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< FoodFood/zh-hans

食物是指player可以消耗以恢復hungerthirst。 有些食物可以提高或降低某些玩家的moodles,例如Unhappyboredomtired. 玩家需要吃喝以恢復health並防止餓.

大多數現成的食物都來自諾克斯事件之前,易腐爛不易腐爛。許多食物甚至可以通過覓食農耕, 陷阱釣魚來取得。





如果玩家有足夠高的烹飪技能,易腐爛的食物即使在腐爛後也可以安全地食用(b40 之前),只要它們被用作烹飪的材料。當前將腐爛的項目添加到食譜中會使整個食譜在 b41+ 版本中腐爛。






罐頭食品在打開之前將保持不易腐爛,許多罐頭食品需要Can Opener。罐頭食品可以生吃,但有些罐頭食品可以通過加熱獲得額外好處,例如豆類。許多烹飪食譜也受益於添加罐頭食品。


主要文章: 營養/zh-hans

一種食物有其營養價值,由四個數值定義:碳水化合物, 蛋白質, 脂肪卡路里。這些數值中的每一個目前都只對玩家的體重有影響,其中可以影響健身的經驗增益、 耐力移動速度脆弱程度.

Canned food

圖示 名稱 Encumbrance hunger thirst Unhappiness Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
Beans.png Canned Beans/zh-hans 0.8 -25 - +10 (2) (4) Base.TinnedBeans
CannedCarrots.png Canned Carrots/zh-hans 0.7 -12 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedCarrots
CannedChili.png Canned Chili/zh-hans 0.8 -15 - - (3) (5) Base.CannedChili
CannedCorn.png Canned Corn/zh-hans 0.7 -15 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedCorn
CannedCornedBeef.png Canned Corned Beef/zh-hans 0.8 -25 - - (2) (4) Base.CannedCornedBeef
CannedFruitCocktail.png Canned Fruit Cocktail/zh-hans 1.0 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedFruitCocktail
CannedMushroomSoup.png Canned Mushroom Soup/zh-hans 0.7 -10 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedMushroomSoup
CannedPeaches.png Canned Peaches/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedPeaches
CannedPeas.png Canned Peas/zh-hans 0.7 -15 -3 - (2) (4) Base.CannedPeas
CannedPineapple.png Canned Pineapple/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedPineapple
CannedPotato.png Canned Potato/zh-hans 0.7 -18 -7 - (2) (4) Base.CannedPotato2
CannedSardines.png Canned Sardines/zh-hans 0.7 -13 - - (2) (4) Base.CannedSardines
Soup.png Canned Soup/zh-hans 0.8 -25 -4 - (2) (4) Base.TinnedSoup
CannedBolognese.png Canned Spaghetti Bolognese/zh-hans 0.8 -25 - - (3) (5) Base.CannedBolognese
CannedTomato.png Canned Tomato/zh-hans 0.7 -12 -8 - (2) (4) Base.CannedTomato2
Tuna.png Canned Tuna/zh-hans 0.3 -17 - - (2) (4) Base.TunaTin
Dogfood.png Dog Food/zh-hans 1 -30 - +50 (5) (7) Base.Dogfood

Pickled food

Icon 名稱 Encumbrance Fresh}} (days) Rotten (days) 煮熟 (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
JarBrown.png Jar of Bell Peppers/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedBellPepper
JarGreen.png Jar of Broccoli/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedBroccoli
JarGreen.png Jar of Cabbage/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedCabbage
JarBrown.png Jar of Carrots/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedCarrots
JamPurple.png Jar of Eggplants/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedEggplant
JarWhite.png Jar of Leeks/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedLeek
JarWhite.png Jar of Potatoes/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedPotato
JarBrown.png Jar of Radishes/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedRedRadish
JarBrown.png Jar of Tomatoes/zh-hans 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedTomato



