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Revision as of 00:19, 11 December 2013 by Connall (talk | contribs)
Example of a weak wooden door. Health is 5
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Doors are used to enter and exit buildings. Zombie cannot open doors, but they can bash through them, breaking the door permanently. Much like windows, a door can be barricaded, giving an additional 40 health.

It is also possible to break down a door with a melee weapon. The axe is the most efficient, taking 2 hits for each unit of health. However, this does not hold for the 0.2.0r RC2 update, since doors take unusually long to break - Taking 20 swings from the fire axe to drain 1 health point. The hammer and baseball bat can also be used but will require a lot more uses. Breaking down a door will cause lots of noise.

A broken down door will turn into one or two wood planks. There is also a possibility that a broken down door will also drop doorknobs and door hinges. These can be used to craft new doors that can be used to replace broken ones. Craft with caution as these doors are very heavy.

Wooden Door

The wooden door is a regular door. It is the main door type of buildings in the suburbs. It has 5 health, and can be crafted with 4 Wooden Planks, 2 Hinges, 4 Nails and 1 Doorknob


Name Recipe Description

Locked Door

As the name suggests, the locked door is locked. You cannnot open it from the outside unless you break it down. It can be opened from the inside, unlocking it from the outside. It has 7 or 9 health.

See Also
