
From PZwiki
Revision as of 01:18, 22 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Redesigned page, + Navbox, slight description alteration, + categories, confirmed info on pills was correct. + link to first aid.)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Medical Items -> Vitamins   

Template:Medical Vitamins work to reduce fatigue. They are usually found in medicine cabinets and in medical buildings, such as Cortman Medical; they can also occur as a rare drop on zombie corpses; they are also drainable, and a full container can be used 10 times before it is exhausted.


Vitamins provide -2 Fatigue for your character, making your character less drowsy.


Vitamin Pills Vitamins.png

	item PillsVitamins
        	FatigueChange		= -2,
		Weight			= 0.2,
        	UseDelta		= 0.1,
		Type			= Drainable,
		UseWhileEquipped	= FALSE,
		DisplayName		= Vitamins,
		Icon			= Vitamins,
		Tooltip 		= Tooltip_Vitamins,

See Also

General First Aid