Icon 名稱 Encumbrance hunger thirst Unhappiness boredom Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
Boiled Egg Boiled Egg 0.1 -10 - - - 14 21 5 20 Base.EggBoiled
BowlFull.png Bowl of Beans/zh-hans 1.5 -25 - +10 - 2 4 20 40 Base.BeanBowl
Oatmeal.png Bowl of Cereal/zh-hans 0.8 -8 -20 - - 1 1 - - Base.CerealBowl
Oatmeal.png Bowl of Oatmeal/zh-hans 0.8 -10 - - - 1 1 - - Base.Oatmeal
Bowl of Pasta Bowl of Pasta 1.0 12 - - - - - 10 40 Base.PastaBowl
Bowl of Rice Bowl of Rice 1.0 12 - - - - - 10 40 Base.RiceBowl
BowlFull.png Bowl of Soup/zh-hans 1.0 -15 -15 -20 - 1 3 15 25 Base.SoupBowl
Bowl of Stew Bowl of Stew 1.0 -15 -15 -20 - 2 4 15 25 Base.StewBowl
Dough.png Bread Dough/zh-hans 0.3 -15 +20 -20 - 3 6 40 80 Base.BreadDough
CakeBatter.png Cake Batter/zh-hans 0.3 - - - - - - - - Base.CakeBatter
Cake Preparation Cake Preparation 0.5 -30 - -20 - - - - - Base.CakePrep
CakeSlice.png Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -7 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.CakeSlice
SushiFish.png Fish Sushi/zh-hans 0.1 -12 - - - 2 4 - - Base.SushiFish
OnionRings.png Fried Onion Rings/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - 4 7 10 30 Base.FriedOnionRingsCraft
ShrimpFried.png Fried Shrimp/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - 2 4 10 30 Base.ShrimpFriedCraft
Gravy.png Gravy/zh-hans 0.2 -7 - - - - - - - Base.Gravy
Jackolantern.png Jack-o'-lantern/zh-hans 1.0 -40 - - - 5 8 - - Base.HalloweenPumpkin
Maki.png Maki/zh-hans 0.1 -8 - - - 2 4 - - Base.Maki
MuffinGeneric.png Muffin/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -10 - 5 8 - - Base.MuffinGeneric
Muffintray Batter.png Muffin Baking Tray/zh-hans 1.5 -30 - - - 3 10 30 60 Base.BakingTray_Muffin
NoodleSoup.png Noodle Soup/zh-hans 1.0 -10 - -20 - 1 3 10 20 Base.NoodleSoup
Dough.png Pie Dough/zh-hans 0.3 - - - - - - - - Base.PieDough
Pie Preparation Pie Preparation 0.5 -30 - -20 - - - - - Base.PiePrep
Pie.png Pie Slice/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.Pie
Pie Apple.png Apple Pie Slice/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieApple
Pie Blueberry.png Blueberry Pie Slice/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieBlueberry
Pie Keylime.png Pie Keylime/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieKeyLime
Pie Lemonmeringue.png Pie Lemonmeringue/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.LemoMeringue
PiePumpkin.png Pie Pumpkin/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PiePumkin
EggPoached.png Poached Egg/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - 14 21 0 10 Base.EggPoached
Pot of Soup Pot of Soup 4 -30 -30 -20 - 3 5 50 100 Base.PotOfSoup
EggScrambled.png Scrambled Egg/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggScrambled

Evolved Recipe

Icon 名稱 Encumbrance hunger thirst Unhappiness boredom Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
Burger Burger 0.3 -20 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.BurgerRecipe
Burrito Burrito 0.1 -5 - - - 3 5 - - Base.BurritoRecipe
Cake Cake 0.2 -15 - -10 - 4 9 40 110 Base.CakeRaw
Hot DrinkHot DrinkHot DrinkHot Drink Hot Drink 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - 10 50 Base.HotDrink
Muffintray Batter.png Muffin Baking Tray/zh-hans 1.5 -30 - - - 3 10 30 60 Base.BakingTray_Muffin_Recipe
EggOmelette.png Omelette/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggOmelette
PancakesFruit.png Pancakes/zh-hans 0.3 -20 - +10 - 3 5 10 30 Base.PancakesCraft
Pasta (Cooking Pot) Pasta (Cooking Pot) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.PastaPot
Pasta (Saucepan) Pasta (Saucepan) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.PastaPan
Pie Pie 0.2 -15 - -10 - 4 9 40 110 Base.PieWholeRaw
Rice (Cooking Pot) Rice (Cooking Pot) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.RicePot
Rice (Saucepan) Rice (Saucepan) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.RicePan
Roasted Vegetables Roasted Vegetables 1.3 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.PanFriedVegetables2
Salad Salad 0.5 -60 - - -5 2 3 - - farming.Salad
Fruit Salad} Fruit Salad 0.7 -60 - - - 2 3 - - Base.FruitSalad
Sandwich (Bread) Sandwich (Bread) 0.2 -10 - - - 3 6 - - Base.Sandwich
Sandwich (Baguette) Sandwich (Baguette) 0.2 -10 - - - 3 6 - - Base.BaguetteSandwich
Soup Soup 4 -40 -40 -20 - 3 5 50 100 Base.PotOfSoupRecipe
Stew Stew 4 -40 -40 -20 - 3 5 70 140 Base.PotOfStew
Stir Fry (Frying Pan) Stir Fry (Frying Pan) 1.2 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.PanFriedVegetables
Stir Fry (Griddle Pan) Stir Fry (Griddle Pan) 1.2 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.GriddlePanFriedVegetables
Taco Taco 0.3 -25 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.Taco
Waffles Waffles 0.3 -15 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.WafflesRecipe


