Watermelon Slice

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Revision as of 19:41, 29 August 2016 by MalonyJenkins (talk | contribs) (Update of NavBar.)

Page Updated @ Version: 34.28

Watermelon slices are a perishable food item that goes bad as time passes. They are crafted by slicing a watermelon with an axe, kitchen knife, or saw. It is more efficient to eat watermelon slices, rather than watermelon chunks or the whole watermelon. Watermelon slices take three in-game days to go stale, and four in-game days to rot.

Nutritional Information


It's Nutritional Values are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 34.11
Proteins = 2.75
Lipids = 0.67
Calories = 135.5


Name Recipe Description


	item WatermelonSliced
		HungerChange		= -6,
		Weight			= 0.3,
		Type			= Food,
		DaysTotallyRotten	= 4,
		ThirstChange		= -20,
		DisplayName		= Watermelon Slice,
		Icon			= WatermelonSliced,
		DaysFresh		= 3,
        	Carbohydrates 		= 34.11,
        	Proteins 		= 2.75,
        	Lipids 			= 0.67,
        	Calories 		= 135.5,


In previous versions it was possible to cut a rotten Watermelon into fresh slices. This bug has now been fixed.
