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When heading out for a supply run, always be prepared. Only go outside during daylight, as you have better visibility during the day. Optionally, start your day by [[Well Fed|eating something]], refilling your [[Water Bottle]] and making sure you're not [[Encumbered|carrying too much]] before going out. Grab any weapon you can find in your base, preferably a good one like a Baseball Bat or Axe. [[File:SurvivalGuide_BatBeatdownZomb.png|thumb|You'll automatically attack an incapacitated living zombie, keeping it from getting back up if you swing in its direction.]]
或者在一天开始的时候,先吃点东西避免[[Moodles/zh-hans#饥饿|饥饿]],给[[Water Bottle|塑料瓶]]加满水,并确保出门前行李不要[[Moodles/zh-hans#超重|超重]]
拿起基地里能找到的任何武器,最好是[[Baseball Bat|棒球棒]]或[[Axe|消防斧]]之类的好武器。

When outside, try to walk as often as possible. If you ever stumble upon a horde, you'll be able to run and dodge them without being exhausted. Aside from being more quiet, walking will also save up some energy for fighting without getting [[Exhausted|exhausted]] too quickly. Every now and then, keep your eyes over your shoulder, as zombies might be following you. Holding CTRL and circling the mouse around the character will make the player look in the mouse cursor's direction, giving you the ability to spot your enemy before they even see you.
按住 {{Key|Ctrl}} ,用鼠标绕角色转圈,使他看向鼠标光标的方向,这样就可以在被敌人看到之前发现它们。

If you ever encounter a horde of zombies (5 or more), be very careful, as the odds are against you. If you encounter such a large group of zombies, turn the other way. If you can't, try to sneak past them. If you already have been spotted, try to run 3-10 corners so you can effectively lose the majority and make it much easier to fend off those who are still following you. Be careful entering a building and hiding inside if the zombies see you enter, as they will likely break the doors of the building down to find you.

Lone zombies or zombies in very small groups can effectively be dispatched by a Baseball Bat or an Axe (if fought one by one and carefully). It's generally not recommended to fight more than three zombies at once with a melee weapon when you're starting out. When fighting groups, you should use hit-and-run tactics, as zombies do not have much of an attack range, and you can keep exhaustion at bay every 1-3 zombies you kill. Try to spread them out as much as possible by killing the faster ones first. Use fences, open windows, and open doorways to create bottlenecks to thin out groups. When fighting a group, don't try to immediately dispatch enemies you've knocked down when others are still coming. Instead, use the gap to line up your next attack on the next standing zombie.
单个僵尸或非常小群的僵尸可以通过[[Baseball Bat|棒球棒]]或[[Axe|消防斧]]有效地打发掉(如果一个接一个地小心战斗)。

You may occasionally run into crawler zombies. Be careful around them, as they are not knocked back when hit.  Instead, run around it and go behind it. The crawler has to push its body around 180 degrees to get to you, so use its slow speed to your advantage.

Many players might be excited to start using firearms. However, in Project Zomboid, firearms are usually a bad idea. If you want to use a firearm, make sure that you have enough ammo to kill several times as many zombies as you expect to fight, and have an escape route, and preferably a vehicle. Always take the time to aim, as you will want each bullet to count. Accuracy is reduced when moving, so get some distance, then stop moving when you fire. Accuracy is also reduced (to almost complete ineffectiveness) by [[Moodles|Panic]] and by a low Aim skill. Because Aim is leveled by hitting a zombie with a shot, low Aim (below Aiming level 3) your character will miss often. Shotguns are the most effective way to not just fight but to level Aim. However, they are very loud, and will attract more zombies. Try to fight away from your safehouse if you do fight with a firearm. Always be aware of your ammo situation, and never fight until the absolute last bullet. Always keep a handful of extra rounds so that you can use them when you need to. Distance is your best friend, as zombies cannot attack you if you aren't at arm's length, and it gives you more time to reload before they approach you.

Around a week after you survive, you might hear the dreaded sounds of a helicopter. This is the so-called helicopter event, where a helicopter will hover over you, essentially luring all the zombies in the area to you. This can be devastating if a player isn't prepared. However, if a player hides inside a building, they can avoid being found by the helicopter in the first place. In any case, be on the move if discovered, as every zombie will be heading to the helicopter's location (right over your head).

You are free to go anywhere you want, however, always try to plan where you're headed, what you'll be taking as loot and where you'll be settling in to make a safe-house.

It is almost always safer to avoid combat if possible. This requires seeing zombies before they see you. When in combat stance, even with a melee weapon, moving the mouse towards the edge of the screen lets you see farther. Once you know where zombies are, you can keep your distance and slip past them in sneak mode. If you must fight, lure a few at a time and back up to fight them out of earshot of the other zombies. This keeps you in control of how many you fight, and where you fight.

