Hungry is a moodle that represents the character's hunger state.
A red background indicates that the player needs to eat food. A green background shows that the character is well-fed.
Being fed boosts strength, carry capacity and healing rate, whereas being hungry has the opposite effect, in addition to slower body heat generation.
Currently, nutrition and hunger are entirely separate. Burning or gaining calories has no effect on this moodle. An emaciated character can still die when Full to Bursting; conversely, a starving character can die even if well overweight.
The Light Eater trait slows down the hunger rate by 25%, whereas the Hearty Appetite trait increases it by 50%.
Moodle levels
Could do with a bite to eat.
- Occurs when hunger is above 15%.
- No effects yet.
Could eat a horse right now.
- Occurs when hunger is above 25%.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 1 point.
- Body heat generation slightly decreased.
- Healing speed reduced by 35%.
Very Hungry
Reduced strength and healing.
- Occurs when hunger is above 45%.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 2 points.
- Body heat generation further decreased.
- Healing speed reduced by 60%.
Health now just falling away...
- Occurs when hunger is above 70%.
- Body heat generation moderately decreased.
- Carrying Capacity reduced by 2 points.
- Health slowly decreases until the character either dies, or consumes enough food to stop starving.
Having any positive hunger moodle will increase the character's Carrying Capacity by 2 points. The player will also regain health faster. The buffs last only a short time, requiring constant nourishment to maintain them. A character who goes to sleep with any positive hunger moodle may wake mid-sleep from a night terror.
Gnawing hunger entirely absent.
- The player heals faster and their strength is increased.
Well Fed
Tummy full. Goodness is making its way through your system.
- The player heals faster, and their strength is increased.
Stomach contented. Health and strength aided.
- The player heals faster and their strength is increased.
- The player can't eat anymore.
Full to Bursting
Couldn't take another single, solitary bite.
- The character is completely full and will not be hungry for a while.
- The player heals faster and their strength is increased.
- The player can't eat anymore.