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Modding > Vehicle zones
This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Vehicle zones
In order for your map to properly spawn vehicles, you need to add object zones that are multiples of size 4x3 (8x6, 4x6, 12x3, etc.), is of the type ParkingStall, and is named one of the following:
Name | Description |
parkingstall | Parking Stall, common parking stall with random cars, the most used one (shop parking lots, houses etc.) |
trailerpark | Trailer Parks, have a chance to spawn burnt cars, some on top of each others, it's like a pile of junk cars |
bad | Bad vehicles, moslty used in poor area, sometimes around pub etc. |
medium | Medium vehicles, used in some of the good looking area, or in suburbs |
good | Good vehicles, used in good looking area, they're meant to spawn only good cars, so they're on every good looking house. |
sport | Sports vehicles, sometimes on good looking area. |
junkyard | Junkyard, spawn damaged & burnt vehicles, less chance of finding keys but more cars. Also used for the random car crash. |
trafficjamw trafficjame trafficjams |
Traffic jams by cardinal direction, mostly burnt car & damaged ones. Used either for hard coded big traffic jam or smaller random ones. |
police | Police department vehicles |
fire | Fire dept |
ranger | Ranger police vehicle |
mccoy | McCoy Lumber vehicles |
postal | Postal (mail) vehicle |
spiffo | Spiffo branded vehicle |
ambulance | Ambulance |
radio | Local radio station vehicle |
fossoil | Fossoil branded vehicle |
normalburnt specialburnt |
When spawning burnt vehicles for any zones, 20% will be pick in special burnt vehicles and 80% in the normal burnt vehicles list |