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PlushSpiffo.pngThis article is about Firearm items. For a category of skills, see Skill.



Firearms require ammo to use and are loud, attracting the attention of nearby zombies. They benefit significantly from high aiming and reloading skills, with aiming in particular improving the accuracy, range, and ease of use of firearms.

Encumbrance Encumbrance Encumbrance of the weapon when stored in inventory, heavier weapons have higher endurance costs.
Equipped Equipped Whether the weapon is equipped in one hand or two hands.
default=Ammunition Ammunition Ammunition used by the weapon.
Magazine capacity Magazine capacity Maximum ammunition capacity of the weapon.
Minimum damage Minimum damage Minimum damage, before modifiers.
Maximum damage Maximum damage Maximum damage, before modifiers.
Minimum range Minimum range Range below which a weapon attack gets converted to shoving.
Maximum range Maximum range Maximum range
Accuracy Accuracy Base chance of successfully hitting the target, before modifiers.
Accuracy added per aiming level Accuracy added per aiming level Amount added to the base hit chance per aiming level.
Critical hit chance Critical hit chance Base chance of achieving a critical hit, before modifiers.
Critical hit chance added per aiming level Critical hit chance added per aiming level Amount added to the base critical hit chance per aiming level.
Noise radius Noise radius Radial distance in tiles that noise will be emitted.
Knockback Knockback Modifier that affects the stagger of targets after being hit.
Repairable Repairable Whether the weapon can be repaired.


Icon Name Encumbrance Equipped Ammunition Magazine capacity Damage Range Accuracy Accuracy increased per aiming level Critical hit chance Critical hit chance increased per aiming level Noise radius Knockback Repairable Item ID
Minimum damage Maximum damage Minimum range Maximum range
D-E Pistol D-E Pistol 1.5 1H .44 Magnum Round 8 1 1.9 0.61 10 20% +12% 20% +10% 70 0.3 Repairable Base.Pistol3
M1911 Pistol M1911 Pistol 1.5 1H .45 Auto Round 7 1 1.4 0.61 8 40% +10% 20% +10% 50 0.3 Repairable Base.Pistol2
M36 Revolver M36 Revolver 1.5 1H .38 Special Round 5 0.7 1.2 0.61 6 65% +8% 20% +10% 30 0.3 Repairable Base.Revolver_Short
M625 Revolver M625 Revolver 1.75 1H .45 Auto Round 6 1 1.6 0.61 9 30% +10% 20% +10% 50 0.3 Repairable Base.Revolver
M9 Pistol M9 Pistol 1.5 1H 9mm Round 15 0.6 1 0.61 7 50% +8% 20% +10% 40 0.3 Repairable Base.Pistol
Magnum Magnum 2 1H .44 Magnum Round 6 1.2 1.9 0.61 11 20% +12% 20% +10% 80 0.3 Repairable Base.Revolver_Long


Icon Name Encumbrance Equipped Ammunition Magazine capacity Damage Range Accuracy Accuracy increased per aiming level Critical hit chance Critical hit chance increased per aiming level Noise radius Knockback Repairable Item ID
Minimum damage Maximum damage Minimum range Maximum range
Double Barrel Shotgun Double Barrel Shotgun 4 2H Shotgun Shells 2 2 2.7 0.67 9 80% +5% 80% +4% 100 0.8 Repairable Base.DoubleBarrelShotgun
JS-2000 Shotgun JS-2000 Shotgun 4 2H Shotgun Shells 6 1.5 2.2 0.61 7 70% +5% 60% +4% 100 0.8 Repairable Base.Shotgun
Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun 3.5 2H Shotgun Shells 2 2 2.7 0.67 8 80% +5% 80% +4% 100 0.8 Not repairable Base.DoubleBarrelShotgunSawnoff
Sawed-off JS-2000 Shotgun Sawed-off JS-2000 Shotgun 3.5 2H Shotgun Shells 6 1.5 2.2 0.61 6 100% +0% 60% +4% 100 0.9 Repairable Base.ShotgunSawnoff


Icon Name Encumbrance Equipped Ammunition Magazine capacity Damage Range Accuracy Accuracy increased per aiming level Critical hit chance Critical hit chance increased per aiming level Noise radius Knockback Repairable Item ID
Minimum damage Maximum damage Minimum range Maximum range
M14 Rifle M14 Rifle 4 2H .308 Round 20 1.2 2 0.61 10 50% +5% 30% +15% 70 0.3 Repairable Base.AssaultRifle2
M16 Assault Rifle M16 Assault Rifle 4 2H 5.56mm Round 30 0.8 1.4 0.61 11 20% +7% 25% +12% 70 0.3 Repairable Base.AssaultRifle
MSR700 Rifle MSR700 Rifle 4 2H .223 Round 3 0.6 1.3 0.61 10 27% +17% 25% +12% 70 0.3 Repairable Base.VarmintRifle
MSR788 Rifle MSR788 Rifle 4 2H .308 Round 3 1.2 2 0.61 10 25% +15% 30% +15% 70 0.3 Repairable Base.HuntingRifle



Icon Name Encumbrance Item ID
RifleAmmo223loose.png .223 Round 0.02 Base.223Bullets
RifleAmmo308loose.png .308 Round 0.02 Base.308Bullets
40calAmmoBox.png .38 Special Round 0.02 Base.Bullets38
40calAmmoBox.png .44 Magnum Round 0.04 Base.Bullets44
40calAmmoBox.png .45 Auto Round 0.04 Base.Bullets45
RifleAmmo308loose.png 5.56mm Round 0.03 Base.556Bullets
40calAmmoBox.png 9mm Round 0.01 Base.Bullets9mm
ShotgunAmmo.png Shotgun Shells 0.05 Base.ShotgunShells


