 2 | metalwork vol. 2 | Metalwork Vol. 2 = Le travail des métaux - Vol. 2
| Muffin | muffin | Muffin = Muffin
| Frying pan | frying pan | Frying Pan = Poêle (vide)
| Cereal | cereal | Cereal = Céréales
| Eraser | eraser | Eraser = Gomme
| Suit pants | suit pants | Suit Pants = Pantalon de costume
| Bread | bread | Bread = Pain
| Jeans | jeans | Jeans = Jeans
| Cooking vol. 1 | cooking vol. 1 | Cooking Vol. 1 = La cuisine - Vol. 1
| Orange light bulb | orange light bulb | Orange Light Bulb = Ampoule (orange)
| Matches | matches | Matches = Allumettes
| Onion | onion | Onion = Oignon
| Canned chili | canned chili | Canned Chili = Conserve de chili con carne
| White hair dye | white hair dye | White Hair Dye = Teinture cheveux (blanc)
| Microwave | microwave | Microwave = Micro-ondes
| Long dress | long dress | Long Dress = Robe longue
| Tent peg | tent peg | Tent Peg = Piquet de tente
| Tent | tent | Tent = Tente
| Sport t-shirt | sport t-shirt | Sport T-Shirt = T-shirt de sport
| Box of .223 rounds | box of .223 rounds | Box Of .223 Rounds = Boîte de munitions de .223
| Tumbler | tumbler | Tumbler = Grand verre
| Two-logs stack | two-logs stack | Two-Logs Stack = Pile de 2 bûches
| Door hinge | door hinge | Door Hinge = Charnières de porte
| Smashed bottle | smashed bottle | Smashed Bottle = Tesson de bouteille
| Jockey silks - 2 | jockey silks - 2 | Jockey Silks - 2 = Tenue de jockey - 2
| Fried tofu | fried tofu | Fried Tofu = Tofu frit
| Iron sight | iron sight | Iron Sight = Mire en fer
| Canned spaghetti bolognese | canned spaghetti bolognese | Canned Spaghetti Bolognese = Conserve de spaghettis bolognaise
| Caterpillar | caterpillar | Caterpillar = Chenille
| Scrap metal | scrap metal | Scrap Metal = Ferraille
| Orange hunting vest | orange hunting vest | Orange Hunting Vest = Veste de chasse (orange)
| Journal | journal | Journal = Notes
| Regular suspension | regular suspension | Regular Suspension = Suspension (standard)
| Belly button ring silver ruby | belly button ring silver ruby | Belly Button Ring Silver Ruby = Piercing de nombril anneau en argent orné d'un rubis
| Bunny ears | bunny ears | Bunny Ears = Oreilles de lapin
| Spear with fork | spear with fork | Spear With Fork = Lance avec fourchette
| Dried black beans | dried black beans | Dried Black Beans = Haricots noirs secs
| Flashlight | flashlight | Flashlight = Lampe torche
| The farming magazine | the farming magazine | The Farming Magazine = Magazine de l'agriculteur
| Leash | leash | Leash = Laisse pour chien
| Bottle of gasoline | bottle of gasoline | Bottle Of Gasoline = Bouteille en verre (remplie d'essence)
| Striped t-shirt | striped t-shirt | Striped T-Shirt = T-shirt à rayures
| Old brake | old brake | Old Brake = Frein (usé)
| Blacksmith vol. 4 | blacksmith vol. 4 | Blacksmith Vol. 4 = Le manuel du forgeron - Vol. 4
| Baking soda | baking soda | Baking Soda = Bicarbonate de soude
| Small gas tank | small gas tank | Small Gas Tank = Réservoir d'essence (petit)
| Gas 2 go t-shirt | gas 2 go t-shirt | Gas 2 Go T-Shirt = T-shirt Gas 2 Go
| Green santa suit pants | green santa suit pants | Green Santa Suit Pants = Pantalon de Père-Noël (vert)
| Beer bottle | beer bottle | Beer Bottle = Bière
| Staples | staples | Staples = Agrafes
| Short dress | short dress | Short Dress = Robe courte
| Crate | crate | Crate = Caisse
| Pear | pear | Pear = Poire
| Corpse | corpse | Corpse = Cadavre (homme)
| Bottle of disinfectant | bottle of disinfectant | Bottle Of Disinfectant = Bouteille de désinfectant
| Frosted doughnut | frosted doughnut | Frosted Doughnut = Donut glaçage rose
| Canned fruit cocktail | canned fruit cocktail | Canned Fruit Cocktail = Conserve de salade de fruits
| Little black dress | little black dress | Little Black Dress = Petite robe noire
| Paper bag | paper bag | Paper Bag = Sac en papier Spiffo
| Hawaiian shirt | hawaiian shirt | Hawaiian Shirt = Chemise hawaïenne
| Potato pancakes | potato pancakes | Potato Pancakes = Galette de pommes de terre
| Opened canned tomato | opened canned tomato | Opened Canned Tomato = Conserve de tomates (ouverte)
| Gold ring | gold ring | Gold Ring = Bague en or
| Farming vol. 1 | farming vol. 1 | Farming Vol. 1 = L'agriculture - Vol. 1
| The hunter magazine vol. 3 | the hunter magazine vol. 3 | The Hunter Magazine Vol. 3 = Magazine du chasseur - Vol. 3
| Fishing tackle | fishing tackle | Fishing Tackle = Leurre de pêche
| Tote bag | tote bag | Tote Bag = Sac en papier
| Shoes | shoes | Shoes = Chaussures
| Bucket of water | bucket of water | Bucket Of Water = Seau (rempli d'eau)
| V3 remote controller | v3 remote controller | V3 Remote Controller = Télécommande V3
| Sawed-off double barrel shotgun | sawed-off double barrel shotgun | Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun = Fusil à double canon scié
| Tight fit apron | tight fit apron | Tight Fit Apron = Tablier ajusté
| Aluminum | aluminum | Aluminum = Aluminum
| Open balaclava | open balaclava | Open Balaclava = Cagoule (ouverte)
<!-- End automated translation of ItemName_FR.txt. -->

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Revision as of 12:55, 4 June 2023
