Survival Guide/zh-hant

From PZwiki

歡迎光臨新手的生存指南. 這個小指南將介紹相關的幾個Project Zomboid的主題,適用於較新的玩家。

注意: 可以通過多種方式遊玩玩Project Zomboid。 假如你想要靠自己體驗遊戲,請試著先跳過指南,然後進入遊戲中去摸索。當你遇到問題解決不了時,在嘗試在指南中找到您所想要的答案。

注意: 本指南被重建於2013年11月13日。如果引導原來已經過時,請添加一個過時的通知 旗幟。





A picture of the tutorial box.

這些作為本遊戲的教學,如果你是第一次完,強烈建議您閱讀。要閱讀訊息,只需點擊“More Info”(上圖中的),隨後將會有展開的視窗介紹更深入的訊息。

A picture of the expanded tutorial box.

閱讀這些訊息將會給你帶來幫助並學會基本操作。 請注意,這教學有些部分是不正確的。 按住滑鼠左鍵並不會一直攻擊。 按住Ctrl或滑鼠右鍵會變成警戒模式。 在遊戲中的教程沒有涵蓋移動、戰鬥、農業和手工藝等。 你也可以找到周圍的維基頁面找到這些相關訊息。


有玩過的人都會說地圖很大。 因為他真的很大! 為了讓你知道這地圖有多大,下面將提供給你一些訊息. 地圖是由20*20個小區再加上12*6個小區所組成。現在每個小區由300*300個地磚組成。有些人會說"不過就這麼!"又有些人會說"聽起來沒很大。"。沒關係,下圖將讓你知道一個小區到底有多大。


每個黑框框都是大小大致相同的一個小區。 所以希望各位正確地知道這地圖到底多大。 現在我們知道這個地圖很大而且很容易迷路,所以當你需要可以參考的地圖,那麼你可以進去這邊看看這個 包含全部諾克斯縣的壯麗地圖。 這對於剛加入遊戲的玩家而言非常有用,因為這地圖有之前玩家所標記的超市或其他有用處的地點。 這些地點可能包含了良好的設防位置以及任何遊戲中你所想要的東西。 所以記得要去看看它。

如果你發現一些奇怪的地圖,比如你不能進入,但應該要可以進去的地方。無形的牆壁等等,那麼你可能要去這個線上論壇。 回報問題好讓開發人員可以修復這些錯誤! 這是非常重要的問題回報!



當你開始一個新的遊戲,你將會進入到腳色創建畫面。 若需要腳色創建指南的話請去玩家的腳色創建部分,你會發現它每個步驟都有圖片跟解說,以及解釋不同的職業特點和特殊待遇。

這陣子你最好的是選擇建築工人的職業。這個職業是長期生存中最有用的。但是一定要明白以下幾點。死亡是不可避免的。 It tells you as much when you start up the game and the first few times you start up the game you WILL die. 它只是顯示出來。這不是因為你不好或任何東西,它只是你玩的次數不夠多。 如果你想要你可以選擇忽略職業和屬性,要不然隨意選擇職業和屬性。


遊戲開始可能是遊戲中最難的部分。檢查你身上的東西。你身上可能只有衣服你幾篇文章(a few articles)。 看看你周圍的環境。 你在一棟屋內出場嗎? 如果不是,在周圍沒有太多的殭屍的情況下,侵入(參考侵入)附近的一所房子。如果是,把屋內所有的窗簾關起來(對有窗簾的窗戶點滑鼠右鍵)。 現在你有私人時間去找必需品,先在屋內先找武器, 床單,裝水的容器,和食物並帶走。其他的東西在你還有空間的時候再檢。翻遍屋中的所有角落後,評估你所擁有的。 根據你在哪裡出場和你的幸運程度,你可能有一個像棒球棒或者高爾夫球桿那種較有威力的近戰武器,但最也有可能是較弱的武器,如擀麵杖平底鍋。 如果你不能找到任何一個進戰武器,那麼你的下一個選擇就是找一個偽進戰武器如菜刀螺絲起子,如果還是沒有找到,那你可能得使用非常弱小的​​簡易武器來打拼,如鉛筆鉛筆奶油刀







當你看到你的腳色狀態變成太熱或太冷,那就脫下或穿上衣物。The last thing you need is your character suffering from hypothermia/hyperthermia in a zombie apocalypse.





