
From PZwiki
< EquipmentEquipment/uk


Дозволено носити на тілі

Значок Назва Weight Зниження ваги Movement Speed Ємність Item ID
BigHiking Red.pngBigHiking Blue.pngBigHiking Green.png Велика похідна сумка 1.5 80% 95% 22 Base.Bag_BigHikingBag
Duffelbag.pngDuffelBagWhite.png Duffel Bag/uk 1.0 65% 95% 18 Base.Bag_DuffelBag
FannyPack.png Поясна сумка* 0.2 50% 98% 1 Base.Bag_FannyPackFront
Hiking Blue.pngHiking Green.pngHiking Red.png Похідна сумка 1.2 70% 96% 20 Base.Bag_NormalHikingBag
AliceBag.png Великий рюкзак 2.0 85% 94% 27 Base.Bag_ALICEpack
AliceBag Camo.png Військовий рюкзак 2.0 87% 94% 28 Base.Bag_ALICEpack_Army
Satchel Leather.pngSatchel Green.pngSatchel Khaki.png Сумка 1.0 30% 99% 15 Base.Bag_Satchel
Backpack Spiffo.pngBackpack Black.pngBackpack Blue.png School Bag/uk 1.0 60% 97% 15 Base.Bag_Schoolbag
GolfBag Red.pngGolfBag Purple.pngGolfBag Green.pngGolfBag Blue.png Golf Bag/uk 1.2 65% 95% 18 Base.Bag_GolfBag
  • Поясну сумку можна носити разом з іншими рюкзаками.

Тільки в руках

Значок Назва Weight Зниження ваги Movement Speed Ємність Item ID
Briefcase.png Briefcase/uk 1.5 5% 97% 7 Base.Briefcase
Cooler.png Cooler/uk 1.5 5% 90% 8 Base.Cooler
GuitarCase02.png Flight Case/uk 1.0 20% 97% 5 Base.Flightcase
FirstAid.png First Aid Kit/uk 1.0 5% - 4 Base.FirstAidKit
Garbagebag.png Сміттєвий пакет 0.1 10% - 20 Base.Garbagebag
GuitarCase01.png Guitar Case/uk 1.0 20% 97% 5 Base.Guitarcase
PistolCase.png Gun Case/uk 0.5 5% 99% 7 Base.PistolCase1
Purseblack.png Handbag/uk 1.0 40% 99% 8 Base.Handbag
Lunchbox01.png Lunchbox02.png Lunchbox/uk 1.0 5% - 4 Base.Lunchbox
Plasticbag.png Plastic Bag/uk 0.1 30% - 8 Base.Plasticbag
Purse.png Purse/uk 0.5 55% 99% 12 Base.Purse
SandbagEmpty.png Sack/uk 0.1 10% - 15 Base.EmptySandbag
DrawstringBag.png Seed Bag/uk 0.1 30% - 5 Base.SeedBag
SewingBox.png Sewing Kit/uk 0.1 30% - 5 Base.SewingKit
Suitcase.png Suitcase/uk 3.0 50% 98% 16 Base.Suitcase
Toolbox.png Toolbox/uk 2.0 15% 97% 8 Base.Toolbox
Tote.png Tote Bag/uk 0.1 50% - 12 Base.Tote


Icon Name Weight Function Item ID
AlarmClock.png Alarm Clock/uk 1.5 Display time, Set alarm Base.AlarmClock
CDplayer.png CD Player/uk 0.3 Listen CDs Base.CDplayer
CordlessPhone.png Cordless Phone/uk 0.3 - Base.CordlessPhone
Earbuds.png Earbuds/uk 0.1 Silence radio/uk Base.Earbuds
Generator.png Generator/uk 40 Supply electricity/uk Base.Generator
Headphones.png Headphones/uk 0.3 Silence radio/uk Base.Headphones
HomeAlarm.png Home Alarm/uk 0.1 - Base.HomeAlarm
Speaker.png Speaker/uk 1.5 - Base.Speaker
Timer.png Timer/uk 0.1 - Base.Timer
Remote.png TV Remote/uk 0.2 - Base.Remote
RemoteCrafted.png V1 Remote Controller 0.4 Trigger trap Base.RemoteCraftedV1
RemoteCrafted.png V2 Remote Controller 0.4 Trigger trap Base.RemoteCraftedV2
RemoteCrafted.png V3 Remote Controller 0.4 Trigger trap Base.RemoteCraftedV3
VideoGame.png Video Game/uk 0.3 - Base.VideoGame