Icon 名稱 Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Item ID
SugarBrown.png Brown Sugar/zh-hans 0.6 -6 - - Base.SugarBrown
Hot Sauce/zh-hans Hot Sauce/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - +20 Base.Hotsauce
Ketchup.png Ketchup/zh-hans 0.2 -20 - +30 Base.Ketchup
Maple Syrup/zh-hans Maple Syrup/zh-hans 0.2 -45 - -20 Base.MapleSyrup
Marinarai.png Marinara/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - Base.Marinara
Mayonnaise/zh-hans Mayonnaise/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - +5 farming.MayonnaiseFull
Mustard.png Mustard/zh-hans 0.2 -20 - +30 Base.Mustard
Olive Oil/zh-hans Olive Oil/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - +50 Base.OilOlive
Pepper.png Pepper/zh-hans 0.2 -10 +20 +20 Base.Pepper
Rice Vinegar/zh-hans Rice Vinegar/zh-hans 0.2 -20 - 50 Base.RiceVinegar
Salt.png Salt/zh-hans 0.2 -10 +20 +20 Base.Salt
Soy sauce/zh-hans Soy Sauce/zh-hans 0.2 -10 +40 +50 Base.Soysauce
Sugar.png Sugar/zh-hans 0.6 -6 - - Base.Sugar
Vegetable Oil/zh-hans Vegetable Oil/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - +50 Base.OilVegetable
Wasabi/zh-hans Wasabi/zh-hans 0.2 -10 +20 - Base.Wasabi


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Stress Fatigue Alcoholic Poison Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
BeerBottle.png Beer Bottle/zh-hans 0.4 -9 -13 -16 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.BeerBottle
BeerCan.png Beer Can/zh-hans 0.3 -8 -13 -15 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.BeerCan
Bleach.png Bleach/zh-hans 0.3 - -60 +99 - - - +120 - - Base.Bleach
WhiskeyFull.png Bourbon/zh-hans 0.7 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.WhiskeyFull
Cold CuppaCold CuppaCold CuppaCold Cuppa Cold Cuppa 1 -5 -50 -5 - - - - - - Base.ColdCuppa
MugFulll.pngMugRedFull.pngMugWhiteFull.pngMugSpiffoFull.png Hot Cuppa/zh-hans 1 -5 -50 -5 -10 -5 - - - - Base.Mugfulll
Teacup.png Hot Teacup/zh-hans 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - - - - Base.HotDrinkTea
JuiceBox.png Juice Box/zh-hans 0.1 -2 -13 -10 - - - - - - Base.JuiceBox
Milk.png Milk/zh-hans 1 -10 -100 - - - - - 4 7 Base.Milk
Pop4.png Orange Soda/zh-hans 0.8 -12 -85 -10 - - - - - - Base.PopBottle
Pop2.png Pop/zh-hans 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop2
Pop.png Pop 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop
Pop3.png Pop 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop3
Wine2Full.png Red Wine/zh-hans 1 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.Wine2
WineFull.png White Wine 1 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.Wine