現在你有一棟安全屋了,下一個重點是武器。你現在有武器了嗎?如果有,是什麼呢?最應該有的武器是進戰武器,因為槍械製造的聲音太大,然後短兵器又太短。去看維基的武器列表,找到最適合你的武器。次要武器是指備用武器,你應該要帶在身上或至少放在安全屋,這樣當你主武器壞掉時就可以拿出來用。 此外,你可以隨身攜帶槍械(如果你有找到),但要注意不要把它當主要武器或次要武器來用。 槍械應該只在特殊情況或逼不得已才用。你必須要了解,開槍會吸引殭屍過來,而且在你射完一輪子彈在裝彈完前你只能逃避他們的包圍。 如果你決定要帶槍在身上,盡量現在彈藥量在1-6個單位重量內(具體取決於您的負重)。





  • 進戰武器
  • 增加攜帶量的袋子或同性質的物品
  • 一些繃帶
  • 一星期份量的食物
  • 一星期份量的水




鎚子- 建築必須要有的道具,拿來破壞們並取得木板相當的不錯。可以在殭屍的屍體上找到,也可以在倉庫中或任何地方的集裝箱內找到。搜索工棚(sheds)也是一個不錯的想法。

釘子- 對於大多數的建築項目都不可缺少的道具,在殭屍屍體或集裝箱內可以找到。工棚內也可以找到。

斧頭- 最棒的進佔武器以及木門破壞者,很罕見,只能在集裝箱和倉庫中找到。

鋸子- 能把原木(用斧頭砍樹取得)做成木板。

鏟子- 用於農耕。農耕在遊戲後期非常重要。













Eventually, you will want to get out of the foresaken city. Maybe it's because there are no more supplies left. Or perhaps its because you want to start anew, somewhere far, far away from the infected horde. Or perhaps you just want to reach the well. When you know that you will not be back home for a few days, always bring a week's worth of food and water with you. It is best to take the road, since you can easily get lost in the vast forest (some forests stretch several cells in all directions).

You will need to create a tent to sleep in if your travels will prevent you from finding shelter before you reach your destination. Additionally, you may also want to build a campfire kit if you have any food that you want to cook, but beware as the light from the fire will likely attract unwanted attention from nearby zombies.







在打破窗戶入侵之前,最好先繞你想進去的建築物一圈,檢查是不是有殭屍在附近,以免被突襲。也先透過窗戶看看裡面是不是原本就有殭屍,如果爬進去卻是一堆殭屍這可不是一個愉快的經驗! 當然可以的話,大家一定都希望入侵的時候最少不要有殭屍發現,所以在打你破窗口前,你應該先檢查有沒有沒鎖的門,如果都鎖住了,你可以先把腳色移動到窗口前按E鍵,嘗試直接把窗戶打開。這樣你就可以避免製造聲音去吸引殭屍了。 在你侵入前,再次檢查窗口附近是否有殭屍,這可以防止你被殭屍偷襲。


當進到任何建築物內時,都有一定的機率引發防盜警報器。這將會迅速地吸引大量在這個區域的殭屍。從此地撤退並先躲到別處,直到防盜警報器不響為止。防盜警報器將吸引四面八方的殭屍,所以小心一大群前往警報處的殭屍。殭屍為了進屋也會試圖砸破玻璃或把門破壞掉。試著往你來的方向跑,因為你已經知道這條路的是安全的。如果做不到,嘗試往東邊逃跑,那邊殭屍比較少(lower right when factoring the map's tilt)。有一個好的策略可以在這種情況下避免殭屍過來,就是找到一個平行於警報屋的障礙物,像是長圍牆,不能通過的柵欄。因為殭屍只會直線前往警報屋,殭屍將會被這些障礙物堵住。





When heading out for a supply run, always be prepared. Only go outside during daylight, as zombies tend to grow in numbers at night. Start your day by eating something, refilling your Water Bottle at your nearest Faucet (if the water works exists) and making sure you're not carrying too much before going out. Grab any weapon you can find in your base.