Inevitably, your character will attract a horde of zombies too large to fight. The more you flee, the more new zombies you run into, so the horde grows in size. Eventually, you will either make a mistake or become exhausted and the horde will catch you.
Inevitably, your character will attract a horde of zombies too large to fight. The more you flee, the more new zombies you run into, so the horde grows in size. Eventually, you will either make a mistake or become exhausted and the horde will catch you.

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You will have to clear a few stragglers and may have to repeat this technique a second or even third time. But when you are done, you can enjoy a pocket of relative safety in which to rest and loot in peace!
You will have to clear a few stragglers and may have to repeat this technique a second or even third time. But when you are done, you can enjoy a pocket of relative safety in which to rest and loot in peace!

Two risky methods to lose the zombies are to climb a high fence or lead them into a building. They are worth doing because they are effective with less distance, so you don't have to go all-or-nothing, gathering and losing a huge horde from the entire surrounding area.
Two risky methods to lose the zombies are to climb a high fence or lead them into a building. They are worth doing because they are effective with less distance, so you don't have to go all-or-nothing, gathering and losing a huge horde from the entire surrounding area.

Revision as of 10:57, 19 April 2024

Translation icon.png
Spiffo Survivor.png
Spiffo is a true survivor.


欢迎来到初学者的《生存指南》。本指南面向新玩家,但也可供资深玩家参考。它将涵盖与《僵尸毁灭工程》相关的几个主题,向玩家传授生存、战斗和探索等基础知识。本指南假设玩家使用版本 41.78.16 幸存者模式进行游戏,没有安装任何模组


建议新玩家先通过教程进行游戏。游戏首次启动时也会打开游戏内版本的《生存指南》,默认情况下可按 F1 恢复。




  1. 玩家角色(你!)。
  2. 主要(右手)装备物品,通常用于武器工具。任何一只手握持的物品都降低30%的负重。
  3. 次要(左手)装备物品,用于携带手电筒或双手武器。有些物品总是双手握持。
  4. 角色和周围环境物品栏
  5. 健康面板,也可以在其他角色面板之间切换。
  6. 合成界面。
  7. 搬运模式面板,用于拾取、放置、旋转和拆卸地砖上的可移动物体。
  8. 搜寻的搜索模式。
  9. 地图
  10. 当前时间。仅在携带显示时间的设备(电子表经典腕表闹钟)时显示。
  11. 时间控制,用于暂停或加速时间(在多人游戏中不显示)。
  12. 感受, 显示角色状态的任何变化。
  13. 快捷栏。如果佩戴了皮带单枪套双枪套,会显示更多槽位。


界面的某些功能不太明显。首先,可以在物品栏窗口内通过按住鼠标左键(可点击物品的“类型/Category”,而不是“名称/Type”)创建一个选择框,将物品栏中的物品选为一组;在窗口外拖动可向上或向下滚动。其次,通过按住 Ctrl 单击物品名称可以选择或取消选择单个物品,把所需的所有物品选为一组;⇧ Shift 可以点选范围内的物品,或者 Ctrl+A 选择窗口中的全部物品。最后,通过在现有窗口外释放鼠标左键,可以将物品拖放到新容器中或地板上。

Ctrl 单击物品
“全部拿走/Loot All”按钮














有时你可能会被看到。如果僵尸正在靠近,请逃离它们的视线。例如,可以进入建筑物,关上身后的,然后从后面离开。接着试着找一座更好的安全屋,如果可以的话,或者只是为了更安全一点,可以引起附近僵尸的注意,把它们带离你的区域并脱离它们的视线。否则,如果有足够的底楼窗帘,你只要保持安静不发出太大的噪音,就可以住一两晚。然而请记住,僵尸可能会在直升机噪音或枪声和尖叫等环境声音事件中闯入。直升机噪音只会在第一个月内发生一次,通常在第一周结束前后。如果能找到带有自动紧急广播系统无线电台收音机,它会通告“检测到空中活动/Air Activity Detected”,你就能知道直升机什么时候来了。


















根据你的设置,屏幕右下角可能会有一张小地图。它可以帮助你找到路。通过按 M 来展开并显示整张地图。你只能看到之前去过的地方。如果找到铅笔钢笔(任何颜色)或蜡笔,就可以在地图上做标记,这样很容易就知道安全屋在哪儿、哪些地区可能有大量僵尸,或者你洗劫过的地方。看地图时要小心,因为看地图时时间不会停止。


大爆发的第一周仍然有电,人类的光芒还没有熄灭,你还可以利用广播和电视。大多数频道都会提供信息让你了解世界上正在发生的事情。然而,最好的节目是“Life and Living”电视频道,它实际上会为你提供不同技能的经验值,如木工、烹饪、耕作、钓鱼、采集和诱捕。许多有经验的玩家在第一周观看所有这些节目,它们在一天中的不同时间播出,通常是6点、12点和18点。这是一个不劳而获得到免费技能经验值的好办法。要更改电视频道,当在电视机旁边时右键单击它,然后单击“设备选项”。看电视时调低音量可能是个好主意,这样那些讨厌的僵尸就不会来窥探了。


参见: Barricade/zh-hans







With the right resources, players can mix items together to create new or better equipment. By right-clicking one of the specified items (with all items of the crafting recipe present in the main inventory), players can create food recipes, enhanced weapons and barricades to reinforce their safe-houses. One can also use the crafting menu below the character status icon to craft items, as well as easily find recipes.


