Remote Controller

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Revision as of 14:04, 9 September 2018 by Vaileasys (talk | contribs)

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Improvised device used to remotely detonate crafted bombs and traps.
Requires known recipe and Electrical skill.
— In-game tooltip

A remote controller is an electrical item.


Remote controllers are used to trigger traps, so long as they have the crafted trigger modification. Each of the three remote controllers have a different activation range, being 7, 11, and 15 tiles.


To activate a trap with a remote controller, the two items must first be linked by right-clicking the remote controller or trap and selecting "Link to [TRAP/CONTROLLER]". Each remote controller has a unique Remote ID, upon linking, the trap will have this same ID. If it has been linked correctly, both the remote controller and trap will have an identical Remote ID, and the trap will be tagged with "(Linked)". The trap can now be thrown or placed without triggering upon impact.


To trigger the remote trap, right-click the linked remote controller and select "Trigger", this will trigger any linked traps. Multiple traps can be linked to a single remote controller and once triggered, all linked traps will be triggered. A remote controller can be used an infinite amount of times and will never degrade or be consumed.


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Remote controllers can be found in an electrician's house or vehicle.


From newitems.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/)

V1 Remote Controller RemoteCrafted.png Retrieved: Build 40.11

	item RemoteCraftedV1
		Weight	=	0.4,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	V1 Remote Controller,
		Icon	=	RemoteCrafted,
		RemoteController    =   TRUE,
		RemoteRange =   7,
		MetalValue = 15,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_RemoteController,

V2 Remote Controller RemoteCrafted.png Retrieved: Build 40.11

	item RemoteCraftedV2
		Weight	=	0.4,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	V2 Remote Controller,
		Icon	=	RemoteCrafted,
		RemoteController    =   TRUE,
		RemoteRange =   11,
		MetalValue = 15,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_RemoteController,

V3 Remote Controller RemoteCrafted.png Retrieved: Build 40.11

	item RemoteCraftedV1
		Weight	=	0.4,
		Type	=	Normal,
		DisplayName	=	V3 Remote Controller,
		Icon	=	RemoteCrafted,
		RemoteController    =   TRUE,
		RemoteRange =   15,
		MetalValue = 15,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_RemoteController,

See also