钓鱼 是一项 生存技能, 允许角色使用一把 鱼竿 合成 鱼饵 捕获各式各样的鱼. 提高钓鱼水平可以提高鱼的质量,捕获东西的机会,并减少断线,失去诱饵和失去吃了诱饵的鱼的机会.
这种能力是养活在 水 附近生存的 玩家 的好方法,因为一条鱼可以满足玩家一整天.钓鱼对于出生点选择在 西点镇 或者 河畔镇 的玩家来说是一项非常有用的技能,因为这两个城镇相比较 马尔德劳 距离水源非常近.
钓鱼开始前, 需要准备好鱼竿和诱饵在主物品区 (例如. 不是 背包). 右键点击水选择 Fishing|钓鱼 关联选项. 当钓鱼时,鱼竿会占用主手,鱼饵会占用副手. 因此, 最好把包留在家里(如果后面没有装备的话). 同时,建议最好远离 僵尸 们.
动画和伴随的水花产生的噪音可以吸引半径20个单元格内的僵尸. 因此对于长期垂钓,建议在垂钓点周围建一个大围栏, 确保它足够大,僵尸听不到; 否则他们会撞击路上的任何一堵墙.
只有抓住了什么东西,才能获得有意义的经验. 获得的经验取决于抓到东西的重量 - 大的7点,中等的5点,小的3点; 获得经验的加成受钓鱼经验书的影响. 如果尝试钓鱼失败,或者钓上来的是一些垃圾,比如 鞋子 或者 袜子 , 玩家 将会获得1点的经验.
当钓鱼的时候, 将根据钓鱼物品生成钓鱼成功率. 制作长矛是最快的,在游戏中每5-10分钟尝试一次. 鱼竿上装备活的鱼饵在游戏中每8-11分钟进行一次尝试. 渔具 大约12-15分钟进行一次尝试. 钓鱼等级每提升一级,钓鱼尝试间隔时间将会减少5秒, 所以当玩家钓鱼等级在10级时会比钓鱼等级0级的玩家每次快1分钟.
在服务器 正常丰富 设置下, 使用鱼竿和活的鱼饵(鱼饵, 蠕虫, 蟋蟀, 蚱蜢, 蟑螂, 蛆)钓到鱼的默认机率为20%, 钓鱼等级每提升1级增加1.5%. 鱼竿和 渔具 分别为10%和2.5%, 使用 制作长矛 分别为10%和1.5%.
在黄昏至黎明时间(04:00-06:59 and 18:00-20:59),以上机率增加10%.
在版本 41.78.16 已得到验证
例子 1: 使用 制造矛 在十一月至二月,在不是黎明或者黄昏时期,在钓鱼等级0-6级别时0%机率能成功,在钓鱼等级7级时仅有0.5%机率能成功.
例子 2: 使用 鱼竿 在黄昏(18:00-20:00)时期, 使用活体鱼饵, 在三月-十月, 技能等级10级, 有45%的成功几率.
此外,可通过设置 Nature's Abundance 百分比来增加/减少钓鱼机会. 非常丰富给予 66% 增幅, 丰富给予 25% 增幅, 贫乏给予 16% 减幅, 非常贫乏给予 28.5% 减幅. 所以在上文的 例子 1 中,非常丰富的设定不会提升钓鱼等级0-6级时的成功机率. 但是会给予 例子 2 75%的成功机率,同时非常贫乏会给予32%的成功机率.
在一次成功的钓鱼尝试中,有机会钓到一个垃圾物品而不是鱼,比如鞋子和袜子. 在钓鱼等级0的时候,机率是40%. 在钓鱼等级10级的时候, 机率是15.86%. 钓到垃圾的机率以非线性的方式下降, 例如,钓鱼1减少7.5%的垃圾率,钓鱼2减少5.25%的垃圾率.
