TV Dinner

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Revision as of 20:20, 3 July 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Updated page, +nutritional info, slight description change, +navigation, + info, +code +NOTOC, effects moved into nutritional section. + relevant categories.)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Index -> Food -> Non Perishable Foods -> TV Dinner   

A TV Dinner is a non-perishable item found in many kitchen cupboards. Although it manages to reduce hunger, it makes you character feel more bored and unhappy. It is dangerous without being cooked, but as with all cookables, it can be burnt.

Nutritional Information

A cooked TV dinner provides when completely eaten: -23 hunger, +30 boredom, +25 unhappiness.

It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 81
Proteins = 30
Lipids = 25
Calories = 670


	item TVDinner
		HungerChange		= -23,
		Weight			= 0.4,
		Type			= Food,
		IsCookable		= TRUE,
		DangerousUncooked	= TRUE,
		UnhappyChange		= 25,
		MinutesToBurn		= 15,
		DisplayName		= TV Dinner,
		Icon			= TVDinner,
		MinutesToCook		= 10,
		BoredomChange		= 30,
        	Carbohydrates 		= 81,
        	Proteins 		= 30,
        	Lipids 			= 25,
        	Calories 		= 670,
        	Packaged 		= TRUE,