Icon Name Weight Noise Range (tiles) Frequency Range Transmit Range (tiles) Item ID
Mic. Volume Minimum Maximum
WalkieTalkieBudget.png Toys-R-Mine Walkie Talkie 1.0 5 8 75 MHz 150 MHz 1000 Radio.WalkieTalkie1
WalkieTalkieCivilian.png ValuTech Walkie Talkie 1.0 5 10 50 MHz 200 MHz 5000 Radio.WalkieTalkie2
WalkieTalkieCivilian2.png Premium Tech. Walkie Talkie 1.0 5 12 25 MHz 300 MHz 4000 Radio.WalkieTalkie3
WalkieTalkiePolice.png Tactical Walkie Talkie 1.25 5 14 10 MHz 500MHz 6000 Radio.WalkieTalkie4
WalkieTalkieMilitary.png US Army Walkie Talkie 1.25 5 16 0.2 MHz 1000 MHz 10000 Radio.WalkieTalkie5
WalkieTalkieBudget.png Makeshift Walkie Talkie 1.0 5 8 75 MHz 150 MHz 1000 Radio.WalkieTalkieMakeShift
HamRadioCivilian.png Premium Technologies Ham Radio 20 5 10 10 MHz 500 MHz 6000 Radio.HamRadio1
HamRadioMilitary.png US ARMY COMM. Ham Radio 20 5 15 0.2 MHz 1000 MHz 10000 Radio.HamRadio2
HamRadioCivilian.png Makeshift Ham Radio 20 5 10 10 MHz 500 MHz 6000 Radio.HamRadioMakeShift
Radio.png Premium Technologies Radio 1.5 0 15 88 MHz 108 MHz - Radio.RadioRed
Radio.png ValuTech Radio 1.5 0 10 88 MHz 108 MHz - Radio.RadioBlack
Radio.png Makeshift Radio 1.5 0 10 88 MHz 108 MHz - Radio.RadioMakeShift
Television.png Antique Television 10 0 10 0.2 MHz 1000 MHz - Radio.TvAntique
Television.png Premium Technologies Television 10 0 15 0.2 MHz 1000 MHz - Radio.TvWideScreen
Television.png ValuTech Television 10 0 12 0.2 MHz 1000 MHz - Radio.TvBlack


Icon Name Weight Function Item ID
Bathtowel.png Bath Towel/uk 0.3 Dry self, clean blood stain Base.BathTowel
CleaningLiquid.png Cleaning Liquid/uk 0.3 Clean clothes Base.CleaningLiquid
Dishtowel.png Dish Towel/uk 0.3 Dry self, clean blood stain Base.DishCloth
Extinguisher.png Extinguisher/uk 0.4 Extinguish fire/uk Base.Extinguisher
Mop.png Mop/uk 0.1 Clean blood stain Base.Mop
Soap.png Soap/uk 0.1 Clean clothes Base.Soap

Light sources

Icon Name Encumbrance Light strength Item ID
Candle.png Candle/uk 0.2 0.6 Base.Candle
Flashlight.png Flashlight/uk 1 0.8 Base.Torch
Flashlight2.png Hand Torch/uk 0.5 0.9 Base.HandTorch
Lighter.png Lighter/uk 0.1 0.4 Base.Lighter
Matches.png Matches/uk 0.1 - Base.Matches

Lock & Key



Icon Name Encumbrance Lock/Unlock Item ID
CarKey.png Car Key/uk 0 Vehicle Base.CarKey
Key1.png Key/uk 0 Door/uk Base.Key1
Key2.png Key/uk 0 Door/uk Base.Key2
Key3.png Key/uk 0 Door Base.Key3
Key4.png Key/uk 0 Door/uk Base.Key4
Key5.png Key/uk 0 Door/uk Base.Key5
KeyPadlock1.png Key (Padlock) 0 Padlock/uk Base.KeyPadlock


Icon Name Encumbrance Lock/Unlock Item ID
PadlockDigital.png Combination Padlock/uk 0.2 Crafted Metal Crate or Wooden Crate Base.CombinationPadlock
Padlock.png Padlock/uk 0.2 Crafted Metal Crate or Wooden Crate Base.Padlock



Icon Name Weight Weapon? Function Item ID
TZ CampfireKitWood.png Campfire Materials/uk 2.0 Not usable as a weapon Make campfire/uk camping.CampfireKit
TZ TentKit.png Tent Kit/uk 3.0 Not usable as a weapon Make tent/uk camping.CampingTentKit
TZ PerforatedWoodenPlank.png Notched Wooden Plank/uk 0.5 Not usable as a weapon Light fire/uk Base.PercedWood
AxeStone.png Raw Axe/uk 2.0 Usable as a weapon Chop tree/uk Base.AxeStone
HammerStone.png Stone Hammer/uk 1.2 Usable as a weapon Construction Base.HammerStone