Icon Name Encumbrance Item ID
RifleAmmo223.png Box of .223 Rounds 0.6 Base.223Box
RifleAmmo308.png Box of .308 Rounds 0.6 Base.308Box
HandgunAmmoBox.png Box of .38 Special Rounds 0.35 Base.Bullets38Box
HandgunAmmoBox.png Box of .44 Magnum Rounds 0.38 Base.Bullets44Box
HandgunAmmoBox.png Box of .45 Auto Rounds 1 Base.Bullets45Box
RifleAmmo308.png Box of 5.56mm Rounds 1.2 Base.556Box
HandgunAmmoBox.png Box of 9mm Rounds 0.2 Base.Bullets9mmBox
ShotgunAmmoBox.png Box of Shotgun Shells 0.9 Base.ShotgunShellsBox


Icon Name Encumbrance Weapon Ammo Capacity Item ID
BerettaClip.png M9 Magazine 0.2 HandGun3.png 40calAmmoBox.png 15 Base.9mmClip
BerettaClip.png M1911 Auto Magazine 0.2 HandGun2.png 40calAmmoBox.png 7 Base.45Clip
BerettaClip.png D-E Magazine 0.2 HandGun.png 40calAmmoBox.png 8 Base.44Clip
BerettaClip.png MSR700 Magazine 0.2 LeverActionRifle.png RifleAmmo223loose.png 3 Base.223Clip
BerettaClip.png MSR788 Magazine 0.2 RifleHunting.png RifleAmmo308loose.png 3 Base.308Clip
BerettaClip.png M16 Magazine 0.2 AssaultRifle.png RifleAmmo308loose.png 30 Base.556Clip
BerettaClip.png M14 Magazine 0.2 AssaultRifle2.png RifleAmmo308loose.png 20 Base.M14Clip


Icon Name Encumbrance Item ID
BulletMold.png .223 Bullet MoldFuture 0.5 Base.223BulletsMold
BulletMold.png .308 Bullet MoldFuture 0.5 Base.308BulletsMold
BulletMold.png 9mm Bullet MoldFuture 0.5 Base.9mmBulletsMold
BulletMold.png Shotgun Shells MoldFuture 0.5 Base.ShotgunShellsMold

Weapon parts


Icon Name Encumbrance Encumbrance added to weapon+ Function Weapons Item ID
HuntingKnife.png BayonetFuture 0.2 0.2 Currently not functional LeverActionRifle.pngRifleHunting.png Base.Bayonnet
ShotgunChoke.png Choke Tube - Full 0.1 0.1 Increases damage by 0.5 and reduces spread by 0.1 Shotgun2.png Base.ChokeTubeFull
ShotgunChoke.png Choke Tube - Improved 0.1 0.1 Increases spread by 0.1 and reduces damage by 0.5 Shotgun2.png Base.ChokeTubeImproved
RedDot.png Gun LightFuture 0.2 0.2 Currently not functional HandGun3.pngHandGun2.pngHandGun.png Base.GunLight
HandgunLaser.png Laser 0.2 0.2 Increases hit chance by 5 HandGun3.pngHandGun2.pngHandGun.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.png Base.Laser

Recoil Pad

Icon Name Encumbrance Encumbrance added to weapon+ Function Weapons Item ID
RifleRecoilPad.png Recoil Pad 0.1 0.1 Reduces recoil by 5 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.png Base.RecoilPad


Icon Name Encumbrance Encumbrance added to weapon+ Function Weapons Item ID
Scope2x.png x2 Scope 0.3 0.3 Increases min. range by 6 and max. range by 7 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.png Base.x2Scope
Scope4x.png x4 Scope 0.4 0.4 Increases min. range by 8 and max. range by 13 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.png Base.x4Scope
Scope8x.png x8 Scope 0.8 0.8 Increases min. range by 10 and max. range by 20 LeverActionRifle.pngRifleHunting.pngAssaultRifle2.pngAssaultRifle.png Base.x8Scope
ScopeIronSight.png Iron Sight 0.1 0.1 Increases max. range by 3 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngHandGun3.pngHandGun2.pngHandGun.pngRevolver.pngRevolverLong.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.png Base.IronSight
RedDot.png Red Dot 0.2 0.2 Increases aiming speed. HandGun3.pngHandGun2.pngHandGun.pngRevolver.pngRevolverLong.pngAssaultRifle.pngAssaultRifle2.pngRifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.png Base.RedDot


Icon Name Encumbrance Encumbrance added to weapon+ Function Weapons Item ID
AmmoStrap.png Ammo Straps 0.5 0.5 Reduces reload time by 5 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngShotgun2.png Base.AmmoStraps
GunSling.png Sling 0.5 - 0.3 Reduces encumbrance by 0.3 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.pngShotgun2.png Base.Sling


Icon Name Encumbrance Encumbrance added to weapon+ Function Weapons Item ID
RifleFibreglassStock.png Fiberglass Stock 0.1 - 0.5 Reduces the encumbrance by 0.5 and increases hit chance by 8 RifleHunting.pngLeverActionRifle.png Base.FiberglassStock