To see your character's skill, open the Skill tab after clicking the heart in the UI (or hotkey 'C'). The "skills" screen will appear and will show you how much skill points you have, which skills you have unlocked, and how far you are from unlocking a skill. If you have a spare skill point and an unlocked skill, there will be a "+" sign next to the name of that skill in one of the boxes. A skill that you can put a skill point into will also be gold in color, compared to a locked skill's silver color. Clicking it allows you to distribute one skill point. It is your choice on what skills you need to upgrade, but do so wisely. The Nimble and Sprinting are perhaps the most valuable, as Nimble allows you to be much more effective in combat, while Sprinting allows you to run for longer distances before getting tired.


你永远没有足够的物资来维持长期生活。 幸运的是,有各种各样的地方可以洗劫。 如果你很小心,拾荒探险虽然很危险,但是可以带来丰厚的回报。


当站在窗户旁边时,点击“交互”键(默认为 E )打开窗户。按住该键将使角色爬过窗口。在面对窗口时单击该键会关闭窗户。或者,多次点击交互键会导致你的角色打破窗户。

了解要寻找的物品类型。 如果需要建筑或耕作用品,找仓库或五金店。 如果需要食物,住宅和超市可能是最好的选择。 大量医疗用品可以在大多数城镇的诊所和药店找到。 在进入建筑物之前,确保它的不同侧面至少有两个入口点,无论是窗户还是门。 如果僵尸意识到你的存在,你要能够轻松逃离。


在闯入之前,最好快速看一下建筑的外部,确保另一边没有成群结队的僵尸等着。 还要试着透过窗户好好看看,以防里面已经有僵尸。 爬过窗口却发现正进入满是僵尸的房间,这绝不是惊喜!

总是试着从周围僵尸最少的一侧尽可能隐蔽地闯入。 在试图闯入之前,检查是否有门没上锁。 如果门被锁了,你将不得不通过窗户进入,只需移动到窗口并按 E ,然后等待它打开。 砸碎窗户进入可能是一种简单的进入方式,但发出的声音会吸引僵尸。

一旦进入并确定房间是安全的,就关上身后所有的窗户和门。 这将防止任何可能跟随你的僵尸在身后潜入。

某些建筑,如商店,没有可打开的窗户,在这种情况下,你将不得不打破窗户。 可以简单地向窗户挥动近战武器,就好像它是僵尸一样。 跳进去之前不要忘记取下碎玻璃,否则可能会因玻璃而受重伤。 做完这些后要做好逃跑和躲藏的准备,并留意窗户,看看是否有僵尸被吸引。

进入任何建筑都有可能触发房屋警报。 这将迅速吸引很大半径内的僵尸到附近区域。 总是逃离该区域,并尝试在其他地方避难直到警报消失。 警报会吸引来自四面八方的僵尸,所以要小心不要在一大群僵尸去往房屋的路上遇到它们。 僵尸还会砸碎门窗突破阻碍的房屋去往警报处。 稍后靠近该区域时要小心,因为很可能会有很多僵尸因警报而在那儿闲荡。

除非带着逃脱绳,否则上楼要小心。 如果僵尸闯入,你被困在楼上,唯一的出路就是窗户,这很有可能导致高于一楼一层以上的人死亡。


除非以前清理过,否则永远不要认为建筑是安全的,无论是内部还是外部。 从杀死内部的僵尸开始。 在狭小的空间里与多个僵尸搏斗可能很危险。 如果必须面对它们,最好把它们引诱到外面安静的地方,然后在那里杀死它们。 一旦清理完入口,就拉上所有窗户的窗帘,并在没有窗帘或百叶窗的窗户上加上窗帘布(如果有的话)。

小心地进入每个房间,准备好武器并在打开门时(如果按住了 Ctrl 请松开,否则会攻击门)立即后退。 注意砰砰的声音。 当清理完建筑内部后,检查以确保外部没有僵尸意识到你的存在。 除非处于危险之中,否则千万不要在建筑内奔跑,因为跑步会产生噪音吸引附近的僵尸,接着你可能会被困在房间里而僵尸们正在破门而入。


