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< Occupation
Revision as of 21:05, 26 December 2021 by Fazbeus (talk | contribs) (Removed Testing tag due to Build 41 being stable.)


Ocupação, anteriormente chamada de profissão, é a linha de trabalho do jogador antes do início do Evento de Knox e é escolhida durante a Criação de Personagem.

Cada ocupação oferece diferentes vantagens ao jogador, o que permitirá que ele se supere em certas habilidades mais do que outras. Desde o Build 31, isso se tornou muito mais relevante, visto que apenas os personagens que já começam com experiência em uma habilidade ganham um multiplicador no ganho de experiência, permitindo que subam de nível essa habilidade a um ritmo muito mais rápido. Por exemplo: um carpinteiro vai aprender carpintaria muito mais rápido do que um fazendeiro, por exemplo, a menos que o fazendeiro também tivesse um hobby que envolvesse carpintaria.

Nível de habilidade inicial e Bônus de experiência:

  • Level 0 - 25% (padrão para todas as habilidades)
  • Level 1 - 75%
  • Level 2 - 100%
  • Level 3+ - 125%

Major skill boosts can also be obtained by taking certain "Hobby" traits.

Note that some Occupations put the player into negative Pontos iniciais, requiring them to take negative traits, whereas others have points left to spend on positive traits.

List of Occupations


A blank canvas with no previous experience. Ideal starting occupation for someone wanting to create their own completely custom character.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Pontos iniciais: 8

The Fire Officer icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Fire Officer

Fire Officers can carry more and run faster for longer periods of time.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 6
Força: 6
Corrida: 1
Pontos iniciais: 0

The Police Officer icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Police Officer

Police Officers are very effective with firearms, as such this profession is great if you want to face the hordes of the undead Guns Blazin'.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Mira: 3
Reloading: 2
Agilidade: 1
Pontos iniciais: -4

The Park Ranger icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Park Ranger

Park Rangers, thanks to their skill boost are great for players who are looking to survive away from any town, deep in the wilderness. Park Rangers have a huge boost to speed while walking through forests.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Foraging: 2
Trapping: 2
Carpentry: 1
Pontos iniciais: -4

The Construction Worker icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Construction Worker

While Construction Worker is no longer the best choice for those who want to build their own base, this profession definitely is the one to go with if you like fighting zombies with Blunt weapons.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blunt Accuracy: 3
Carpentry: 1
Pontos iniciais: -2

The Security Guard icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Security Guard

Security Guard is a good choice for those who enjoy moving from place to place without clearing the entire area. Characters with this profession need less sleep and stay more alert when they do. They can also evacuate much faster should things go south.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Corrida: 2
Lightfooted: 1
Trait: Requires little sleep. Stays extra alert when sleeping Night Owl
Pontos iniciais: -2

The Carpenter icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Carpenter

This occupation is great for those who are looking to build their own base. And nothing else.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Carpentry: 3
Pontos iniciais: 2

The Burglar icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Burglar

Burglars are the best choice for those who prefer to sneak past zombies rather than fight them.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Sneaking: 2
Lightfooted: 2
Agilidade: 2
Pontos iniciais: -6

The Chef icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Chef

Chefs are very good at handling various kitchenware and stabbing\cutting things with their kitchen knives. Choosing this profession ensures that you'll eat well even after the apocalypse.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blade Accuracy: 1
Blade Maintenance: 1
Cooking: 3
Trait: Know cooking Cook
Pontos iniciais: -4

The Repairman icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Repairman

Repairman is a profession for those who want to use their tools for a little longer without them breaking and even then be able to repair them easily, if they have the right kind of glue or some duct tape.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blunt Maintenance: 2
Blade Maintenance: 2
Carpentry: 1
Pontos iniciais: -4

The Farmer icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Farmer

Profession of choice for those who don't want to starve once the last can of tuna and pack of crisps are nothing but a memory.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Farming: 3
Pontos iniciais: 2

The Fisherman icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Fisherman

Good starting profession for those who choose surviving in West Point as there isn't much water in Muldraugh.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Fishing: 3
Foraging: 1
Pontos iniciais: -2

The Doctor icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Doctor

Doctors are much better at treating injuries than other people but are not too useful in a world where a single scratch from a zombie can mean death.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Primeiros Socorros: 3
Pontos iniciais: 2

The Veteran icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Veteran

Veterans never panic, no matter how bad it is they can stand their ground and deal out headshots to any zombies that made the mistake of trying to scare them.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Mira: 2
Reloading: 2
Trait: Does not reach states of panic Desensitized
Pontos iniciais: -8

The Nurse icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Nurse

Like the Doctors, Nurses are good at treating injuries but that's it.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Primeiros Socorros: 2
Lightfooted: 1
Pontos iniciais: 2

The Fitness Lumberjack icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Lumberjack

Lumberjacks are very effective with an axe. No matter if they're hacking away at a tree or a zombie. Lumberjacks have a minor boost to speed while walking through forests (Build 35.26).
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blade Accuracy: 2
Força: 1
Trait: Better at chopping trees. Faster axe swing. Axe Man
Pontos iniciais: 0