Icon 名稱 Encumbrance Thirst 水裝滿單位 Item ID
Bleach Bottle with Water Bleach Bottle with Water 1.6 -100 10 Base.WaterBleachBottle
Bowl of Water Bowl of Water 1.2 -20 2 Base.WaterBowl
Bucket of Water Bucket of Water 4 -323 32.3 Base.BucketWaterFull
Cooking Pot with Water Cooking Pot with Water 3 -250 25 Base.WaterPot
Gardening Spray Can (Full) Gardening Spray Can(Full) 1 -100 10 farming.GardeningSprayFull
Kettle of Water Kettle of Water 2 -143 14.3 Base.FullKettle
Mug of WaterMug of WaterMug of WaterMug of Water Mug of Water 0.8 -10 1 Base.WaterMug
Saucepan with Water Saucepan with Water 2 -250 25 Base.WaterSaucepan
Teacup of Water Teacup of Water 0.4 -10 1 Base.WaterTeacup
Water Bottle Water Bottle 0.8 -100 10 Base.WaterBottleFull
Water Bottle Water Bottle
0.4 -62.5 6.25 Base.BeerBottle
Water Bottle Water Bottle
1.4 -125 12.5 Base.WhiskeyWaterFull
Water Bottle Water Bottle
0.5 -67 6.7 farming.MayonnaiseWaterFull
Water Bottle Water Bottle
(Orange Soda/zh-hans)
0.8 -100 10 Base.WaterPopBottle
Water Bottle Water Bottle
0.5 -67 6.7 farming.RemouladeWaterFull
Water Bottle Water Bottle
(White Wine/zh-hans)
1 -125 12.5 Base.WineWaterFull
Watering Can Watering Can 4 -400 40 farming.WateredCanFull


Icon 名稱 Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Food Sickness Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
Bacon.png Bacon/zh-hans 0.3 -12 - ? 3 5 20 50 farming.Bacon
TZ BaconBits.png Bacon Bits/zh-hans 0.1 -1 - ? 1 1 15 30 farming.BaconBits
TZ BaconRashers.png Bacon Rashers/zh-hans 0.1 -4 - ? 1 2 15 30 farming.BaconRashers
Baloney.png Baloney/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - - 2 4 - - Base.Baloney
BaloneySlices.png Baloney Slices/zh-hans 0.4 -5 - - 2 4 - - Base.BaloneySlice
BeefJerky.png Beef Jerky/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.BeefJerky
Chicken.png Chicken/zh-hans 0.3 -35 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Chicken
ChickenFoot.png Chicken Foot/zh-hans 0.1 -12 - - 2 4 - - Base.ChickenFoot
DehydratedMeatStick.png Dehydrated Meat Stick/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.DehydratedMeatStick
Egg.png Egg/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 14 21 - - Base.Egg
Egg Carton Egg Carton 1 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggCarton
Frogmeat.png Frog Meat/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - 4 8 10 40 Base.FrogMeat
Ham.png Ham/zh-hans 1 -60 - - 5 10 - - Base.Ham
HamSlices.png Ham Slices/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - 3 6 - - Base.HamSlice
MeatPatty.png Meat Patty/zh-hans 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MeatPatty
MincedMeat.png Minced Meat/zh-hans 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MincedMeat
Mutton.png Mutton Chop/zh-hans 0.3 -30 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MuttonChop
Pepperoni.png Pepperoni/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - - 15 30 - - Base.Pepperoni
Porkchop.png Pork Chop/zh-hans 0.3 -30 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.PorkChop
Salami.png Salami/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - - 10 15 - - Base.Salami
SalamiSlices.png Salami Slices/zh-hans 0.02 -10 - - 10 15 - - Base.SalamiSlice
Sausage.png Sausage/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.Sausage
Steak.png Steak/zh-hans 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.Steak
Tofu.png Tofu/zh-hans 0.3 -10 - - 6 14 - - Base.Tofu


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Food Sickness Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
BirdDead.png 死鳥 0.2 -20 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadBird
MouseDead.png 死老鼠 0.2 -10 - +30 ? 6 10 15 50 Base.DeadMouse
RabbitDead.png 死兔子 0.2 -30 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadRabbit
DeadRat.png Dead Rat/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - +30 ? 6 10 20 60 Base.DeadRat
SquirrelDead.png 死松鼠 0.2 -30 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadSquirrel
Rabbitmeat.png 兔子肉 0.3 -30 - - ? 2 4 25 70 Base.Rabbitmeat
Smallanimalmeat.png Small Animal Meat/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - - ? 2 4 20 70 Base.Smallanimalmeat
Smallbirdmeat.png Small Bird Meat/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - - ? 2 4 20 70 Base.Smallbirdmeat


