Wooden Plank

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Revision as of 21:09, 11 May 2012 by Bl1nDSh00TeR (talk | contribs)

Wooden Plank

Template:Weapons Wood planks can be found throughout the game world. They are primarily used to make a barricade.

Extra wood planks can sometimes be found in crates, or recovered by breaking down doors with a melee weapon.

Wood planks can also be used as a weapon, although they do very little damage. They do, however, work well for pushing zombies away from the player and thus are effective for crowd control purposes.

Door can also be broken down by the player or zombies. Each destroyed door will yield two wood planks.


Name Recipe Description


item Plank
	Type				=			Weapon,
	DisplayName			=			Wooden Plank,
	Icon				=			Plank,
	MinAngle			=			-0.2,
	MaxDamage			=			0.2,
	MinDamage			=			0.1,
	MaxRange 			= 			2.0,
	SwingAnim			=			Bat,
	WeaponSprite		        =			plank,
	Weight				=			8,
	WeaponWeight		        =			2.5,
	DoorDamage			=			5,
	MinimumSwingTime 	        = 			15,
	SwingTime			=			26,
	SwingAmountBeforeImpact         = 		        0.2,
	PushBackMod			=			4.5,
	ConditionLowerChanceOneIn       = 	                5,
	ConditionMax 	  	        = 			10,
	Categories 			=			Improvised,

