Worm of Books

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Worm of Books
Worm of Books
Worm of Books logo
Book store

Worm of Books is a book store chain with locations in Louisville and Valley Station. It is a great place to find skill books and recipe magazines.


Location Description Coordinates
ABCDriving School, Zac's Hardware, 5 Bux or Less, Dressed to the 90s, Worm of Books, Greene's, and Go Flash (Louisville).png
Northern coast. In the pictured strip mall, it is the second unit to the right with the green sign.
Valley Station
In a strip mall northwest of the Crossroads Mall. It is the center unit with the green sign.


Many skill books and recipe magazines can be found in the bookshelves, which can help the player to level their skills. The shelves can also be dismantled for carpentry experience. However, it is much wiser to leave them intact if loot respawn is enabled.

See also