当某些东西被捕获时,活鱼饵总是会丢失.塑料渔具只有在鱼线断裂时才会丢失,这种情况只发生在成功的钓鱼尝试中. 当鱼叉或鱼线断了,鱼就没了.丢失鱼线的基本几率是基于捕获物的大小: 小(8%), 中 (12%), 大 (22%). 每提升一个钓鱼等级将减少1%的丢失机率. 鱼线, 相比较于 Twine, 将减少2%的断开机率. 制作的鱼竿 增加3%的损坏机率. 制作长矛 增加5%的损坏机率.
例子 1: 用鱼竿抓到一条中等鳟鱼 (12%) , 使用鱼线(-2%)同时钓鱼等级在10级(-10%),将不会损坏鱼线和丢失鱼.
例子 2: 用制作的鱼竿(+3%)抓到一条小型鳟鱼 (8%), 用鱼线(-2%)同时钓鱼等级在4级(-4%). 有5%的机率损坏鱼线和丢失鱼.
例子 3: 用制作的长矛 (+5%)抓到大型梭子鱼 (22%),钓鱼等级7级(-7%)时,有20%机率损坏长矛和丢失鱼.
Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
捕获修正概率 | +10% | +11.5% | +13% | +14.5% | +16% | +17.5% | +19% | +20.5% | +22% | +23.5% | +25% |
Break Chance Modifier | +5% | +4% | +3% | +2% | +1% | +0% | -1% | -2% | -3% | -4% | -5% |
Fishing Rod
Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Catch Chance Modifier w/ Bait | +20% | +21.5% | +23% | +24.5% | +26% | +27.5% | +29% | +30.5% | +32% | +33.5% | +35% |
Catch Chance modifier w/ Lure | +10% | +12.5% | +15% | +17.5% | +20% | +22.5% | +25% | +27.5% | +30% | +32.5% | +35% |
Break Chance Modifier | -2% | -3% | -4% | -5% | -6% | -7% | -8% | -9% | -10% | -11% | -12% |
Break Chance Modifier w/ Twine | -0% | -1% | -2% | -3% | -4% | -5% | -6% | -7% | -8% | -9% | -10% |
Crafted Fishing Rod
Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Catch Chance Modifier w/ Bait | +20% | +21.5% | +23% | +24.5% | +26% | +27.5% | +29% | +30.5% | +32% | +33.5% | +35% |
Catch Chance Modifier w/ Lure | +10% | +12.5% | +15% | +17.5% | +20% | +22.5% | +25% | +27.5% | +30% | +32.5% | +35% |
Break Chance Modifier | +1% | +0% | -1% | -2% | -3% | -4% | -5% | -6% | -7% | -8% | -9% |
Break Chance Modifier w/ Twine | +3% | +2% | +1% | +0% | -1% | -2% | -3% | -4% | -5% | -6% | -7% |
Quite often, a rod will lose its line while fishing. Relining a rod requires an item from each of the following categories:
- Nail or Paperclip
- Twine or Fishing Line
When used in the repair, a Nail or Paperclip is consumed, while the Twine or Fishing line consumes some of its contents (units). A fishing rod doesn't lose durability when used for fishing.
Occupations & Traits
Name | Starting Points | Major Skills | Description |
Fisherman | -2 | +3 Fishing +1 Foraging |
N/A |
Name | Cost | Description | Notes |
Angler | -4 | +1 Fishing | Can be taken with Fisherman occupation. |
物品 | 描述 | 负重 | break the line | Classname |
Fishing Rod |
0.4 | Base.FishingRod | ||
Fishing Rod with Twine Line |
0.4 | Base.FishingRodTwineLine | ||
Fishing Rod (crafted) |
0.4 | Base.CraftedFishingRod | ||
Crafted Fishing Rod with Twine Line |
0.4 | Base.CraftedFishingRodTwineLine | ||
Crafted Spear |
Use to spearfish. | 0.4 | - | Base.WoodenLance |
Item | Description | Encumbrance | Classname |
Fishing Net Trap |
0.5 | Base.FishingNet | |
Broken Fishing Net Trap |
0.4 | Base.BrokenFishingNet |
物品 | 描述 | 负重 | 分类 |
鱼线 |
用于制作 鱼竿. | 0.1 | Base.FishingLine |
没有鱼线的鱼竿 |
0.4 | Base.FishingRodBreak | |
钉子 |
用于修理 制作的鱼竿. | 0.01 | Base.Nails |
回形针 |
用于修理或者制作 鱼竿. | 0.01 | Base.Paperclip |
结实的棍子 |
用于制作 鱼竿. | 0.1 | Base.WoodenStick |
树枝 |
用于制作 长矛. | 0.2 | Base.Treebranch |
Twine |
用于修理或者制作 fishing net trap|渔网. | 0.1 | Base.Twine |
There are three types of bait that can be used for fishing: Insect (disambiguation), Fishing Tackle (disambiguation), and Little Bait Fish. Insects include worm, cockroach, cricket, and grasshopper.