某些物品经常出现在某些容器中,而这类容器往往出现在常见的位置。 例如,住宅是很好的全方位拾荒地点。 更不用说不太有用的物品了:冰箱里有易腐烂的食物和水瓶,厨房里有炊具、种子和不易腐烂的食物,书架上有书本和技能书,浴室里有药品,卧室里有包。 其中很少会有手枪或弹药。 如果已经有足够的药品和包,那么完全不冒险上楼可能会节省时间。




外出补给时务必做好准备。 只在白天外出,因为白天能见度更高。 或者在一天开始的时候,先吃点东西避免饥饿,给塑料瓶加满水,并确保出门前行李不要超重。 拿起基地里能找到的任何武器,最好是棒球棒消防斧之类的好武器。

外出时尽量多走路。 这样如果偶然发现了一群僵尸,你将能够奔跑和躲避它们而不会筋疲力尽。 走路除了更安静之外,还可以节省一些战斗的能量,不会很快耗尽耐力。 时不时地回头看看,因为僵尸可能会跟着你。 按住 Ctrl ,用鼠标绕角色转圈,使他看向鼠标光标的方向,这样就可以在被敌人看到之前发现它们。

如果遇到一大群僵尸(5个或更多),要非常小心,因为你的胜算不大。 如果遇到这么一大群僵尸,就转向另一条路。 如果做不到,试着从它们身边溜走。 如果已经被发现了,试着跑3-10个转角,这样就可以有效地甩开大部分,并更容易抵御那些仍然跟来的。 如果僵尸看到你进入建筑物,那么进入躲藏时就要小心,因为它们很可能会破门而入找到你。

单个僵尸或非常小群的僵尸可以通过棒球棒消防斧有效地打发掉(如果一个接一个地小心战斗)。 刚开始时,通常不建议使用近战武器同时与三个以上的僵尸战斗。 当与群体战斗时,应该使用打了就跑的战术,因为僵尸的攻击范围不大,而你每杀死1-3个僵尸就会筋疲力尽。 试着通过先杀死速度更快的僵尸来尽可能地分散它们。 使用栅栏、窗口和门口制造瓶颈给僵尸群瘦身。 当与群体战斗时,在其他敌人还在接近的时候,不要试图立即消灭被击倒的敌人。 相反,利用这个间隙来安排下一次对下一个站立的僵尸的攻击。

可能偶尔会遇到爬行僵尸。 在它们周围要小心,因为它们被击中时不会被击退。 相反,绕着它跑,走到它后面。 爬行者将不得不转动身体180度来抓你,因此要利用它的慢速作为你的优势。

许多玩家可能会对开始使用枪支感到兴奋。 然而,在《僵尸毁灭计划》中,枪支通常是个坏主意。 如果想使用枪支,请确保有足够的弹药杀死数倍于你预期要战斗的僵尸,并有逃生路线,最好是车辆。 一定要耐心瞄准,因为你会希望每颗子弹都算数。 移动时准确度会降低,因此请保持一定距离,然后在开火时停止移动。 准确度也会因恐慌和低瞄准技能而降低(甚至几乎完全无效)。 因为瞄准是通过射击击中僵尸来升级的,所以低瞄准(低于3级)的角色经常会脱靶。 霰弹枪不仅是战斗的最有效方式,而且是升级瞄准的最有效方式。 然而,它们的声音很大,会吸引更多的僵尸。 如果你真的用枪战斗,尽量远离你的安全屋。 时刻注意弹药情况,永远不要战斗到最后一颗子弹。 总是保留几发子弹,这样就可以在需要的时候使用它们。 距离是最好的朋友,因为如果不在一臂之遥,僵尸就无法攻击到你,而在它们靠近你之前,它让你有更多时间重新装弹。

在活下来大约一周后,可能会听到直升机可怕的声音。 这就是所谓的直升机事件,一架直升机将在你上空盘旋,基本上将该地区的所有僵尸都吸引到你身边。 如果玩家没有做好准备,这可能是毁灭性的。 然而,如果玩家躲在建筑物内,就可以避免一开始就被直升机发现。 无论如何,如果被发现,都要行动起来,因为每个僵尸都会前往直升机的位置(就在你的头顶上)。



如果可能的话,避免战斗几乎总是更安全的。 这需要在僵尸看到你之前先看到它们。 在战斗姿势下,即使使用近战武器,将鼠标移向屏幕边缘也可以让你看得更远。 一旦知道僵尸在哪儿,就可以保持距离,以潜行模式从它们身边溜走。 如果必须战斗,一次引诱几个,然后后退到其他僵尸听不见的地方与它们战斗。 这样可以控制敌人数量和战斗地点。


Inevitably, your character will attract a horde of zombies too large to fight. The more you flee, the more new zombies you run into, so the horde grows in size. Eventually, you will either make a mistake or become exhausted and the horde will catch you.

