Traits/pt-br: Difference between revisions

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< TraitsTraits/pt-br
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|Atleta, Fora de forma, Obeso, Acima do peso, Despreparado
|Em forma, Fora de forma, Obeso, Acima do peso, Despreparado
| -10
| -10
|''"Corre mais rápido. Pode correr distâncias maiores sem se cansar. +4 Aptidão Física"''
|''"Corre mais rápido. Pode correr distâncias maiores sem se cansar. +4 Aptidão Física"''

Revision as of 23:41, 1 August 2019


Template:VersionNotice Traços são modificadores, positivos ou negativos, disponíveis para o jogador. Alguns traços podem ser escolhidos durante a criação de personagem (indicados por um valor de pontos) e outros podem ser adquiridos com a escolha de uma ocupação. Várias predefinições podem ser feitas para salvar uma combinação de uma ocupação e traços escolhidos, o que a torna útil para jogadores que querem pular rapidamente para o apocalipse.

O jogador não poderá começar o jogo até que "Pontos a gastar" sejam maior que um número negativo ou igual a zero. Isto significa que o jogador pode começar o jogo com apenas traços negativos se optar por fazê-lo, mas se o jogador quiser traços positivos, terá que fazer alguns compromissos.

Os traços classificados como "Exclusivo mutuamente" não podem ser considerados simultaneamente (por exemplo, escolher "Surdo" não pode ser escolhido em conjunto com "Difícil de audição" ou "Audição aguçada").

Considere que as ocupações podem manipular a quantidade máxima de pontos iniciais que um jogador pode ter. Então, uma lista de características positivas que um personagem desempregado possui, pode resultar em um déficit de ponto para um personagem que é um veterano, necessitando mais traços negativos.

Algumas características podem ser obtidas ou perdidas durante o jogo, o que dependerá das atividades do jogador. Tal como o traço "Excesso de Peso", que pode ser obtido se o jogador atingir um peso acima de 85, ou escolhido durante a criação do personagem e depois perdido por atingir um peso abaixo de 85. Esses traços podem ser vistos a qualquer momento, verificando o painel "Informações" , aberto com a tecla J por padrão.

