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Revision as of 11:12, 11 February 2016 by Faalagorn (talk | contribs) (dot)


The fork is a stabbing weapon that was added in 0.2.0r RC2.9 along with the Spoon and the Scissors. The fork is capable of killing a zombie in 4-6 decently aimed shots. Because of its low range, low knockback, and low damage, the fork is not fit for fighting large groups - or even multiple zombies at once. Rather, the fork should be used if zombies could be SAFELY fought 1 by 1 or there is only one enemy. Currently fork behaves exactly the same as spoon in combat and have the same weight and durability. Forks are abundant in kitchens just like most other stabbing weapons (Spoon, Butter Knife, Kitchen Knife).


	item Fork
		MaxRange	=	0.9,
		WeaponSprite	=	Knife,
		MinAngle	=	0,
		Type	=	Weapon,
		MinimumSwingTime	=	2,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
		Categories	=	Blade,
		Weight	=	0.3,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	1,
		PushBackMod	=	0.3,
		MaxDamage	=	0.1,
		SubCategory	=	Stab,
		AimingMod	=	0.8,
		ConditionMax	=	3,
		MaxHitCount	=	1,
		IsAimedHandWeapon	=	TRUE,
		DoorDamage	=	1,
		SwingAnim	=	Stab,
		CriticalChance	=	5,
		WeaponWeight	=	0.3,
		DisplayName	=	Fork,
		MinRange	=	0.2,
		SwingTime	=	2,
		MinDamage	=	0.1,
		KnockdownMod	=	0,
		Icon	=	Fork,
		TreeDamage  =   0,
		EnduranceMod = 0.5,


RC 2.9 Added to the game.

See Also