To escape a horde chasing you:

  1. Conserve stamina. Your walking speed is faster than even fast shamblers (the default speed). Run or sprint briefly only to avoid being surrounded. Injuries and status effects that lower your walking speed make hordes considerably harder to escape.
  2. Attract all the zombies. Counterintuitively, you can make an area safe from the horde by getting them all to chase you. If you do not do this step, a zombie here and a zombie there can quickly turn into another horde before you get a chance to rest. You can gather their attention by shouting ("Q" by default), shooting guns, or using the sirens on an emergency vehicle.
  3. Ball them up. Walk in a circle and back and forth and the horde chasing you will tighten into a ball. This keeps the interest of the zombies at the back and lets you concentrate newly arrived zombies into the horde.
  4. Lead them away. With all the zombies in the area in a tight ball chasing you, lead them away to some place you don't care about, such as the woods or a street you've already looted.
  5. Give them the slip. This is what you have been saving your stamina for! Sprint away to get out of hearing and sight range. Once you are far away, break line of sight around the corner of a building or by going deep into the woods. The zombies will pursue in the direction they last saw or heard you, so make a sharp turn to get out of the way of the parade of zombies. You can keep going in the new direction or, with a very wide berth, double back.

You will have to clear a few stragglers and may have to repeat this technique a second or even third time. But when you are done, you can enjoy a pocket of relative safety in which to rest and loot in peace!


Two risky methods to lose the zombies are to climb a high fence or lead them into a building. They are worth doing because they are effective with less distance, so you don't have to go all-or-nothing, gathering and losing a huge horde from the entire surrounding area.

A high fence blocks zombie pathing - you can go over, but they have to go around. The ideal escape route then is to climb over the middle of a long fence, which makes the zombies shamble the furthest to chase you. Miscalculate, however, and this technique can put you into the arms of a horde. First, with panic, encumbrance, or certain character traits, you can fail to climb the fence and fall back into the horde chasing you. Leave enough space to survive a failed climb and escape or try again. It is worth the stamina to sprint for a bit to gain a lead on the horde. Encumbrance can sneak up on you - some items are heavier when unequipped, and hunger lowers your weight capacity. Second, vision-blocking fences can hide a horde waiting for you on the other side. So check the other side of the fence before you attract the horde! Finally, if you are holding bags in your hands, you will drop them when you climb. It's better to escape with your life than die with the loot, but it is best to sort the heaviest and least important items into the bags you drop, drop those bags where you have a chance of retrieving them later, and leave loot behind for later so you aren't encumbered in the first place.

Buildings are an effective distraction for zombies, because they block line of sight and distract zombies with breaking windows and doors instead of chasing you. But it is very dangerous to lead the zombies into an unfamiliar building. A single zombie or miscalculation about your escape route can slow you enough for the horde to catch you. You can be cornered by narrow pathways, an unexpected locked door, or a dead end. The best building to escape through has been cleared, looted, has doors you can close to slow the horde, and has escape routes ready, such as open windows or escape ropes.


SurvivalGuide Travel.png

Eventually, you will want to get out of your area. Maybe it's because there are no more supplies left, or perhaps it's because you want to start anew somewhere, or you just want to reach the Well. When you know you will not be back home for a few days or moving out, always bring a week's worth of food and water with you. It's recommended to take the road, since you can easily get lost in the vast forest (forests can stretch several cells in all directions). A Tent Kit may be needed to sleep in if your travels will prevent you from finding shelter before you reach your destination. Campfire Materials can compliment the tent nicely. Be sure you have something to light the fire with.

Vehicles are almost essential for long-distance traveling and hauling. Items can be stored in seats and the trunk, allowing for more objects to be brought along at a faster pace, avoiding overexerting your character and allowing you to come back with more supplies. Depending on the driver and type of vehicle that's being driven, bring extra items such as (but not limited to) gas, a Jack, and a spare tire to maintain the vehicle. Don't assume that you're safe within your vehicle. You're at risk of getting into an accident that can either injure or kill your character. These risks are also abnormally increased with car wreckages of previous drivers because of the outbreak. Another effect of the car wreckages is that the vehicle will not be capable of being brought everywhere with you so if you want to continue past the car wreckages, it will have to be done by foot. Keep your eyes on the road, be aware of your surroundings, and be prepared to slam on the brakes if necessary.



Throughout your adventure, not only does your character gets hungry and thirsty but can also suffer from other conditions such as anxiety or depression. These status effects, called Moodles, can be treated with varying methods from the use of consumables to just letting a wound heal depending on the character's need. For example, a bored character can be removed by reading a Book or a Magazine, and also moving about outside. The Moodles will also display signs of injuries, which requires first aid.