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Unhappiness Food Sickness Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
FishBass.png Bass/zh-hans 1.1 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Bass
FishCatfish.png Catfish/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Catfish
FishCrappie.png Crappie/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Crappie
Crayfish.png Crayfish/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Crayfish
FishFillet.png Fish Fillet/zh-hans 0.2 -25 - - 2 4 20 50 Base.FishFillet
FishRoe.png Fish Roe/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 14 21 - - Base.FishRoe
FishMinnow.png Little Bait Fish/zh-hans 0.1 -5 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.BaitFish
Lobster.png Lobster/zh-hans 0.4 -40 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Lobster
Oysters.png Oysters/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - 2 4 10 25 Base.Oysters
FishPerch.png Perch/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 30 60 Base.Perch
FishPike.png Pike/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Pike
Salmon.png Salmon/zh-hans 0.3 -30 +20 - 2 4 80 130 Base.Salmon
Shrimp.png Shrimp/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - ? 2 4 10 60 Base.Shrimp
Squid.png Squid/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - - 2 4 - - Base.Squid
SquidCalamari.png Squid Calamari/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 2 4 10 20 Base.SquidCalamari
FishPanfish.png Sunfish/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Panfish
FishTrout.png Trout/zh-hans 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Trout


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Effect Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
Black Sage Black Sage 0.1 -1 Pain -7 - - - - Base.BlackSage
Cockroach Cockroach/zh-hans 0.1 -11 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Cockroach
Common Mallow Common Mallow 0.1 -1 Cold -5 - - - - Base.CommonMallow
Cricket Cricket/zh-hans 0.1 -6 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Cricket
Ginseng Ginseng 0.1 -1 Endurance -2 - - - - Base.Ginseng
Grape Leaves Grape Leaves 0.1 -4 - - - - - Base.GrapeLeaves
Grasshopper Grasshopper/zh-hans 0.1 -7 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Grasshopper
Lemon Grass Lemon Grass 0.1 -1 Food Sickness -12 - - - - Base.LemonGrass
Rosehips.png Rose Hips 0.1 -6 - - - - - Base.Rosehips
Violets.png Violets 0.1 -2 - - - - - Base.Violets
WildEggs.png Wild Eggs/zh-hans 0.1 -10 Food Sickness ? 14 21 10 30 Base.WildEggs
Worm Worm/zh-hans 0.01 -5 Unhappiness +20 - - - - Base.Worm


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Poison Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
Apple.png Apple/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -7 - - 5 8 Base.Apple
Banana.png Banana/zh-hans 0.2 -17 -5 - - 5 7 Base.Banana
BerryBlack.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryBlack
BerryBlue.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryBlue
BerryGeneric1.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric1
BerryGeneric2.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric2
BerryGeneric3.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric3
BerryGeneric4.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric4
BerryGeneric5.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric5
BerryPoisonIvy.png Berry/zh-hans 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryPoisonIvy
Cherry.png Cherry/zh-hans 0.3 -3 -1 - - 4 9 Base.Cherry
Grapefruit.png Grapefruit/zh-hans 0.3 -20 -50 - - 6 8 Base.Grapefruit
Grapes.png Grapes/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Grapes
Lemon.png Lemon/zh-hans 0.2 -10 -5 - - 7 9 Base.Lemon
Lime.png Lime/zh-hans 0.2 -10 -5 - - 7 9 Base.Lime
Mango.png Mango/zh-hans 0.3 -20 -13 - - 6 14 Base.Mango
Orange.png Orange/zh-hans 0.2 -12 -20 - - 6 9 Base.Orange
Peach.png Peach/zh-hans 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Peach
Pear.png Pear/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -7 - - 5 8 Base.Pear
Pineapple.png Pineapple/zh-hans 0.3 -25 -13 - - 6 14 Base.Pineapple
BerryStraw.png Strawberries/zh-hans 0.1 -5 -5 -10 - 2 5 farming.Strewberrie
Watermelon.png Watermelon/zh-hans 3 -60 -140 - - 6 8 Base.Watermelon
WatermelonSmashed.png Watermelon Chunks/zh-hans 0.6 -12 -25 - - 2 3 Base.WatermelonSmashed
WatermelonSliced.png Watermelon Slice/zh-hans 0.3 -6 -20 - - 3 4 Base.WatermelonSliced


