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A moodle is an indicator of the current emotional and physical state of the player, similar to status effects in role-playing games. Moodles are displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen, and hovering the cursor over an individual moodle provides further information.

List of moodles

Moodle Icon Hungry.pngHungry

Main article: Hungry

This moodle represents the character's hunger state. A red background indicates that the player needs to eat food. A green background shows that the character is well-fed. Being fed boosts strength, carry capacity and healing rate, whereas being hungry has the opposite effect, in addition to slower body heat generation.

Currently, nutrition and hunger are entirely separate. Burning or gaining calories has no effect on this moodle. An emaciated character can still die when Full to Bursting; conversely, a starving character can die even if well overweight.

Moodle Icon Thirsty.pngThirsty

Main article: Thirsty

This moodle appears after the character had gone for a while without drinking some beverage. Dehydration leads to weakness, reduced carrying capacity, slightly increased heat generation, and eventual death. Thirst can be quenched primarily through bottles filled with clean water; many other consumables help influence thirst as well, usually by decreasing it. Sources of hydration must be clean and the water itself must be boiled, lest sickness can occur.

Moodle Icon Panic.pngPanic

Main article: Panic

This moodle represents the character's panic state, usually due to the sight of nearby zombies. Panic penalizes many combat abilities, but also provides occasional boons.

Panic can be controlled by consuming beta blockers or alcohol. Certain traits influence panic rates, and characters gradually become resistant to panic the longer they survive.

Moodle Icon Bored.pngBored

Main article: Bored

This moodle appears generally when the character is inactive indoors, though certain consumables and activities may also cause it. Boredom dissipates when outdoors or when panicking. Boredom in itself serves as a warning for another moodle, Unhappiness, but has no direct bearing on the character otherwise.

Moodle Icon Stressed.pngStressed

Main article: Stressed

This moodle represents the character's stress from a variety of circumstances, chief among them are the fear of infection and the smoker trait. Accumulated stress negatively impacts combat ability, and chronic stress can lead to unhappiness. Stress can be managed through consumables such as Cigarettes and magazines.

Moodle Icon Unhappy.pngUnhappy

Main article: Unhappy

This moodle appears when sources of unhappiness accumulate for long enough to cause the negative emotional state. Unhappiness has a minor effect on item interaction speeds, and can be controlled with various medicinal or recreation items, or through eating quality food items.

Moodle Icon Drunk.pngDrunk

Main article: Drunk

This moodle appears when the character has consumed sufficient alcohol to become intoxicated. Progressive levels of inebriation cause drowsiness and delayed vehicle controls, as well as penalties to Search Mode. Drunkenness fades over time.

Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.pngHeavy load

Main article: Heavy load

This moodle alerts the player that the character is overloaded with too many, or too cumbersome items. Progressive overencumberance greatly reduces movement and attack speed, increases endurance loss, and eventually damages the character for up to 25% of their health. Overencumberance can be remedied in several ways, most frequently by dropping or transferring items out of the inventory, or into equipped bags.

Moodle Icon Endurance.pngEndurance

Main article: Endurance

The Endurance moodle alerts the player that the character is becoming fatigued from excessive physical activity, such as running, swinging weapons, or carrying a heavy load. As the endurance moodle progresses, the character will experience rapidly decreasing combat ability, reduced movement speed, limitations on sprinting and running, and a more rapid rate of tiredness. Staying idle, sitting on the ground or resting on furniture are the most accessible ways of recovering endurance.

Moodle Icon Tired.pngTired

Main article: Tired

This moodle occurs when the character has stayed awake for an extended period of time, and is becoming tired. Being tired rapidly penalizes combat ability, the vision cone and awareness, and linearly decreases Endurance recovery. Tiredness can be remedied by sleep, or by caffeinated beverages.

Moodle Icon TempHot.pngHyperthermia

Main article: Hyperthermia

This moodle appears when the character's body reaches an above-normal temperature range. Possible causes include hot weather, physical activity, insulated clothing and zombie infection. Hyperthermia primarily increases dehydration and fatigue rates.

Moodle Icon TempCold.pngHypothermia

Main article: Hypothermia

This moodle warns the player of unfavourably low body temperatures in the character. Weather conditions, inadequate clothing and being wet are primary factors that may cause this moodle. Hypothermia sharply reduces movement and attack speeds, and may eventually bring the character to the brink of death.