Eventually your character will begin to feel tired. You can rest or sleep in chairs, couches, and beds. If your character is too agitated, they may need Sleeping Tablets to sleep. On most multi-player servers, sleeping has been disabled. You will still become exhausted from exertion, and can still rest in chairs and beds, but cannot sleep, and will never get sleepy.


Over time you will become hungry. The longer you go without food, the weaker you'll become before starvation starts to occur. Eating adequate amounts of edible food avoids that. Be sure to eat perishable foods first as they will expire in one way or another. Make sure to feed your character when they have no hunger-related Moodle, or at least when they're peckish. The hungrier they become, the more food it will take for them to feel satisfied, and the more weight they will lose.

In contrast, overfeeding your character can temporarily make them stronger, carry more items, and gain a positive hunger-related Moodle. Remember that stuffing your character too much will cause them to gain weight and want more food over time.

Portions of food can be fed to your character at a time to manage hunger better. For example, instead of eating whole watermelon, cut it or bash it to make slices or chunks. Then it can be eaten in 1/4, 1/2, or a whole slice or chunk. This can still fill your character up but without wasting so much food. If you're in early game and there's still tons of food lying around, you probably don't have to worry about perishable food conservation, as most of it will rot later anyways.

When looting, remember to take non-perishables to your safe area. It's also a good idea to keep one or two of these in your inventory, just in case.

To find food that isn't in buildings, go closer to or into the woods. Right click a ground tile and select Forage. Depending on your character's Foraging level, you can find things ranging from perishable Berries (Be careful with berries, though. All berry types stack, so take caution to avoid eating the white ones that will poison your character), and to non perishable Mushrooms, insects, Frogs, Stones, Chipped Stones, Twigs, Tree Branches, Worms, Logs, and Wild Eggs. Foraging does tire out your character, though, so make sure the area is safe or you may find yourself exhausted and with a horde near you.

Lastly, we have farming. To farm, you'll need various tools, seeds, and water. Plant your crops in a protected area, since zombies can trample and kill your plants. They can also hide in nearly grown crops and are difficult to see. If you wait until your crops are blooming, you can collect seeds, too. Don't wait too long or your crops will rot.


Your character gets thirstier faster than they can get hungry, so it's a good idea to have bottled water as soon as possible. If you can't find bottled water, you can improvise by filling up an Empty Bottle up with water. Dehydration works similar to hunger. The thirstier your character becomes, the weaker they get. Currently, there's no positive-related thirst Moodle.

Within months or weeks, the water supply will be cut off. You'll have some stockpiled water but that won't be nearly enough for you to live off of in the long term. One option is to find a Well, which will you give you an endless source of water. There are two known Wells, one is in a farm north of the city. The second is located at a cabin in the woods, slightly closer to the city (almost directly Northeast of McCoy Lumber). If you want to get to one of the Wells, consider living in the farm, which is far away from zombies and has plenty of space for farming and construction.

The best option is to create several Rain Collector Barrels, which may be quite costly in terms of the resources that need to be used. Whenever it rains, these barrels will collect the water from the rain. Although one barrel will not give sufficient water for long-term survival, having many of these barrels will give you enough water to hydrate yourself as well as farm for food without having access to a well. As of build 31, water from these barrels will be tainted. This can make your character sick. You can collect and/or drink river water as well. It will also be tainted and require purifying like rain collector water to keep your character safe.

To purify water collected from the river or Rain Collector Barrels, place down a Campfire with a Campfire Kit and put the water container in the Campfire inventory as you would cook something raw like a Chicken or an Egg. It should purify and be drinkable without any ill-effects once the green skull icon disappears from the water container.


The Health Window

There are many kinds of injuries that can happen so there are many treatments your character can do to perform on themselves. Keep in mind that you can be damaged by a zombie and not require any method shown below. Being patient and passing time is the best all-round treatment for any injury as long as it was dealt with properly. Good common items to have for treatment are Painkillers, Bandages, Antibiotics, and a Bottle of Disinfectant or something with alcohol in it. If a bandage is needed, make sure to check on it frequently because it could turn dirty and the wound can be infected.

Having a positive Hunger Moodle quickens the recovery process of any injury, fights off infection, and generally makes your character more resilent to sickness in general.


Scratches can happen from crawling through a broken window with no glass removed, climbing over barbed wire, vehicle collisions, or a zombie. If scratched by a zombie, there is a chance of being zombified albeit much smaller compared to being bitten. Disinfect and then bandage.


Common from climbing through windows and falling. It can also be caused from being hit with a heavy bladed weapon like an Axe or getting into a vehicle collision. First use a Suture Needle and then a Bandage. Optionally a Needle with Thread can be used as well but it causes more pain. If there's nothing to stitch up the wound with then applying a bandage will slow down its deterioration and bleeding (be aware that the bandage will become dirty faster).


