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Painkillers are usually found within medicine cabinets in bathrooms; and can also occur as a rare drop on zombie corpses. They are used to remove pain associated with injuries, and to reverse the adverse effects that come with pain; as well as being drainable, meaning they can be used multiple times before they become worthless.

It is recommended to bring a bottle of painkillers with you at all times, because you never know when your character will get hurt. In addition to that, keep at least 3 or 4 bottles at home, in case your character used up his original bottle or is seriously injured. Taking multiple pills will speed up/strengthen the removal of pain. In the future, the character will face the side effects of drug misuse if consumed excessively.


Removes negative pain moodles, which will help you sleep/fight better.


item Pills
	Weight	=	0.2,
	Type	=	Drainable,
	UseDelta	=	0.1,
	UseWhileEquipped	=	FALSE,
	DisplayName	=	Painkillers,
	Icon	=	PillsPainkiller,
	Tooltip = Tooltip_Painkillers,

See Also
