Water Bottle (Orange Soda)

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Revision as of 02:22, 29 February 2016 by SpazzMan502 (talk | contribs) (Changed outdated information)


Water bottles will automatically satiate thirst, as the player lives in Project Zomboid. A bottle of water will gradually lose its content, and it will have to be refilled. To refill an empty bottle, you need to have it in your main inventory, then you right click on any water source (Sinks, wells, Rain Collectors) and click "Fill empty bottle". As of Build 31, water from rivers or Rain Collector barrels will be tainted, causing the player to be Sick. After a random number of days in the game, the water works will be gone, and the character will have to survive on scavenged water. Water Bottles are found in trash cans and refrigerators. It can hold the equivalent of 10 mugs of water.

The pop version of the water bottle can only be found by drinking a orange soda, and then you will get an empty water bottle. It acts the same way as the blue variant of the water bottle. It can hold the equivalent of 10 mugs of water.


item WaterPopBottle
	Type				=			Drainable,
		DisplayName			=			Water Bottle,
		Icon				=			Pop_water,
		Weight				=			1.5,
		ReplaceOnDeplete	=			PopBottleEmpty,
		UseWhileEquipped	= 			false,
		UseDelta			=			0.1,
		ReplaceOnUseOn 		=			WaterSource-WaterPopBottle,
		IsWaterSource		=			true,
		CanStoreWater		=			true
