Reverend Peter Watts

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Project ZomboidWorldAISurvivorsReverend Peter Watts
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Peter Watts
Peter Watts
I believe that those... changed. Are a step closer. Maybe already at his side. What else is there?
— Reverend Peter Watts

Reverend Peter Watts is a minor character and un-interactable NPC that can be heard from broadcasts from the network WBLN News.


Reverend Watts is regarded as the "Bishop of Louisville." on the night show on WBLN with Dawn Stevenson to spread his opinion on the Knox Event with the man spreading his view that they will all be forgiven for their doubting that God will help people out of this outbreak.



Day: 6 Start time: 10050 End time: 10080
Day: 7 Start time: 10080 End time: 10440

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WBLN! Your news, your station.
Welcome to Talk the Night. I'm Dawn Stevenson.
I'd like to apologise for last night's guest.
Tonight we hope to avoid distress.
Sitting with me is the Right Reverend Peter Watts.
The Bishop of Louisville.
How do you react to the Knox Event as a man of faith?
I find it testing.
I find it hard to believe that a just God, my God, could allow...
... such a thing.
But I also see God in those helping each other.
I see God in those helping us.
How can he let this happen?
A better place, in his presence.
I believe that those... changed.
Are a step closer. Maybe already at his side.
What else is there?
Have you doubted? Have you doubted at all?
I am human, and to doubt is human.
Thomas doubted, but he was forgiven.
We will all be forgiven.
Thank you.
The curfew begins at 6pm EST. Please stay in your houses.
Please tune in to local programming for curfew information.
WBLN! Your news, your station.


  • Rev_Peter_Watts can be used as an outfit or spawned as a zombie in the debug mode and can presumably be found in the game. Outfit color is randomized and body/hair/beard are not set.

See also