Bullets and glass shards can be lodged inside a deep wound. They must be removed to prevent complications as a result of stitching up the wound. They can be removed with fingers, but using Tweezers is a faster and less painful process. Then, disinfect the wound and deal with the deep wound appropriately. Leaving the object inside speeds up the rate and heightens the chance of the wound getting infected. Out of all the injuries, this is the most likely one to cause infection- particularly for the Deep Wound that it was lodged in.


Zombies are the only source of bites. Out of all the injuries, this is a death sentence, with a 100% chance of zombification. Disinfect, bandage, and then pray.


Usually caused from being lit on fire. Disinfect and then bandage. A burn is similar to a fracture in terms of the time it takes to fully heal.


Fractures can happen from extreme vehicle collisions or jumping from a second-story building and higher. A Splint must be made for each fractured limb. Movement will be heavily restricted and even more so when wearing a Splint. Resting and sleeping a lot speeds up recovery. Avoid moving too much as well. Out of all the injuries, a fracture takes the longest to heal back up. Once every week after the first week, take off the Splints to see if the fractures are still there. If so, then simply reapply without moving.

Disinfecting isn't necessary for survival, but it prevents infection. Infection makes the affected area in a worse condition and has greater negative impact on your health.



Depending on how your character dies, they have a chance to emit loud screams of agony which can attract zombies. One of two possible outcomes will happen to your character when they die.


This is just a regular and normal death. It happens when you fall from a great height, are killed by another player, or bleeding out from being cut on a window. Your character's corpse will be lootable and contain everything in it while they were alive with the exception of what they had in their hands. The items in those hands will be scattered about on the floor around them instead.


This is the most common process that occurs after death. After keeling over, soon your character will get up as a zombie with a Zombified Moodle. They can't be controlled by the player, and they behave like a normal zombie. Note that they still keep everything they had on them when they were alive. Zombification happens faster if they bleed out shortly after being scratched or bitten by a zombie even if they technically wouldn't have succumbed to it. Interestingly, the zombified character doesn't drop what they had in their hands while they were alive unlike a normal death.



Cooking is a skill that allows the player to craft food recipes that restore much more hunger, and/or boredom and unhappiness. It also determines the likelihood of burning certain food items, such as meat. Those foods usually have an Uncooked or Raw prefix in front of their name. As of build 30, Cooking level seven allows the player to use rotten ingredients in some recipes. Cooking can be done on any heat source, from a campfire to an oven.


Logs are an efficient source of Planks, provided you can find a Saw.

In a zombie apocalypse, nowhere is safe. However, that can't stop you from fortifying a safe-house of your interest. Some buildings are safer than others. A two-story house with multiple doors and few windows is recommended. In case of an home invasion, you can always escape through a window using a Sheet Rope. For maximum protection and stealth, board up every window with Planks and Sheets.

Carpenters equipped with a Sledgehammer can destroy walls, doors, and window frames to get rid of them. Materials are rarely yielded from destroying rather than disassembling. If you run out of Planks, you can use an Axe to chop down doors. Chopping down doors will yield one to two wooden planks, along with Door hinges and Doorknobs. Another alternative is to chop down trees. Taking down a tree will yield one to five Logs. You can then use a Saw to craft Logs into Planks.

Later in the game, once you have the tools and resources for larger constructions, you should think about the use of wall pieces. A perimeter wall will prevent zombies from seeing you in your house and will muffle sounds further. Furthermore, you will have more time to escape should your safehouse be invaded. A perimeter fence (any material) can be used to slow down zombies during an invasion. If you have the time and resources, you can make makeshift structures.

Please take note that constructing a safe-house will make a lot of noise, which will draw any stragglers nearby. Carpentry jobs should be done during the day and when the outside is relatively quiet and zombie-free.


Farming is essential for late game play since electricity will eventually go down and you will be forced to eat non-perishables, which aren't exactly plentiful in Muldraugh. Be sure to let plants go into seed bearing stage to have a continuous supply of seeds.


Fishing is another alternate source of food, and good for maintaining calories. For this, you will need a Fishing Rod and Bait (disambiguation), or a Crafted Spear.


Trapping is a source of food. The player can trap small animals and use them as food. You will need to build traps (which require special skill books to learn the recipes, besides mousetraps), and use bait (such as Carrots or Cabbages) to bait the trap for a successful catch. Planks, Nails, and Twine are the most common crafting materials for traps.


All areas can be foraged in, and different areas result in different finds. Click on the magnifying glass and enable discover mode.

Depending on your characters Foraging skill, you may find edible plants, or building materials like twigs, branches, rocks, etc. Basic shoddy tools can be crafted with these foraged materials if you need a Hammer or Axe in a pinch, but they are not durable. Higher level foraging results in food such as berries, mushrooms, and even animals. Sometimes you can find medicinal herbs.



One black square is one cell which contains 300x300 tiles.

