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Procedural distribution explains how the loot system of the game works and how you can add your own loot to the procedural distribution.
How does loot generation works
Each containers in the game have different possibilities of distribution lists which can also depend on the type of room they are in. This means each containers can have multiple distributions associated to them, based on the room they are in and the distribution they will use when being loaded in depends on a weighted random on these choices.
Each distribution has a set amount of rolls for every items in their item list, and each item entry has a set chance which is neither a weight nor a percentage. Every loot roll will roll a random number based on some criteria such as loot spawn chance and zombie population and compare it to the item chance value set in the distribution list.
This means that adding new items to a distribution list will ultimately increase the mean amount of items in this container which are spawning and the game will even ignore the container encumbrance limitations and still add items to the container if it rolls a pass for the item spawning. This means mods that add a lot of new items such as True Music addons, large gun mods or clothing packs will increase the mean chance of finding items in a container, and the overall quantity which spawns in this container. If you combine mods that add lots of small items you end up with containers filled to the brim even with the rarest loot rarity chance and even worse you could find containers with a huge amount of loot and yet other containers without any loot.
When loot is being spawned in a container, the event OnFillContainer triggers, allowing you to modify items which are spawning in or add other items.
Distribution structure
Vanilla loot distribution is defined in the following file:
└── media/
└── lua/
└── server/
└── Items/
└── ProceduralDistributions.lua
Each distribution lists are added to the table ProceduralDistributions.list
in the following form:
ProceduralDistributions.list = {
distributionName = { -- the distribution category
rolls = 3,
items = { -- can be empty
"Item1", -- item n°1 in the distribution category
10, -- the item n°1 roll chance
"Item2", -- item n°2 in the distribution category
5, -- the item n°2 roll chance
"ItemN", -- item n°N in the distribution category
3 -- the item n°N roll chance
junk = { -- ignores zombie density and has a x1.4 chance multiplier
rolls = 1, -- number of rolls for junk
items = { -- can be empty
-- same way to list as items above
otherDistributionName = {
As a real example, take for example:
ProceduralDistributions.list = {
ComicStoreShelfComics = {
isShop = true,
rolls = 4,
items = {
"ComicBook_Retail", 50,
"ComicBook_Retail", 20,
"ComicBook_Retail", 20,
"ComicBook_Retail", 10,
"ComicBook_Retail", 10,
junk = {
rolls = 1,
items = {
"ComicBook_Retail", 10,
Important ! The chance value is NOT a weight NOR a percentage ! To chose your chance values, base yourself on existing vanilla distribution and the chance values of vanilla items !
Tags for distribution
Alongside the rolls
tag for the distributionName
and junk
tables, you can add arguments which will modify how items spawn in and their conditions of spawn:
- ignores the zombie density impact on item spawn chance.isShop
- when not set to true:- Can be a stash. (Related to
) - DrainableComboItem get random amount of uses.
- HandWeapon can have lower condition (40% chance).
- Items with head condition get reduced head condition (40% chance).
- Items with sharpness condition get reduced sharpness condition (40% chance).
- Bags get items inside them.
- Can be a stash. (Related to
- chance for the container to be a stash.canBurn
- Food can be burnt (25% chance) or cooked.isWorn
- items spawn with lower condition, delta etc:- HandWeapon get reduced item condition.
- Items with head condition get reduced head condition.
- Items with sharpness condition get reduced sharpness condition.
- DrainableComboItem get reduced item uses (i.e. batteries).
- Impact on non-canned and edible (non can't eat) food:
- Non-vermin, cookable and non-replacable on cooked will be either cooked or burnt (50% chance).
- Non-rotten items will be rotten (75% chance) or have increased age (less fresh).
- Have reduced food value.
specifically:- Clothing items will have reduced condition, can be dirty (25% chance), bloody (1% chance) and/or have holes (25% chance).
specifically:- Clothing items will have reduced condition, can be wet (25% chance), dirty (95% chance), bloody (10% chance) and/or have holes (75% chance).