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Cooked (mins) 燒焦 (mins) Item ID
BagelPlain.png Bagel/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelPlain
Baguette.png Baguette/zh-hans 0.3 -30 - - 3 6 - - Base.Baguette
Bread.png Bread/zh-hans 0.3 -30 - - 3 6 - - Base.Bread
BreadSlices.png Bread Slices/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BreadSlices
OatsRaw.png Can of Oats/zh-hans 0.8 -50 - - - - - - Base.OatsRaw
Cereal.png Cereal/zh-hans 0.2 -40 - - - - - - Base.Cereal
Cornbread.png Cornbread/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.Cornbread
Crackers.png Crackers/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.Crackers
Croissant.png Croissant/zh-hans 0.1 -8 - -15 - - - - Base.Croissant
Ramen.png Dry Ramen Noodles/zh-hans 0.2 -15 +40 - - - - - Base.Ramen
Flour.png Flour/zh-hans 1.0 - - - - - - - Base.Flour
GrahamCrackers.png Graham Crackers/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.GrahamCrackers
GranolaBar.png Granola Bar/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - 40 80 - - Base.GranolaBar
Popcorn.png Instant Popcorn/zh-hans 0.3 -10 +10 - - - 5 10 Base.Popcorn
SpagettiRaw.png Pasta/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - - Base.Pasta
Poppy Bagel Poppy Bagel 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelPoppy
RiceRaw.png Rice/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - - Base.Rice
RicePaper.png Rice Paper/zh-hans 0.1 -4 - - - - - - Base.RicePaper
BagelSesame.png Sesame Bagel/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelSesame
TacoShell.png Taco Shell/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - 15 20 - - Base.TacoShell
Tortilla.png Tortilla/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - 3 5 - - Base.Tortilla
TortillaChips.png Tortilla Chips/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.TortillaChips


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Boredom Fatigue Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
Biscuit.png Biscuit/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - - 3 5 Base.Biscuit
CakeBlackForest.png Black Forest Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - -15 - - 3 5 Base.CakeBlackForest
LicoriceBlack.png Black Licorice/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - - - - - - Base.LicoriceBlack
CakeSlice.png Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -7 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeSlice
Candycane.png Candy Cane/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Candycane
CandyPackagei.png Candy Package/zh-hans 0.6 - - - - - - - Base.CandyPackage
CakeCarrot.png Carrot Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -7 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeCarrot
CakeCheesecake.png Cheese Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeCheesecake
Crisps.png Chips/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps
Crisps2.png Chips/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps2
Crisps3.png Chips/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps3
Crisps4.png Chips/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps4
Chocolate.png Chocolate/zh-hans 0.2 -15 - - -10 - - - Base.Chocolate
Painauchocolat.png Chocolate Bread/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - - - - 3 7 Base.Painauchocolat
CakeChocolate.png Chocolate Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - -15 - - 3 5 Base.CakeChocolate
ChocolateChips.png Chocolate Chips/zh-hans 0.1 -6 - - - - 3 7 Base.ChocolateChips
CookiesChocolate.png Chocolate Cookie/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesChocolate
DoughnutChocolate.png Chocolate Doughnut/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutChocolate
CinnamonRoll.png Cinnamon Roll/zh-hans 0.1 -12 - - - - - - Base.CinnamonRoll
CookieChocolateChip.png Cookie/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookieChocolateChip
Cupcake.png Cupcake/zh-hans 0.2 -20 - - - - - - Base.Cupcake
DoughnutPlain.png Doughnut/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutPlain
DoughnutFrosted.png Frosted Doughnut/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutFrosted
MuffinFruit.png Fruit Muffin/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -10 - - 5 8 Base.MuffinFruit
Icecream.png Ice Cream/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - -10 - - 1 1 Base.Icecream
ConeIcecream.png Ice Cream Cone/zh-hans 0.2 -25 - -10 - - 1 1 Base.ConeIcecream
Icing.png Icing/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - -10 - - 4 8 Base.Icing
DoughnutJelly.png Jelly Doughnut/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutJelly
Lollipop.png Lollipop/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.Lollipop
Marshmallows.png Marshmallows/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -5 - - - - Base.Marshmallows
MintCandy.png Mint Candy/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - -10 - - - - Base.MintCandy
Modjeska.png Modjeska/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.Modjeska
CookiesOatmeal.png Oatmeal Cookie/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesOatmeal
Peppermint.png Peppermint/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Peppermint
PiePumpkin.png Pumpkin Pie Slice/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - - 5 8 Base.PiePumpkin
CookieJelly.png Raspberry Shortbread/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - -10 - - - - Base.CookieJelly
LicoriceRed.png Red Licorice/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - - - - - - Base.LicoriceRed
CakeRedVelvet.png Red Velvet Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeRedVelvet
CookiesShortbread.png Shortbread Cookie/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesShortbread
Smore.png Smore/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - 10 15 Base.Smore
CakeStrawberryShortcake.png Strawberry Cake Slice/zh-hans 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeStrawberryShortcake


