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PlushSpiffo.pngThis article is about translating the game or a mod. For a guide to translating the wiki, see Help:Translations.

Information about the game's translation system. Translations need to be saved in the encoding of the language used by the game. Files also need to follow the naming conventions and format of the translation types.

Translation types

Commonly used files

These files follow the same naming convention Translate/{language}/{File}_{language}.txt and use the same format.

File Prefix function Notes
Challenge Challenge_ getText challenges
ContextMenu ContextMenu_ getText context menus
DynamicRadio AEBS_ (optional) getRadioText dynamic radio, e.g. weather and helicopter
EvolvedRecipeName EvolvedRecipeName_ (optional) Translator.getItemEvolvedRecipeName
Farming Farming_ getText
GameSound GameSound_ getText sound names
IG_UI IGUI_ getText in-game UI
Items DisplayName, DisplayName_ (optional) Translator.getDisplayItemName OUTDATED
ItemName ItemName_ (optional) getItemNameFromFullType Item display names
MakeUp MakeUp getText
Moodles Moodles_ getText
Moveables Translator.getMoveableDisplayName Names of tiles - sprites
MultiStageBuild MultiStageBuild_ Translator.getMultiStageBuild automatically appends the prefix when you get the translation
Recipes Recipe_ (optional) getRecipeDisplayName
RecordedMedia RM_ getText keys are commonly prefix + GUID
Sandbox Sandbox_ getText
Stash Stash_ getText Stash houses, maps with annotations
SurvivalGuide SurvivalGuide_ getText guides
Tooltip Tooltip_ getText
UI UI_ getText Main menu UI
  • Prefixes can be handled differently; they can be optional, removed from key maps or not used at all.
  • Use the full type where type is used as key.
  • Moveables use *Group Name Custom Name* for names and keys. These characters ` `, `-`, `'`, `.` are converted.


Example of ContextMenu, file: Translate/EN/ContextMenu_EN.txt

ContextMenu_EN = {
    ContextMenu_Destroy = "Destroy ",

Example of text split in multiple lines.

SurvivalGuide_EN = {
    SurvivalGuide_entrie11moreinfo = " <H1> FORAGING / SEARCH SYSTEM <BR> " ..
                                     " ..." ..
                                     " For example, trash can be found in trash piles, chipped stones are often found in cracks and potholes on roads. <LINE> <LINE> ",
Note: the translation parser skips the first line, then breaks the line into key - text format. Required characters: (=) ("). This means the next format is valid in v.41.78. The parser has other nuances, but they are not neccessary to know to make translations.
line 1: skipped
key = "text"


Script parser uses `replace("recipe","")` to make original name, sets translated recipe name. Translator populates recipe maps (normal and 'dot' maps) and uses *replace("Recipe_","")*, *replace("_"," ")* for the keys.

Examples A, both translation lines work.

script: 'recipe Convert A B {...}'
original name: 'Convert A B'
translation line: 'Recipe_Convert_A_B = "Convert Item to Weapon"'
translation line: 'Convert A B = "Convert Item to Weapon"'
translation key: 'Convert A B'

Example B, no match for translation, do not use `_` in recipe scripts

script: 'recipe Convert_A_B'
original name: 'Convert_A_B'
translation key: 'Convert A B'


The news file uses separate format.

Map information

Translations for map titles and descriptions.

source: media/maps/{Map}/
title: Translate/{Language}/{Map}/title.txt
description: Translate/{Language}/{Map}/description.txt

Example Riverside description, file: Translate\EN\Riverside, KY\description.txt

 A colorful town tightly hugging the banks of the mighty Ohio: exploring Riverside is a rich and diverse experience!

Translation files need to follow the folder structure of the map. e.g. Translate/challengemaps/Kingsmouth/title.txt

Radio data

Radio Data is read from media/radio/. Radio sources are xml files, translations are txt files. The recommended way to translate these can be found on the translation GitHub, however you can also edit them just like any other txt file.


The game uses languages added to the media/lua/shared/Translate folder, information about the language is stored in the the language.txt file of each language directory.

Languages in game
Code Language Encoding Category
AR Espanol (AR) - Argentina Spanish Cp1252 Western
CA Catalan ISO-8859-15 Western
CH Traditional Chinese UTF-8
CN Simplified Chinese UTF-8
CS Czech Cp1250 Central European
DA Danish Cp1252 Western
DE Deutsch - German Cp1252 Western
EN English UTF-8
ES Espanol (ES) - Spanish Cp1252 Western
FI Finnish Cp1252 Western
FR Francais - French Cp1252 Western
HU Hungarian Cp1250 Central European
ID Indonesia UTF-8
IT Italiano Cp1252 Western
JP Japanese UTF-8
KO Korean UTF-16
NL Nederlands - Dutch Cp1252 Western
NO Norsk - Norwegian Cp1252 Western
PH Tagalog - Filipino UTF-8
PL Polish Cp1250 Central European
PT Portuguese Cp1252 Western
PTBR Brazilian Portuguese Cp1252 Western
RO Romanian UTF-8
RU Russian Cp1251 Cyrilic
TH Thai UTF-8
TR Turkish Cp1254 Turkish
UA Ukrainian Cp1251 Cyrilic

Adding new languages

  • Create a new folder with the id of the language
  • Add the language.txt file
  • Add fonts if neccessary
  • Add translations

The language.txt file must have VERSION, text and charset values, the rest are optional. It uses the scriptblock format.

key example notes
text English the name of the language
charset UTF-8 encoding used by the language
azerty true
base PT not used, might have limited support

See also