- non-rotten items will be rotten (75% chance) or have increased age (less fresh).bags
- unsure, could be adding bags to the container.maxMap
(integer) - limits the same item to a max amount. (UNSURE)onlyOne
DEPRECATED - a tag which can be found in distributions but looks deprecated from the java.
How to add your own items to distributions
The main challenges you will face is properly understanding how loot generation actually works (see #How does loot generation works), finding the right distribution list and organizing the file which adds these.
Inserting inside the Procedural Distribution needs to be achieved in media/lua/server/Items
There are many ways of achieving this and the most impractical one is to simply do:
table.insert(ProceduralDistributions.list["DistributionListName"].items, "YourItem") -- add your item to the list
table.insert(ProceduralDistributions.list["DistributionListName"].items, 0.5) -- following its chance value
A better way to handle this is to have every distributions and their items and chances in a singular table which is parsed through thanks to a loop and added with a single table.insert
Take this example with a few items and distribution lists:
local myDistribution = {
GigamartPots = {
items = {
"GlassWine", 6, -- item, chance,
"Fork", 10,
"Mugl", 10,
"Whetstone", 10,
"Teacup", 10,
"CDplayer", 10,
junk = { -- this one can be removed if you don't put anything in it
"Mov_CoffeeMaker", 4,
"HandTorch", 8,
LibraryMilitaryHistory = {
items = {
"Book_Music", 20,
"Book_Music", 10,
"Doodle", 0.001,
MechanicShelfElectric = {
items = {
"Battery", 10,
"BatteryBox", 10,
"Brochure", 2,
"Broom", 10,
"Bucket", 10,
-- caching for performance reasons
local ProceduralDistributions_list = ProceduralDistributions.list
local table_insert = table.insert
local function insertInDistribution(distrib)
-- iterate through every given distributions
for k,v in pairs(distrib) do
-- cache this distribution list
local ProceduralDistributions_list_k = ProceduralDistributions_list[k]
-- insert items
local items = v.items
local ProceduralDistributions_list_k_items = ProceduralDistributions_list_k.items
if items then
for i = 1,#items do
-- insert junk
local junk = v.junk
local ProceduralDistributions_list_k_junk = ProceduralDistributions_list_k.junk
if junk then
for i = 1,#junk do
Other table formating and functions can be used to insert in distribution.
Other loot tables
Some vanilla distribution tables will use generic items which are defined inside ClutterTables
. Here's all the files that have clutter tables:
└── server/
├── Items/
│ ├── Distribution_BinJunk.lua
│ ├── Distribution_ClosetJunk.lua
│ ├── Distribution_CounterJunk.lua
│ ├── Distribution_DeskJunk.lua
│ ├── Distribution_ShelfJunk.lua
│ └── Distribution_SideTableJunk.lua
└── Vehicles/
├── VehicleDistribution_GloveBoxJunk.lua
├── VehicleDistribution_SeatJunk.lua
└── VehicleDistribution_TrunkJunk.lua
Backpacks that spawn in the world also use loot distribution tables which can be found in BagsAndContainers
in the following file:
└── server/
└── Items/
└── Distribution_BagsAndContainers.lua
You can add items in these tables.
Accessing a container distribution in-game
Accessing a container distribution in-game can be achieved with LootZed which allows you to check for the various distribution lists for a container as well as listing each items and their chances of spawning in.
Solutions to the too many items problem
Different methods exist to counter act having to add a lot of tiny items to containers. The worst one is decreasing the overall chance for your items to spawn in but this won't actually fix properly adding too many items and can cause other problems in itself.
Some of the best methods can involve:
- not creating a lot of small items in your mod but actually having a single item with variants which can change texture and data on the go. For example imagine a mod which adds game cards, it would require a hundred items but instead of creating an item script for each you can dynamically set the cards by utilizing functions that will change its texture, icon, name, tooltip etc on the go.
- creating dummy items. Instead of adding all your small items, you can add a dummy item which you will pick up OnFillContainer and roll for another item. When the dummy item gets added to the container, you can intercept it, and replace it with another item which you can pick randomly in a list of items that are supposed to have similar spawn chances.
Below is the full list of distributions as well as their different tags.