Lista de Traços


Icon Nome Tipo Exclusivo Mutuamente Pontos Descrição Efeito
File:TraitAdrenalineJunkie.png Viciado em adrenalina Positivo Destemido -8 "Velocidade aumentada quando em pânico" +10% Velocidade de movimento quando em Pânico máximo, sem fraturas ou cortes profundos
File:TraitAthletic.png Atlético Positivo Em forma, Fora de forma, Obeso, Acima do peso, Despreparado -10 "Corre mais rápido. Pode correr distâncias maiores sem se cansar. +4 Aptidão Física" +20% Velocidade de corrida, -60% perda de resistência
File:TraitBrave.png Corajoso Positivo Covarde, Destemido -4 "Não adquire níveis de pânico" -
File:TraitCatsEyes.png Olhos de gato Positivo - -2 "Enxerga melhor no escuro" -
File:TraitDextrous.png Ágil Positivo Desajeitado -2 "Transfere itens mais rapidamente" +50% Velocidade de transferência de itens
File:TraitEagleEyed.png Visão aguçada Positivo Míope -6 "Ajuste de visão se torna mais rápido. Maior arco de visibilidade" Personagem possui um campo maior de visão
File:TraitFastHealer.png Saúde de ferro Positivo Slow Healer -6 "Recovers faster from injuries and illnesses." -
File:TraitFastLearner.png Fast Learner Positivo Slow Learner -6 "Increases XP gains." Character gains 30% more experience
File:TraitFastReader.png Fast Reader Positivo Illiterate, Slow Reader -2 "Takes less time to read books" Reads books 30% faster.
File:TraitFit.png Fit Positivo Athletic, Out of Shape, Obese, Overweight, Unfit -6 "Fit. +2 Fitness" Only affects fitness, not running speed.
File:TraitGraceful.png Graceful Positivo Clumsy -4 "Makes less noise when moving" 60% noise
File:TraitInconspicuous.png Inconspicuous Positivo Conspicuous -4 "Less likely to be spotted by zombies" - 50% chance to be spotted
File:TraitIronGut.png Iron Gut Positivo Weak Stomach -3 "Less chance to have food illness" -
File:TraitKeenHearing.png Keen Hearing Positivo Deaf, Hard of Hearing -6 "Larger perception radius." -
File:TraitLightEater.png Light Eater Positivo Hearty Appetite -4 "Needs to eat less regularly" 75% food consumption.
File:TraitLowThirst.png Low Thirst Positivo High Thirst -4 "Needs less water to survive" 50% water consumption.
File:TraitLucky.png Lucky Positivo Unlucky -4 "Sometimes things just go your way" Character is more likely to find rare items and has higher chance of repair, does not affect chance to get infected.
File:TraitOrganized.png Organized Positivo Disorganized -6 "Increased container inventory capacity" +30% capacity for all containers. including boxes cupboards
File:TraitOutdoorsman.png Outdoorsman Positivo - -2 "Not affected by harsh weather conditions" Character will not become ill by standing in the rain.
File:TraitResilient.png Resilient Positivo Prone to Illness -4 "Less prone to disease. Slower rate of zombification." -70% infection rate.
File:Trait roadrage.png Speed Demon Positivo Sunday driver -1 "The fast driver" Switches gears at 6000 rpm (3000 rpm is normal). Top speed of 115% for all vehicles.
File:TraitStout.png Stout Positivo Feeble, Strong, Weak -6 "Extra knockback from melee weapons. Increased Carrying Weight. +2 Strength" 25% more damage with melee weapons
File:TraitStrong.png Strong Positivo Feeble, Stout, Weak -10 "Extra knockback from melee weapons. Increased Carrying Weight. +4 Strength" 40% more damage with melee weapons
File:TraitThickSkinned.png Thick Skinned Positivo Thin Skinned -6 "Less chance of scratches and bites breaking the skin" 15% (-10%) chance of being scratched and 3.75% (-2.5%) chance of being bitten (if unarmed).