Icon Name Weight Weapon? Function Item ID
BakingPan.png Baking Pan/uk 0.1 Not usable as a weapon Bake pie/uk or cake/uk Base.BakingPan
BakingTray.png Baking Tray/uk 0.2 Not usable as a weapon Base.BakingTray
JarBox.png Box of Jars/uk 1.8 Not usable as a weapon Store jars Base.BoxOfJars
KnifeButter.png Bread Knife/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon Cut food Base.BreadKnife
KnifeButter.png Butter Knife/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon Cut food/uk Base.ButterKnife
CanOpener.png Can Opener/uk 0.6 Not usable as a weapon Open cans Base.TinOpener
JarEmpty2.png Empty Jar/uk 0.2 Not usable as a weapon Pickle food Base.EmptyJar
Fork.png Fork/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon makeshift weapon Base.Fork
Pan.png Frying Pan/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Make stir fry Base.Pan
Griddle.png Griddle Pan/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Make stir fry Base.GridlePan
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon Cut food Base.HuntingKnife
JarLid.png Jar Lid/uk 0.1 Not usable as a weapon Pickle food Base.JarLid
KnifeChopping.png Kitchen Knife/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon Cut food Base.KitchenKnife
Cleaver.png Meat Cleaver/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Cut food Base.MeatCleaver
MortarPestle.png Mortar and Pestle/uk 0.3 Not usable as a weapon Make Poultice/uk Base.MortarPestle
Roastingpan.png Roasting Pan/uk 1.3 Not usable as a weapon Roast vegetables Base.RoastingPan
RollingPin.png Rolling Pin/uk 1.5 Usable as a weapon Roll dough Base.RollingPin
SaucepanEmpty.png Saucepan/uk 0.7 Usable as a weapon Prepare soup, pasta and rice Base.Saucepan
Spoon.png Spoon/uk 0.3 Usable as a weapon makeshift weapon Base.Spoon
KnifeFlint.png Stone Knife/uk 0.75 Usable as a weapon Cut food Base.FlintKnife


Farming Tools

Icon Name Weight Weapon? Function Item ID
Pitchfork.png Garden Fork/uk 1.5 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow Base.GardenFork
Hoe.png Garden Hoe/uk 1.5 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow Base.GardenHoe
GardeningFork.png Hand Fork/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow Base.HandFork
Shovel.pngShovel2.png Shovel/uk 1.5 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow & dirt Base.Shovel
SnowShovel.png Snow Shovel/uk 2.0 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow Base.SnowShovel
TZ GardenTrowel.png Trowel/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Dig furrow farming.HandShovel


Icon Name Weight Weapon? Item ID
Compost.png Compost Bag 2.0 Not usable as a weapon Base.CompostBag
Sandbag.png Dirt Bag 2.0 Not usable as a weapon Base.Dirtbag
TZ GardeningSprayCan.png Insecticide Spray 1.0 Not usable as a weapon farming.GardeningSprayCigarettes
TZ GardeningSprayCan.png Mildew Spray 1.0 Not usable as a weapon farming.GardeningSprayMilk
TZ IndieStoneNPK.png NPK Fertilizer 2.0 Not usable as a weapon Base.Fertilizer


Icon Name Weight Seeds Sown Water Product Grow Time Item ID
Min. Max.
TZ BroccoliSeeds.png Broccoli Seeds/uk 0.009 6 70 - Broccoli.png 22 days farming.BroccoliSeed
TZ CabbageLettuceSeeds.png Cabbage Seeds/uk 0.009 9 85 - Cabbage.png 6 days farming.CabbageSeed
TZ CarrotSeeds.png Carrot Seeds/uk 0.009 12 35 65 Carrots.png 5 days farming.CarrotSeed
TZ PotatoSeeds.png Potato Seeds/uk 0.009 4 65 - Potato.png 17 days farming.PotatoSeed
TZ LRRadishSeeds.png Radish Seeds/uk 0.009 6 45 75 Radish.png 7 days farming.RedRadishSeed
TZ StrewberrySeeds.png Strawberry Seeds/uk 0.009 12 85 - BerryStraw.png 25 days farming.StrewberrieSeed
TZ TomatoSeeds.png Tomato Seeds/uk 0.009 4 75 - Tomato.png 18 days farming.TomatoSeed