It is a bit of an understatement when people say the map is huge. Since it's well...huge! To give you an idea of just how big the map is, here are some figures courtesy of harakka and blindcoder. The map is 20x20 cells + another 12x6 cells. Each of those cells contains about 300x300 tiles. Now some of you will be going "But of course, my good lad!" others will be going "It doesn't sound that big." Here's a picture to show you how big one cell is. Each black square is roughly the size of one cell.

Hopefully that puts things into perspective. Now, the place is huge and it's easy to get lost, so if you would like a helping hand in navigating the map, then you can go check out this Knox County map, it can be especially useful for new survivors as players have marked points of interest. These can include where a decently supplied place is, good fortification locations, to everything your heart desires. So, remember to give it a look if you want.

If you find some odd anomaly around the map, such as a place you can't enter but seemingly could, invisible walls, etc, then you might want to go check out | Indie Stone's forum (the creators of Project Zomboid). Report the problem, so that the developers can fix it! It's incredibly important to report bugs!


Temperatures will change according to the seasons. Wear less clothes to cool off during a hot summer day, or put on a sweater as cold fall nights approach. During the winter you may need more than warm clothing. Campfires or other heat sources will warm you up.


Light can make it easier to see when looting, but being in a well lit area makes you more likely to be seen by zombies (especially at night). Lights in buildings can usually be switched off. Flashlights are a handy portable light source, but require Batteries to operate. Lamp on Pillars can be constructed to add light to player made structures.


参见: Weather/zh-hans/zh-hans

It may rain at various times. Being outdoors in the rain will make your character damp. After enough time in the rain you will get soaked and have a chance of developing a cold. Once out of the rain, you will slowly dry off. You can speed up the process with a dry Bath Towel, often found in bathroom cabinets.


Sometime within the first month after spawning, the water works will fail.

The player will no longer be able to drink indefintely out of sinks, bathtubs, or toilets. Each water source will usually become limited to 20 units of water. At this point, the player must either keep moving to live off of the little water remaining in taps, find a Well, or build Rain Collector Barrels.

Sometime within the first month after spawning, the power will fail.

Refrigerators will no longer preserve food and lights will no longer turn on. You cannot cook food either, except with a Campfire or a propane-fueled grill. Pretty soon, all perishable foods will go bad and you will have to survive off of your non-perishable foods unless you can farm, fish, forage, or trap for your own food. Streetlights and building lights will stop working, making those areas much more dangerous, even during the day.

Meta-Game Events

There are currently two random events that happen throughout the game. Sometimes players can hear either gun shots or helicopters overhead. They both have the same function of mass migrating the zombie population and don't come from any actual in-game source. When you hear them, be weary of changes in zombie positioning and movement.


Here are a few things to always be wary of while playing the game. Being mindful of these things will help you survive longer in Knox County.

  • You can only see where you're looking towards. Watch your back.
  • Beware of keeping Alarm Clocks or Digital Watches! They may have an alarm already set on when you pick them up. Be sure to disable them so you don't unknowingly become a walking dinner bell.
  • While you have running water, fill extra containers with water (mugs, pans, buckets, spare water bottles etc) and stockpile them. When the water is shut off you'll still have some water to spare that won't need purifying.
  • Being out in the open is a double-edged sword. There's little cover, meaning there's a high possibility of zombies noticing you.
  • Until you have searched the entire building, consider it a dangerous location. Once you know it's empty, start closing curtains and any outside doors and windows for some privacy. After that, start looting.
  • Know when to commit to a fight. If fighting, make sure it's extremely imbalanced to your favor.
  • Jumping off from the second floor should only be a last resort. Any higher than the second floor though, you will die.
  • Be indoors by 8-9 PM and be sleeping at 10-11 PM. Visibility thanks to the sun will make surviving easier.
  • Bandages are a life saver. You should always take some with you just in case. Ideally, make them from spare clothes using the "rip sheets" menu command.
  • Inspect corpses. They can have interesting items or keys to either buildings or vehicles.
  • When you're scavenging and have some space left, take a few items you think you won't need for now. They might be useful later on.
  • Moving while sneaking can earn you a very small stream of constant experience. More experience is earned if sneaking around zombies that aren't alerted to your presence.
  • If you have friends and a vehicle in the apocalypse, it's recommended to carpool with them. Not only will it save gas by having only one vehicle at a time, it'll generate less noise compared to having each friend have their own vehicle.
  • Before opening a door listen for any sounds like footsteps, banging, groans, bags unzipping, or struggling. They will give you clues on who and what could be on the other side.
  • At the very beginning, there will never be a zombie in the building you spawn in. Of course, that doesn't mean it's invulnerable to zombies walking inside it later!
  • If you manage to find car in relatively good condition and enough gas, you should consider establishing your safehouse in rural area, as it is less dangerous.