Worms are the most common bait to find. They can be found uncommonly while scavenging around the town, or frequently while digging with a Trowel or removing grass. So long as it's the selected bait, a worm will be consumed every time the player fishes, even if they catch trash items like socks.
Fishing Tackle is found while scavenging, and has a higher chance of catching fish instead of trash. They have a durability, unlike both insects and bait fish, therefore they can be used more than once, reducing the encumbrance for the bait that needs to be carried. It is recommended to conserve any available fishing tackle, unless the player's fishing skill level is mid range or higher.
Bait fish are fish that have a chance of being obtained while fishing or using a fishing net trap. Bait fish can only catch pike, have a 50% chance to catch more junk, and are consumed when used as bait.
Item | Description | Encumbrance | Classname |
Little Bait Fish |
- | 0.1 | Base.BaitFish |
Fishing Tackle (disambiguation) |
- | 0.1 | Base.FishingTackle |
Worm |
- | 0.1 | Base.Worm |
Cricket |
- | 0.1 | Base.Cricket |
Grasshopper |
- | 0.1 | Base.Grasshopper |
Cockroach |
- | 0.1 | Base.Cockroach |
There are 3 types of size per fish: little, medium and big. Each type of fish has a minimum size and a maximum size. A number is chosen at random between the minimum size and the maximum size to get the fish size. Each fish has a weight modifier, for example trout has 60, meaning a trout of 30cm / weight modifier (60) = 0.5 kg. Then the hunger reduction is based on the weight of the fish: weight * 10 (ex: 2kg * 10 = 20 hunger reduction).[1]
With live bait, the distribution of sizes is: 50% small, 30% medium, 20% big. This is 60% small, 25% medium, 15% big for Fishing Tackle.
The various types of fish that can be caught from common Bass, to large Pike.
NOTE: Numbers in green are weight modifiers.
Item | Description | Little | Medium | Big | Base weight | Bait | Classname |
Bass |
- | 25cm - 35cm 30 |
35cm - 55cm 40 |
55cm - 75cm 30 |
1.1 | Base.Bass | |
Catfish |
- | 15cm - 25cm 50 |
25cm - 35cm 40 |
35cm - 55cm 30 |
0.4 | Base.Catfish | |
Crappie |
- | 15cm - 20cm 50 |
20cm - 25cm 40 |
25cm - 35cm 30 |
0.4 | Base.Crappie | |
Perch |
- | 20cm - 30cm 20 |
30cm - 40cm 16 |
40cm - 60cm 12 |
0.4 | Base.Perch | |
Pike |
- | 50cm - 65cm 23 |
65cm - 90cm 18 |
90cm - 120cm 8 |
0.4 | Base.Pike | |
Sunfish |
- | 15cm - 20cm 40 |
20cm - 25cm 35 |
25cm - 35cm 30 |
0.4 | Base.Panfish | |
Trout |
- | 30cm - 40cm 60 |
40cm - 50cm 45 |
50cm - 70cm 30 |
0.4 | Base.Trout |
Occasionally, the player can catch trash items.
Item | Description | Encumbrance | Bait | Classname |
Socks |
- | 0.01 | Base.Socks | |
Shoes (disambiguation) |
- | 1 | Base.Shoes |
- ↑ Reference developer comment in file "projectzomboid\media\lua\shared\Fishing\fishing_properties.lua"