Lectromax Manufacturing is a factory on the outskirts of Riverside. It contains massive amounts of highly valuable supplies, including tools, weapons, metalworking and carpentry materials, and even antique ovens. The large amount of crates are perfect for leveling the carpentry skill. Be sure to bring a vehicle with you to carry the loot back to base.
There are two buildings on the factory grounds, the main factory, and a small warehouse.
The interior is mostly composed of the large warehouse storage, where many crates containing large amounts of supplies can be found. Once the crates are emptied of supplies, they can either be dismantled for carpentry experience or picked up and relocated to the player's base. There is also a small catwalk that acts as a second floor, which also leads to the stairway where the roof can be accessed. There are two large garage doors that allow vehicles to back in, but be aware that running a vehicle indoors can poison the building with exhaust fumes. This can be avoided by turning off the vehicle before the door is closed, and opening the door before turning it back on to leave.
There are also vending machines, a small locker room, two bathrooms, and a small office attached to the building via a door and hallway.
Main factory
The factory itself is a large building that contains two manufacturing areas, connected by a few hallways. There are also several small offices, a cafeteria, and two locker rooms. While the factory machinery currently serves no purpose, it may be of use in the upcoming build 42 update, which will add crafting stations. This, however, has not been confirmed by The Indie Stone.
Most of the loot can be found in the stacks of wooden crates found throughout the manufacturing floors. These crates contain anything from various paint cans, tools, weapons, crafting materials, and farming supplies. The cafeteria also contains some food.
There is a large parking lot surrounding the building, which often spawns many vehicles.
- There is a large number of zombies in the surrounding area, but be cautious if using fire to dispatch them. It is possible to accidentally burn down the entire factory, along with the loot within. Make sure to lead any zombies to the open parking lot before using Molotovs or fire bombs.
- Make sure to bring a vehicle. Vehicles with high-capacity trunks, such as the Chevalier Step Van, Franklin All-Terrain, Franklin Valuline, or Dash Bulldriver are highly recommended.
- Make sure to bring a flashlight and batteries if the power has gone out.
- The second floor of the factory is composed of catwalks that can be used to quickly travel around the building.
Lectromax Manufacturing Franklin Valuline