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Boredom Fatigue Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
BakingSoda.png Baking Soda/zh-hans 0.3 - - - - - - - Base.BakingSoda
Butter.png Butter/zh-hans 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Burger
Burger.png Burger/zh-hans 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Burger
Cheese.png Cheese/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - -10 - - 14 20 Base.Cheese
Sandwich cheese.png Cheese Sandwich/zh-hans 0.3 -50 - - - - 2 4 Base.CheeseSandwich
ChickenNuggets.png Chicken Nuggets/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - 5 8 Base.ChickenNuggets
CocoaPowder.png Cocoa Powder/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - 5 8 Base.CocoaPowder
InstantCoffee.png Coffee/zh-hans 1 -30 +60 +20 - -50 - - Base.Coffee2
Cone.png Cone/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.Cone
Corndog.png Corndog/zh-hans 0.1 -12 - - - - 3 6 Base.Corndog
SushiEgg.png Egg Sushi/zh-hans 0.1 -12 - - - - 2 4 Base.SushiEgg
ChickenFried.png Fried Chicken/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.ChickenFried
FishFried.png Fried Fish/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - - - - 4 7 Base.FishFried
OystersFried.png Fried Oysters/zh-hans 0.1 -6 - - - - 4 7 Base.OystersFried
TofuFried.png Fried Tofu/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - - - - 6 14 Base.TofuFried
Fries.png Fries/zh-hans 0.4 -10 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Fries
JamFruit.png Fruit Jam/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - -10 - - - - Base.JamFruit
GravyMix.png Gravy Mix/zh-hans 0.1 - - - - - - - Base.GravyMix
Guacamole.png Guacamole/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - - - - - - Base.Guacamole
Gum.png Gum/zh-hans 0.1 -1 - -5 - - - - Base.Gum
Honeybottle.png Honey/zh-hans 0.4 -20 - - - - - - Base.Honey
HotdogCrafted.png Hotdog/zh-hans 0.3 -20 - - - - 3 6 Base.Hotdog
Macandcheese.png Mac and Cheese/zh-hans 0.5 -40 - - - - - - Base.Macandcheese
JamMarmalade.png Marmalade/zh-hans 0.2 -30 - -10 - - - - Base.JamMarmalade
MeatDumpling.png Meat Dumpling/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - 2 4 Base.MeatDumpling
MeatSteamBun.png Meat Steam Bun/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.MeatSteamBun
Onigiri.png Onigiri/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - - 2 4 Base.Onigiri
PancakeMix.png Pancake Mix/zh-hans 0.1 - - - - - - - Base.PancakeMix
Pancakes.png Pancakes/zh-hans 0.3 -20 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Pancakes
PeanutButter.png Peanut Butter/zh-hans 0.3 -25 - -15 -5 - - - Base.PeanutButter
Sandwich peanut.png Peanut Butter Sandwich/zh-hans 0.4 -40 - -10 - - 2 4 Base.PeanutButterSandwich
Peanut.png Peanuts/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Peanuts
Perogies.png Perogies/zh-hans 0.1 -7 - - - - 3 7 Base.Perogies
Pie.png Pie Slice/zh-hans 0.5 -30 - - - - 5 8 Base.Pie
Pizza.png Pizza/zh-hans 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Pizza
PotatoPancakes.png Potato Pancakes/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - - 3 7 Base.PotatoPancakes
Processedcheese.png Processed Cheese/zh-hans 0.3 -5 - - - - 6 10 Base.Processedcheese
RefriedBeans.png Refried Beans/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.RefriedBeans
TZ RemouladeFull.png Remoulade/zh-hans 0.5 -10 - +5 +10 - 8 11 farming.RemouladeFull
ShrimpDumpling.png Shrimp Dumpling/zh-hans 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.ShrimpDumpling
Springroll.png Spring Roll/zh-hans 0.1 -20 - - - - 2 4 Base.Springroll
SunflowerSeeds.png Sunflower Seeds/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.SunflowerSeeds
Teabag.png Tea Bag/zh-hans 0.1 -5 +10 +10 - -15 - - Base.Teabag2
TVDinner.png TV Dinner/zh-hans 0.4 -23 - +25 +30 - - - Base.TVDinner
Vinegar.png Vinegar/zh-hans 0.3 - - - - - - - Base.Vinegar
Waffles.png Waffles/zh-hans 0.3 -15 - -10 - - - - Base.Waffles
Yoghurt.png Yogurt/zh-hans 0.3 -10 - - - - 10 15 Base.Yoghurt


