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U.S. Mail Service is a post office with locations in Riverside and Louisville. It is one of the best places to find skill books.
Location | Description | Coordinates |
Louisville |
West of Louisville General Hospital | 12624x2076 |
Riverside |
business district | 6315x5265 |
Louisville |
Just off the main road leading into the city | 12579x3585 |
The first floor is composed of the lobby, some small offices, a break room, and a large storage room that occupies most of the left side of the building. This storage room is where the research books are kept on metal shelves. Almost every book is able to spawn here, as well as generic Books and Magazines for de-stressing your character.
The second floor is mostly composed of offices, and does not contain any significant loot.
This location has only one floor, and is very similar to the Riverside location. The main difference is that the storage room is much larger, meaning that there are more books to be found here. The storage area can be easily accessed by going behind the counter in the lobby and through a door. There are also large garage doors in the back of the building, and the storage room is big enough for most vehicles to fit inside for safe gathering and sorting of supplies.
There is also a sorting and distribution facility just off the main road into the city. The loot here will be found in several crates strewn about. There is a garage door that allows vehicles access for safe gathering and sorting of supplies.
There could be another location in March Ridge, as there is a post office with a similar layout. However, this can not be confirmed as no logo is visible on the building.
U.S. Mail Service Chevalier Step Van
Flier for U.S. Mail Service.