Brac Brick Factory

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Project ZomboidWorldLocationsBusinessesBrac Brick Factory
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Brac Brick Factory
Brac Brick Factory
Brac Brick Factory logo
Brac Brick Factory
Isometric view of Brac Brick Factory

Brac Brick Factory is a large factory located exclusively in Louisville.


The brac brick factory is a large factory containing two buildings and a storage yard for bricks.


It is located in the very far northwest corner of Louisville. It is north of Mass-Genfac Co..


The majority of the items littered around the buildings and storage yard are useless. There are a few crates that can contain factory loot such as tools and building materials. Some basic office loot can also be found.

Safehouse potential

Like all buildings in Louisville, the high density of zombies and low availability of water means your chances of survival are lower than in other areas. Using this location as a safe house should be seen as a challenge.

This location in particular is relatively far from the highest density areas of the city, while still being close to major sections. It borders the Ohio River for quick access to water. It also has an entirely closed in, and indestructible (by zombies) barbed wire fence surrounding the storage yard.

Living in Louisville is not recommended for new players.

Pros Cons
  • Very close to a water source.
  • Large fenced in yard.
  • Not much useful loot.
  • Inconvenient to get to.

See also


  • The sign's color is off, with the middle portion being brighter than the sides.