Water Bottle

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Revision as of 05:51, 25 April 2012 by Pianoman (talk | contribs)


Water bottles will satisfy thirst. Fill an empty bottle by dragging it from inventory to a faucet and clicking.


item WaterBottleFull
	Type				=			Drainable,
	DisplayName			=			Water bottle,
	Icon				=			WaterBottle_Full,
	Weight				=			1,
	ReplaceOnDeplete	        =			WaterBottleEmpty,
	UseWhileEquipped	        = 			false,
	UseDelta			=			0.1,
	ReplaceOnUseOn 		        =			WaterSource-WaterBottleFull,
	IsWaterSource		        =			true,
	CanStoreWater		        =			true