Camp Busy Beaver

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Project ZomboidWorldLocationsBusinessesCamp Busy Beaver
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Camp Busy Beaver
Camp Busy Beaver
Camp Busy Beaver logo
Camp Busy Beaver
Isometric view of Camp Busy Beaver

Camp Busy Beaver is a ranger's cabin that looks after the campgrounds surrounding the cabin. It is a two-story building that includes a medical room, storage, and a kitchen.


Multiple types of loot can be found in camp busy beaver. This includes, food, medical supplies, tools, and ranger gear.

Safehouse potential

The main building could make for a good safehouse if the player is prepared beforehand. The bottom floor has four windows that can easily be barricaded using the surrounding forest. Its remote location means zombie populations will be quite low. However, to access the camp, the only way in or out is by using a very long dirt road through the forest. This will make it extremely challenging to go scavenging.

If the player wishes to live here, it is recommended that they first locate supplies to become self-sufficient, such as seeds, a generator, extra gasoline, and tools, then travel to the location. A nearby cabin contains an antique oven which can be used for warmth during winter. The lake also provides a means of accessing water and fish.


See also