The Fitness Instructor icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Fitness Instructor

Fitness Instructors are very effective at running which means zombies usually aren't going to be a big problem for them.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Corrida: 2
Aptidão Física: 3
Trait: Can see the nutritional values of any food. Nutritionist
Pontos iniciais: -6

The Burger Flipper icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Burger Flipper

Good for those who want to eat well and play with sharp objects.
Habilidades iniciais:
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blade Accuracy: 1
Cooking: 2
Trait: Know cooking Cook
Pontos iniciais: 2

The Electrician icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Electrician

This profession will allow the player to use generators and maintain them by default.
Habilidades iniciais
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Electrical: 3
Pontos iniciais: -4

The Engineer icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Engineer

The Engineer is able to craft different kinds of traps and powerful explosives, even some that cannot be learnt through recipe magazines.
Habilidades iniciais
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Electrical: 1
Carpentry: 1
Pontos iniciais -4

The Metalworker icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Metalworker

The Metalworker is able to craft metal structures and furniture.
Habilidades iniciais
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Metalworking: 3
Pontos iniciais -6

The Mechanic icon, as it appears on the character creation menu.Mechanic

The Mechanic can perform maintenance and repair on all vehicle models.
Habilidades iniciais
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Mechanics: 3
Trait: Familiar with the maintenance and repair of all vehicle models on the roads of Kentucky Amateur Mechanic
Pontos iniciais -4

Build 41

Occupation Skills Traits Pontos iniciais Description starting clothing Spawn points
Muldraugh, KY Riverside, KY Rosewood, KY West Point, KY
Unemployed - - 8 8 free trait points - - - - -
Fire Officer
Fire Officer
+1 Axe
+1 Aptidão Física
+1 Corrida
+1 Força
- -4 - Firefighter Pants - - Fire Station (map) -
Police Officer
Police Officer
+3 Mira
+1 Agilidade
+2 Reloading
- 0 - - - Riverside Suites (map) Police station (map) Town Hall (map)
Knox Bank (map)
Police station (map)
Park Ranger
Park Ranger
+1 Axe
+1 Carpentry
+2 Foraging
+2 Trapping
- -4 Allows much faster movement through forests and woodland. - House near forest (map) - House with Garden (map)
House near forest (map)
Small House (map)
Construction Worker
Construction Worker
+1 Carpentry
+3 Short Blunt
- -2 - - - Construction Site(map)
Fossoil (map)
Bar (map)
Riverside Suites (map)
- -
Security Guard
Security Guard
+1 Lightfooted
+2 Corrida
Requires little sleep. Stays extra alert when sleeping Night Owl -2 Requires little sleep. Stays extra alert when sleeping - Shop (map) Bar (map) - -
+3 Carpentry
+1 Short Blunt
- 2 - - - - - -
+2 Lightfooted
+2 Agilidade
+2 Sneaking
- -6 - - - - - -
+3 Cooking
+1 Maintenance
+1 Short Blade
Know cooking Cook -4 - - Burgers (map)
Diner (map)
Spiffo's (map)
Park Restaurant (map)
Riverside Suites (map)
Buffet (map) Burgers (map)
Pizza Whirled (map)
Spiffo's (map)
Crystal Pie (map)
+1 Carpentry
+2 Maintenance
+1 Short Blunt
- -4 - - - Construction Site (map)
Fossoil (map)
Bar (map)
- -
+3 Farming - 2 - - - - - -
+3 Fishing
+1 Foraging
- -2 - - - - - -
+3 Primeiros Socorros
+1 Short Blade
- 2 - - Cortman Medical (map) Pharmahug (map) - Pharmahug (map)
+2 Mira
+2 Reloading
Does not reach states of panic Desensitized -8 Does not reach states of panic - - - -
+2 Primeiros Socorros
+1 Lightfooted
- 2 - - - - - -
+2 Primeiros Socorros
+1 Lightfooted
Better at chopping trees. Faster axe swing. Axe Man 0 Better at chopping trees. Faster axe swing. - - - - -
Fitness Instructor
Fitness Instructor
+3 Aptidão Física
+2 Corrida
Can see the nutritional values of any food. Nutritionist -6 Can see the nutritional values of any food. - - - - -
Burger Flipper
Burger Flipper
+2 Cooking
+1 Maintenance
+1 Short Blade
Know cooking Cook 2 Know cooking - - - - -
+3 Electrical - -4 Can operate generators - - - - -
+1 Carpentry
+1 Electrical
- -4 Can make traps and explosives - - - - -
+3 Metalworking - -6 Can weld foraged metal to create items and barricades. - - - - -
+3 Mechanics
+1 Short Blunt
Familiar with the maintenance and repair of all vehicle models on the roads of Kentucky Amateur Mechanic -6 Familiar with the maintenance and repair of all vehicle models on the roads of Kentucky. - - - - -

Removed/Future Occupations

The Blacksmith icon, as it appeared on the character creation menu.Blacksmith

The Blacksmith can make a range of metallic tools.
Habilidades iniciais
Aptidão Física: 5
Força: 5
Blacksmith: 3
Trait: Use an anvil to create metal items Blacksmith
Pontos iniciais -4

See also