When outside, try to walk as often as possible. If you ever stumble upon a horde, you'll be able to run and dodge them without being exhausted. Aside from being more quiet, walking will also save up some energy for fighting without getting exhausted too fast. Every now and then, keep your eyes over your shoulder, as you never know which zombies will follow you. Holding CTRL and circling the mouse around the character will make the player look in the mouse cursor's direction, giving you the ability to spot your enemy before they even see you.

If you ever encounter a horde of zombies (let's say more than 6), then you are definitely in danger. If you encounter such a large group of enemies, turn the other way. If you can't, try to sneak past them. But if the vast majority spotted you, RUN to your safe house (if it is safe and faraway) or just to another direction. Try to run 3-10 corners so you can effectively lose the majority and make it very possible to fend off those who are still following you.

Medium sized groups (about 3-6) and small groups (1-2) can effectively be dispatched by a baseball bat or an axe, if fought one by one and carefully. When fighting groups, you should use hit-and-run tactics, as zombies do not have much of an attack range, and you can keep exhaustion at bay every 1-3 zombies you kill. Try to spread them out as much as possible by killing the faster ones first.

When fighting crawlers, try not to fight them head-on. Unless your attack kills a crawler in one hit, you WILL get injured (and possibly infected), as the crawler does not get knocked back from non-fatal blows. Instead, run around it and go behind it. The crawler has to push its body around 180 degrees to get to you, so use that extra time to deal a few more blows. If it is almost completely turned around, just repeat until it dies. Do not attempt this if you are up against medium or large groups of zombies, as you simply do not have enough time to waste.

Never fight with a firearm unless you are SURE that you have enough ammo to kill 3x as many zombies as you expect to fight (since firearms will draw attention). Always shoot accurately, since ammo is quite scarce in Muldraugh (about 2500 rounds for the pistol in the entire map), and you will want each bullet to count. Try to fight away from your safehouse if you do fight with a firearm. Always be aware of your ammo situation- never fight until the last bullet. Always keep a few extra rounds so that you can use them when you need to. Distance is your best friend, zombies cannot attack you if you aren't in arm's length and it gives you more time to reload before they approach you. Moving farther and farther away from your enemies will always help you keep a good distance away from them.

You are free to go anywhere you want, however, always try to plan where you're headed, what you'll be taking as loot and where you'll be settling in to make a safe-house.


Throughout your adventure, not only does your character gets hungry and thirsty but can also suffer from other conditions such as anxiety or depression. These status effects, called 狀態, can be treated with varying methods from the use of 消耗品 to just letting a wound heal depending on the character's need. In example, a 無聊 character can be healed by reading a 書籍 or a 雜誌. The Moodles will also display signs of injuries, which requires first aid.



It's inevitable. One of these days, you'll fall down a window by accident or a zombie will bite you. Depending on which injury you have, a certain treatment comes with it. Having 繃帶s and 止痛藥 on hand can be useful if something ever happens to you. Leaving an injury untreated can lead to health loss and even death.

To treat a Scratch, a Bite or a Bleeding injury, apply a bandage to the wounded area. To see if you have any injuries, click the heart button and open the "health" tab, this will open the character status window. Sleeping, as well as being well fed will speed up the healing process.

For a complete list of all known injuries and how to treat them, please see the Injuries article.


To see a character's skill, open the Skill tab after clicking the heart in the UI. The "skills" screen will appear and will show you how much skill points you have, which skills you have unlocked, and how far you are from unlocking a skill if you haven't. If you have a spare skill point and an unlocked skill, there will be a "+", clicking it allows you to distribute one skill point.

It is your choice what skills you need to upgrade, but do so wisely. But the lightfooted and sneaking skills are perhaps the most valuable as it is a fatal to be spotted by a zombie while trying to move stealthily.

For a complete list of each Skill, what they do and how to level them, please see the Skills article.