Moodle Icon Windchill.pngWindchill

Main article: Windchill

This moodle appears occasionally when outdoors, in weather such as blizzards or other cold storms. It serves to reduce the character's perceived outside temperature and increase the risk of hypothermia, as long as they remain outside a building.

Moodle Icon Wet.pngWet

Main article: Wet

The wet moodle notifies the player of accumulated moisture on the character. Sources of wetness are rain, and sweat from exerting physical activity. Wetness slightly penalizes character movement speed and can risk them catching a cold. It can be avoided or prevented through seeking shelter, wearing insulated clothes, drying oneself with a towel, or having traits like outdoorsman.

Moodle Icon Injured.pngInjured

Main article: Injured

At certain levels of health remaining, the Injured moodle appears on-screen with a different severity level, serving to alert the player of the character's health state. In itself it doesn't represent the presence of injury, as some wounds do not lower health enough to show the moodle. Progressive levels of the moodle penalize carrying capacity.

Moodle Icon Pain.pngPain

Main article: Pain

This moodle frequently accompanies the character sustaining an injury of some description. Another possible cause, currently, is exercise fatigue. Pain gradually decreases combat ability and can prevent the character from sleeping, if high enough. Pain dissipates as wounds heal, or can be temporarily controlled with painkillers or Items.

Moodle Icon Bleeding.pngBleeding

Main article: Bleeding

The Bleeding moodle may appear at the same time as the character suffers an injury that breaks the skin. The moodle warns of the number of active, bleeding wounds on the body. Bleeding is remedied by applying bandages.

Moodle Icon Cold.pngHas a cold

Main article: Has a cold

If the character is wet or cold for long enough, they may contract this disease and have this moodle appear. Having a cold can periodically result in sneezing and coughing, which attract zombies nearby. A cold can be cured by staying indoors, well fed, hydrated, and not fatigued.

Moodle Icon Sick.pngSick

Main article: Sick

The Sickness moodle has several possible causes, but the most prevalent is infection through a zombie attack. Other sources include poisoning, ingesting rotten or dangerous foods, and proximity to decaying corpses. As Sickness worsens, the character suffers decreased carrying capacity, higher body temperatures, and diminished healing rates. Non-fatal Sickness may dissipate over time, with Lemongrass aiding the process. However, in an unmodified or uncustomized game, zombie infection is always fatal.

Moodle Icon Dead.pngDead

Main article: Dead

The only moodle that remains on-screen once the character reaches 0 Health is the Dead moodle. This appears when the death occurs without suffering the zombie infection.

Moodle Icon Zombie.pngZombie

Main article: Zombie (moodle)

An alternative to the Dead moodle is the Zombie moodle, which appears in the same circumstance of reaching 0 Health, but requires the character to have been infected by a zombie.

Removed, future, or unobtainable moodles

Moodle Icon CantSprint.pngRestricted movement

Main article: Restricted movement

The Restricted Movement moodle indicates the character is unable to sprint due to being barefooted, having leg injuries, being overloaded, wearing heavy clothes, or suffering from moodles that impact speed.

It is currently impossible to obtain due to disabled clothing multipliers.

Moodle Icon Angry.pngAngry

Main article: Angry

In previous versions of Project Zomboid, the anger moodle pops up for both sides when NPC reject team requests made by a player or another NPC. Each level of the Anger moodle beyond irritated progressively blocks interaction attitudes, culminating in open hostility with the risk of combat at the most intense stage.

This moodle is disabled due to there being no NPCs in the current game build, although it is expected to return when they're re-introduced. Players can trigger it by enabling Debug Mode, and increasing the anger slider from the moodles menu; even so, anger has absolutely zero effect on character actions or abilities.

Moodle Icon Hungover.pngHungover

Main article: Hungover

This moodle was used to indicate that the character had been staying too long outside, after or during intoxication. The only solution was to stay indoors. It is absent from the current build.


Main article: Fear

Fear has yet to be implemented, but the value can be seen in debug mode, and is affected by some Television and radio shows. Changing the Fear value has no effects currently.


Main article: Sanity

Sanity has yet to be implemented, but the value can be seen in debug mode. Some game files with the sanity sound files can still be found, indicating sanity was supposed to be added at one point. Changing the Sanity value has no effects currently


  • In one of the Thursdoids, it was teased that new high-resolution moodles will be added in build 42 to fit 4K and similar displays, replacing the old ones.[1]

See also
