Sterilized Rag

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Sterilized Rag

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28
   Navigation - Main Index -> The Game World -> Items -> Consumables -> Medical Items -> Sterilized Rag   


A Sterilized Rag that has been cleaned with either a alcoholic beverage or a bottle of disinfectant. Is used to treat injuries that break the skin and cause bleeding and its alcoholic properties prevent infection further, compared to a regular rag.

Bandages and Ripped Sheets are both interchangeable when bandaging wounds. However Ripped Sheets have only half the bandaging power that medical bandages utilise and therefore do not last as long.

Sterilized Rags eventually become dirty when left on, and a dirty rag has a higher chance of becoming infected than a clean bandage so it is in the player's best interest to remove the dirty bandage and reapply a clean one.


Name Recipe Description Skill Level


At all times, even when you think you are safe, keep a few Bandages or Ripped Sheets on your character. Unexpected injuries can be dangerous if left untreated. Keep a few more backup bandages or Ripped Sheets in your stronghold so that you can treat injuries if you run out of Bandages or Ripped Sheets you brought with you.


Sterilized Rag Rag.png

    item AlcoholRippedSheets
        CanBandage		= TRUE,
        Weight			= 0.05,
        AlwaysWelcomeGift	= TRUE,
        Alcoholic		= TRUE,
        Type			= Normal,
        DisplayName		= Sterilized Rag,
        ReplaceOnUse    	= RippedSheetsDirty,
        Icon			= Rag,
        BandagePower    	= 2,

See Also

General First Aid