File:TraitWakeful.png Wakeful Positivo Sleepyhead -2 "Needs less sleep" 30% less sleep required.


Icon Name Type Occupation Points Description Effect
File:TraitMechanic.png Amateur Mechanic Occupation Mechanic - "Familiar with the maintenance and repair of all vehicle models on the roads of Kentucky" Can work on all vehicle types without having to read any recipe magazines
File:TraitMechanic.png Amateur Mechanic Hobby - -5 "Has a detailed knowledge of common and commercial vehicle models, and repairs. +1 Mechanics" Can work on standard and heavy-duty vehicle types and starts with 1 point in Mechanics skill.
File:TraitAngler.png Angler Hobby - -4 "+1 Fishing" Character starts with 1 point in Fishing skill.
File:TraitAxeman.png Axe Man Occupation Lumberjack - "Better at chopping trees. Faster axe swing." Swings the axe faster.
File:TraitBaseballPlayer.png Baseball Player Hobby - -4 "+1 Blunt Accuracy" Character starts with 1 point in Blunt skill.
File:TraitBrawler.png Brawler Hobby - -6 "+1 Blunt Accuracy +1 Blade Accuracy" Character starts with 1 point in both Blade and Blunt skills.
File:TraitCook.png Cook Hobby - -6 "Know cooking recipes. +2 Cooking" Character starts with 2 points in Cooking skill and knows all the cooking recipes without having to read any recipe magazines
File:TraitCook.png Cook Occupation Chef
Burger Flipper
- "Know cooking" No effect
File:TraitDesensitized.png Desensitized Occupation Veteran - "Does not reach states of panic" Immune to panic
File:TraitFirstAider.png First Aider Hobby - -4 "+1 First Aid" Character starts with 1 point in First Aid skill.
File:TraitFormerScout.png Former Scout Hobby - -6 "+1 First Aid +1 Foraging" Character starts with 1 point in both First Aid and Foraging skills.
File:TraitGardener.png Gardener Hobby - -4 "+1 Farming" Character starts with 1 point in Gardening skill.
File:TraitGymnast.png Gymnast Hobby - -5 "+1 Lightfooted +1 Nimble" Character starts with 1 point in both Lightfooted and Nimble skills.
File:TraitHandy.png Handy Hobby - -8 "Faster and Stronger Constructions +1 Blunt\Blade Maintenance +1 Carpentry" Character starts with 1 point in Carpentry and Blunt\Blade Maintenance skills. +100hp to all constructions.
File:TraitHerbalist.png Herbalist Hobby/Occupation - -6 "Can find medicinal herbs and craft medicines and poultices from them." Gains the ability to find medicinal herbs, make poultices from them and identify poisonous berries and mushrooms
File:TraitHiker.png Hiker Hobby - -6 "+1 Foraging +1 Trapping" Character starts with 1 point in both Foraging and Trapping skills
File:TraitHunter.png Hunter Hobby - -8 "+1 Aiming +1 Sneaking +1 Trapping" Character starts with 1 point in Aiming, Sneaking and Trapping skills.
File:TraitNightOwl.png Night Owl Occupation Security Guard - "Requires little sleep. Stays extra alert when sleeping" No effect
File:TraitNutritionist.png Nutritionist Hobby/Occupation Fitness Instructor -4 "Can see the nutritional values of any food." Allows the player to see the nutritional values of any food, even those that aren't packaged.
File:TraitRunner.png Runner Hobby - -4 "+1 Sprinting" Character starts with 1 point in Running skill.
File:TraitSelfDefenseClass.png Self Defense Class Hobby - -6 "+1 Blunt\Blade Guard" Character starts with 1 point in both Blunt and Blade Guard skills.