Icon Name Encumbrance Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Poison Fresh (days) Rotten (days) Item ID
Avocado.png Avocado/zh-hans 0.3 -15 -7 - - 6 14 Base.Avocado
BellPepper.png Bell Pepper/zh-hans 0.2 -8 -2 - - 5 8 Base.BellPepper
Blackbeans.png Black Beans/zh-hans 0.1 -10 - - - 3 5 Base.Blackbeans
Broccoli.png Broccoli/zh-hans 0.2 -9 -4 - - 4 6 Base.Broccoli
Cabbage.png Cabbage/zh-hans 0.2 -25 -15 - - 2 4 farming.Cabbage
Carrots.png Carrots/zh-hans 0.2 -8 -4 - - 6 8 Base.Carrots
Corn.png Corn/zh-hans 0.2 -14 -4 - - 5 8 Base.Corn
Daikon.png Daikon/zh-hans 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Daikon
DriedBlackBeans.png Dried Black Beans/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedBlackBeans
DriedChickpeas.png Dried Chick Peas/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedChickpeas
DriedKidneyBeans.png Dried Kidney Peas/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedKidneyBeans
DriedLentils.png Dried Lentils/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedLentils
DriedSplitPeas.png Dried Split Peas/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedSplitPeas
DriedWhiteBeans.png Dried White Beans/zh-hans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedWhiteBeans
Edamame.png Edamame/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - 3 5 Base.Edamame
Eggplant.png Eggplant/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -9 - - 5 8 Base.Eggplant
GingerPickled.png Ginger Pickled/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - 14 21 Base.GingerPickled
PepperHabanero.png Habanero/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - - - 5 8 Base.PepperHabanero
PepperJalapeno.png Jalapeno/zh-hans 0.1 -2 - - - 5 8 Base.PepperJalapeno
Leek.png Leek/zh-hans 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Leek
Lettuce.png Lettuce/zh-hans 0.7 -15 -7 - - 3 5 Base.Lettuce
MushroomGeneric1.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric1
MushroomGeneric2.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric2
MushroomGeneric3.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric3
MushroomGeneric4.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric4
MushroomGeneric5.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -15 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric5
MushroomGeneric6.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric6
MushroomGeneric7.png Mushroom/zh-hans 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric7
Onion.png Onion/zh-hans 0.2 -10 - - - 7 9 Base.Onion
Rings.png Onion Rings/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - 4 7 Base.OnionRings
Peas.png Peas/zh-hans 0.6 -20 -5 - - 3 5 Base.Peas
Pickles.png Pickles/zh-hans 0.1 -5 - - - - - Base.Pickles
Potato.png Potato/zh-hans 0.2 -18 -7 - - 14 28 farming.Potato
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin/zh-hans 1.0 -40 - - - 5 8 Base.Pumpkin
Radish.png Radish/zh-hans 0.1 -3 -1 - - 3 7 farming.RedRadish
Seaweed.png Seaweed/zh-hans 0.2 -3 - - - - - Base.Seaweed
Tomato.png Tomato/zh-hans 0.2 -12 -15 - - 4 12 farming.Tomato
Zucchini.png Zucchini/zh-hans 0.3 -10 -10 - - 6 14 Base.Zucchini

See also