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The journal is an effective diary you crafted with an Empty Notebook and a pen or pencil. The journal is the most effective item of literature, when crafted, you get 20 journals, and each journal takes out a good amount of stress, boredom, and unhappiness.

[Cannot be done anymore]

But Journals can still be found from offices.

By using a pen or pencil on Empty Notebook you can write text on it. Doesn't reduce stress, boredom, or unhappiness.


Moodles: -50
Stressed: -15
Unhappy: -40


item Journal
	Count	=	20,
		Weight	=	0.3,
		Type	=	Literature,
		UnhappyChange	=	-40,
		DisplayName	=	Journal,
		StressChange	=	-40,
		Icon	=	Notebook,
		BoredomChange	=	-50,


RC 2.9.8a Add history here.

See Also