With the right resources, players can mix items together to create new or better equipment. By right-clicking one of the specified items (with all items of the crafting recipe present in the main inventory), players can create food recipes, enhanced weapons and barricades to reinforce their safe-houses.

For a complete list of all crafting recipes, please see the Crafting article.


See: Carpentry

Logs can be used as a source of wooden planks, provided you can find a saw.

In a zombie apocalypse, nowhere is safe. However, that can't stop you from fortifying a safe-house of your interest. Some buildings are safer than others. A two-story house with multiple DOORS and few windows are recommended. In case of an home invasion, you can always escape through a window using a Sheet Rope. For maximum protection and stealth, board up every window with wooden planks and bed sheets. Make sure you barricade your front door, as NPCs can easily enter and steal your stuff if you don't.

Carpenters equipped with a sledgehammer can destroy walls, doors, and window frames to salvage wood.

If you run out of wooden planks, you can use an axe to chop down doors. Chopping down doors will yield one or two wooden planks, along with door hinges and knobs. Another alternative is to chop down trees. Taking down a tree will yield 1-5 logs. You can use a saw to cut logs into wooden planks.

Later in the game, once you have the tools and resources for larger constructions, you should think about the use of wall pieces. A perimeter wall will prevent zombies from seeing you in your house and will muffle sounds further. Furthermore, you will have more time to escape should your safehouse be invaded. A perimeter fence (any material) can be used to slow down zombies during an invasion. If you have the time and resources, you can make makeshift structures.

Please take note that constructing a safe-house will make a lot of noise, which will draw any stragglers nearby. Any carpentry jobs should be done during the day and when the outside is relatively quiet.


Between 0 days and 2 months after world creation, the water works will fail.

The player will no longer be able to drink out of taps and the player won't be able to fill up water bottles. It is up to the player to deal with his own water situation from this point on.

Between 0 days and 2 months after world creation, the power will fail.

Refrigerators will no longer preserve food and lights will no longer turn on. You cannot cook food either. Pretty soon, all perishable foods will go bad and you will have to survive off of your non perishable foods unless you can farm for your own food.


A Zombie has bitten you. You've patched yourself up, but as the night sets in, you start feeling feverish, knowing all too well that the end is nigh... You'll be joining them soon...

Or maybe you've been very careful for months, all holed up in a barricaded coffin with your dwindling food and water supply. And you promised yourself to never ever take off these wooden planks off the front door... A slow death by starvation awaits you...

Whatever the case, no matter how long or how hard you try, death seems inevitable in Project Zomboid. When your character dies, the game will scroll a message from bottom to top stating how long the player survived.

Good luck out there. And remember! Aim for the head!


Here's a few things to always be wary of while playing the game. Being mindful of these things will help you survive longer in Knox County.

  • Be aware of the noise you make. Zombies are attracted by noise, which means in the event of shooting, of entering a house which has an alarm active it's best to get out of there. If possible get as far away as you can from these places as a zombie horde will start migrating toward the source of the noise.
  • Beware open ground. Open ground is deadly in many ways. Project Zomboid works on a line of sight. You can only see what you're looking at. That means there could be zombies that see you but you can't see them. Open ground with little cover creates a higher possibility of a zombie noticing you, then what are the odds of the others noticing you? So remember always look around. Look behind yourself regularly to make sure you're not being tailed.
  • A building is never secure until you make it secure. Never assume a building is empty. Make sure all the doors are closed to stop zombies wandering in. Until you have searched the entire house consider it a dangerous location. Once you know it's empty, then start closing curtains for some privacy. After that start looting.
  • Do overreach. Try to be too ambitious your first time around and you will die. Do actions in moderation. The first day you could go to the house down the street, the next go to the street down the block. Do not take extended journeys unless you are prepared and experienced.
  • When there is no door, there is always a window.
  • When possible avoid jumping out a window on a second floor or higher. From the second floor you have a small chance of surviving. Any higher and you will die. This escape method should be a last ditch when above the ground floor.
  • Firearms solve problems.
  • Firearms cause problems.
