Bath Towel

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Revision as of 00:39, 18 February 2023 by Faalagorn (talk | contribs) (Remove 120px, minor fixes)
Bath Towel
Bath Towel
Category Item
Main function Dry player
Other function(s) Clean bloodstains
Bath Towel
Weight 0.3
Max. units 10 units
Wet Bath Towel
Weight 0.5
Max. units 10 units
Cooldown 10000
Technical details
Item ID See Item IDs
Use to dry self when wet. Always know where your towel is.
— In-game tooltip.

A bath towel is a drainable item used in first aid.



Bath towels are used to dry the player when the wet moodle is displayed, which is typical after being in the rain. Depending on how wet the player is determines whether a single bath towel will suffice in drying them. If not, the bath towel will become a wet bath towel.

A wet bath towel will gradually dry on its own, similarly to a cooldown in other RPG style games, upon which it will become a standard bath towel again.


A bath towel can be used with bleach to clean blood splatters off of floors and walls.


Bath towels can be found in bathrooms, hairdressers, motel rooms and gift stores.

Item IDs

Item Class name
Bath Towel Base.BathTowel
Wet Bath Towel Base.BathTowelWet


From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/)

Bath Towel Bath Towel.png Retrieved: Build 40.43

	item BathTowel
		Weight			= 0.3,
		Type			= Drainable,
		DisplayName		= Bath Towel,
        	UseWhileEquipped	= FALSE,
		Icon			= Bathtowel,
        	UseDelta		= 0.1,
		ReplaceOnDeplete	= BathTowelWet,
		Tooltip			= Tooltip_Bathtowel,

Wet Bath Towel Bath Towel.png Retrieved: Build 40.43

	item BathTowelWet
		Type			= Normal,
		DisplayName		= Wet Bath Towel,
		Icon			= Bathtowel,
		Weight			= 0.5,
		Wet			= TRUE,
		WetCooldown		= 10000,
		ItemWhenDry		= Base.BathTowel,

See also