Icon Name Weight Weapon? Item ID
FishingRod.png Fishing Rod/uk 0.4 Usable as a weapon Base.FishingRod
FishingRod crafted.png Fishing Rod 0.4 Usable as a weapon Base.CraftedFishingRod
StickSharpened.png Wooden Spear/uk 0.4 Usable as a weapon Base.WoodenLance


Icon Name Weight Strength Chance to catch Chance to catch Chance to catch Chance to catch Chance to catch Item ID
TrapCage.png Cage Trap/uk 1.0 20 - - 30 30 - Base.TrapCage
FishTrap.png Fishing Net Trap/uk 0.5 - - - - - - Base.FishingNet
Mousetrap.png Mouse Trap/uk 0.3 50 30 20 - - - Base.TrapMouse
TrapSnare.png Snare Trap/uk 0.3 10 - - 30 30 - Base.TrapSnare
TrapStick.png Stick Trap/uk 0.5 15 - - - - 40 Base.TrapStick
TrapBox.png Trap Box/uk 1.0 15 - - 25 30 - Base.TrapBox
TrapCrate.png Trap Crate/uk 1.0 15 - - 30 30 - Base.TrapCrate


Icon Name Weight Weapon? Function Item ID
BluePen.png Blue Pen 0.1 Usable as a weapon Write, annotate map/uk Base.BluePen
Eraser.png Eraser/uk 0.1 Not usable as a weapon Remove map/uk annotations Base.Eraser
Needle.png Needle/uk 0.1 Not usable as a weapon Ремесло, Перша допомога Base.Needle
Pen.png Pen/uk 0.1 Usable as a weapon Write, annotate map/uk Base.Pen
Pencil.png Pencil/uk 0.1 Usable as a weapon Write, annotate map/uk Base.Pencil
RedPen.png Red Pen 0.1 Usable as a weapon Write, annotate map/uk Base.RedPen
Scissors.png Scissors/uk 0.4 Usable as a weapon Pick-up carpet Base.Scissors

Other Tools

Icon Name Weight Weapon? Function Skill(s) Item ID
Axe.png Axe/uk 3.0 Usable as a weapon Chop tree/uk Будівництво Base.Axe
BallPeenHammer.png Ball-peen Hammer/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.BallPeenHammer
ClubHammer.png Club Hammer/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.ClubHammer
CarBatteryCharger.png Car Battery Charger/uk 4 Not usable as a weapon Recharge car battery Mechanics/uk Base.CarBatteryCharger
Crowbar.png Crowbar/uk 4 Usable as a weapon Construction/Deconstruction Будівництво Base.Crowbar
Handsaw.png Garden Saw/uk 0.7 Not usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.GardenSaw
Hammer.png Hammer/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.Hammer
AxeHand.png Hand Axe/uk 2.0 Usable as a weapon Chop tree/uk Будівництво Base.HandAxe
CarJack.png Jack/uk 1.5 Not usable as a weapon Mechanics Mechanics/uk Base.Jack
LugWrench.png Lug Wrench/uk 1.0 Not usable as a weapon Mechanics Mechanics/uk Base.LugWrench
Paintbrush.png Paintbrush/uk 0.2 Not usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.Paintbrush
PipeWrench.png Pipe Wrench/uk 1.5 Usable as a weapon Plumbing Mechanics/uk Base.PipeWrench
BlowTorch.png Propane Torch/uk 0.3 Not usable as a weapon Construction Металообробка Base.BlowTorch
AxeStone.png Raw Axe/uk 1.2 Usable as a weapon Chop tree/uk Будівництво Base.AxeStone
Hacksaw.png Saw/uk 0.7 Not usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.Saw
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver/uk 0.4 Usable as a weapon Construction, tinkering Будівництво, Electrical/uk Base.Screwdriver
Sledgehamer.pngSledgehammer2.png Sledgehammer/uk 6.0 Usable as a weapon Demolition Будівництво Base.Sledgehammer
HammerStone.png Stone Hammer/uk 1.2 Usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.HammerStone
TirePump.png Tire Pump/uk 2.0 Not usable as a weapon}} Tire/uk air-pressure Mechanics/uk Base.TirePump
WoodAxe.png Wood Axe/uk 3.0 Usable as a weapon Chop tree/uk Будівництво Base.WoodAxe
WoodMallet.png Wooden Mallet/uk 1.0 Usable as a weapon Construction Будівництво Base.WoodenMallet
Wrench.png Wrench/uk 0.5 Usable as a weapon Mechanics Mechanics/uk Base.Wrench

See also