Injured is a moodle that represents the player's injury level.
The character is injured in some way and has lost health. This moodle is an indicator of the player's remaining health.
Effects on the character mostly depend on the wound location and type; however, carrying capacity will still decrease no matter what.
Health recovery speed is fastest between roughly 10% and 80% health.
Moodle levels
Something doesn't feel right...
- Occurs when health is below 80%.
- No additional effects yet.
Strength and speed reduced.
- Occurs when health is below 60%.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 1 point.
Severe Injuries
Strength and speed severely reduced.
- Occurs when health is below 40%.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 2 points.
Critical Injuries
Not going gently into that good night...
- Occurs when health is below 25%.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 3 points.