Icon Name Type Mutually Exclusive Points Description Effect
File:TraitAgoraphobic.png Agoraphobic Negativo Desensitized +4 "Gets panicked when outdoors" -
File:TraitAllThumbs.png All Thumbs Negativo Dextrous +2 "Transfers inventory items slowly" 400% item transfer time.
File:TraitAsthmatic.png Asthmatic Negativo - +5 "Faster endurance loss" 40% increase in running endurance loss. 30% increase in swing endurance lost.
File:Clasutrophobic.png Claustrophobic Negativo Desensitized +4 "Gets panicked when indoors" -
File:TraitClumsy.png Clumsy Negativo Graceful +2 "Makes more noise when moving" - 60% more noise
File:TraitConspicuous.png Conspicuous Negativo Inconspicuous +4 "More likely to be spotted by zombies." - Double chance to be spotted
File:TraitCowardly.png Cowardly Negativo Brave, Desensitized +2 "Especially prone to becoming panicked" -
File:TraitDeaf.png Deaf Negativo Hard of Hearing, Keen Hearing +12 "Smaller perception radius and hearing range" Can't hear sound. Radio chatter will not appear above the radio, however they can see/read a TV due to closed captions.Template:Upcoming
File:TraitDisorganized.png Disorganized Negativo Organized +4 "Decreased container inventory capacity" -30% capacity for all containers. including boxes cupboards
File:TraitEmaciated.png Emaciated Negativo - - "Low strength, low endurance and prone to injury" Is only present at weight 50 and less and will begin taking damage at weight 35.
File:TraitFeeble.png Feeble Negativo Strong, Stout, Weak +6 "Less knockback from melee weapons. Decreased carrying weight. -2 Strength" -
File:TraitHardofHearing.png Hard of Hearing Negativo Deaf, Keen Hearing +2 "Smaller perception radius. Smaller hearing range." -
File:TraitHeartyAppetite.png Hearty Appetite Negativo Light Eater +4 "Needs to eat more regularly" 150% food consumption.
File:TraitHemophobic.png Hemophobic Negativo Desensitized +3 "Panic when performing first aid on self, cannot perform first aid on others" -
File:TraitHighThirst.png High Thirst Negativo Low Thirst +6 "Needs more water to survive" 200% water consumption.
File:TraitHypochondriac.png Hypochondriac Negativo - +2 "May develop infection symptoms without being infected." -
File:TraitIlliterate.png Illiterate Negativo Fast Reader, Slow Reader +8 "Cannot read books" -
File:TraitOutofShape.png Out of Shape Negativo Athletic, Fit, Unfit +6 "Low endurance, low endurance regeneration. -2 Fitness." -
File:TraitObese.png Obese Negativo Athletic, Fit, Out of Shape, Overweight, Underweight, Very Underweight +10 "Reduced running speed, very low endurance and prone to injury." Starting weight is 105 and is only present at weight 100 and above. Only modifies fitness which modifies endurance indirectly.
File:TraitOverweight.png Overweight Negativo Athletic, Fit, Out of Shape, Obese, Underweight, Very Underweight +6 "Reduced running speed, low endurance and prone to injury." Starting weight is 90 and is only present between weights 85 and 100. . 1% slower running speed, double endurance loss.
File:TraitPacifist.png Pacifist Negativo - +4 "Less effective with weapons" - 25% lower XP with weapons
File:TraitHypochondriac.png Prone to Illness Negativo Resilient +4 "More prone to disease. Faster rate of zombification." - 300% infection rate
File:TraitRestlessSleeper.png Restless Sleeper Negativo - +6 "Slow loss of tiredness while sleeping" -
File:TraitShortSighted.png Short Sighted Negativo Eagle Eyed +2 "Small view distance. Slower visibility fade." -
File:TraitSleepyhead.png Sleepyhead Negativo Wakeful +4 "Needs more sleep" 30% more sleep required
File:TraitSmoker.png Smoker Negativo - +4 "Stress and unhappiness decrease after smoking tobacco. Unhappiness rises when tobacco is not smoked." -
File:TraitSlowHealer.png Slow Healer Negativo Fast Healer +6 "Recovers slowly from injuries and illness" -
File:TraitSlowLearner.png Slow Learner Negativo Fast Learner +6 "Decreased XP gains" Character gains 30% less experience
File:TraitSlowReader.png Slow Reader Negativo Fast Reader +2 "Takes longer to read books" Read books 30% slower.
Trait sundaydriver.png Sunday driver Negativo Speed Demon +1 "The very slow driver" Accelerates vehicles 40% slower. Has a max speed of 30 km/h.
File:TraitThinskinned.png Thin-skinned Negativo Thick Skinned +6 "Carries heightened risk of infection" 35% (+10%) chance of being scratched and 8.75% (+2.5%) chance of being bitten (if unarmed).
File:TraitUnderweight.png Underweight Negativo Obese, Overweight, Very Underweight +6 "Low strength, low endurance and prone to injury." Starting weight is 70 and is only present between weights 65 and 75.
File:TraitUnfit.png Unfit Negativo Athletic, Fit, Out of Shape +10 "Very low endurance, very low endurance regeneration. -4 Fitness" -
File:TraitUnlucky.png Unlucky Negativo Lucky +4 "What could go wrong for you, often does." Character is less likely to find rare items and has lower chance of repair, does not affect chance to get infected.
File:TraitVeryUnderweight.png Very Underweight Negativo Obese, Overweight, Underweight +10 "Very low strength, very low endurance and prone to injury." Starting weight is 60 and is only present between weights 50 and 65.
File:TraitWeak.png Weak Negativo Feeble, Strong, Stout +10 "Less knockback from melee weapons. Decreased carrying weight. -5 Strength" -
File:TraitWeakStomach.png Weak Stomach Negativo Iron Gut +3 "Higher chance to have food illness." -

Removed/Future Traits

Icon Name Type Mutually Exclusive Points Description Effect
File:TraitBlacksmith.png Blacksmith Hobby Blacksmith ? "Use an anvil to create metal items" -
File:TraitBrooding.png Brooding Negativo - +2 "Recovers slower from bad moods" -
File:TraitPatient.png Patient Positivo Short Tempered -4 "Less like to get angry" -
File:TraitShortTempered.png Short Tempered Negativo Short Tempered +4 "Quick to anger" -
File:TraitLightDrinker.png Light Drinker Negativo Hardened Drinker +2 "Gets drunk quickly" -
File:TraitHardenedDrinker.png Hardened Drinker Positivo Light Drinker -3 "Doesn't get drunk easily" -
File:TraitCrackShot.png Marksman Hobby Police Officer ? "Improved gun accuracy. Quicker reload." -
File:TraitTalkative.png Gift Of The Gab Positivo - ? "Extra high charisma. Better chance of currying favour from NPCs" -

See also