Sleeping Tablets

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Project ZomboidItemsMedical itemsSleeping Tablets
UI Tick.png
This page has been revised for the current stable version (41.78.16).
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Sleeping Tablets
PillsSleeping Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Induce drowsiness
10 units
Item ID
Helps in getting to sleep. Useful when anxious or in pain.
— In-game tooltip.

Sleeping tablets are a drainable item used in first aid.


Sleeping tablets are used to induce drowsiness, allowing the player to sleep earlier, therefore getting them into a different sleeping schedule. They are more useful when the player is in pain or anxious, as sleeping pills will allow them to fall asleep regardless of their level of pain or anxiety. Each packet can be used 10 times before exhausting them.


Main article: Sleep

Taking one sleeping tablet causes the first level of tiredness (drowsy) in around six in-game hours. Each subsequent level of tiredness (tired, very tired, exhausted) occurs shortly after.

Taking two sleeping tablets causes the second level of sleepiness (tired) in around four in-game hours. Each subsequent level of sleepiness (very tired, then exhausted) occurs shortly after.

Taking three or more sleeping tablets causes the third level of sleepiness (very tired) in around two in-game hours. The final level of sleepiness (exhausted) occurs shortly after.

Sleeping for any amount removes the fatique boost from tablets, but not the fatique itself.


It is possible to overdose on sleeping tablets, half the amount to kill player while being drunk, therefore they should be used with care. It is an alternative to drinking bleach as a way of committing suicide.

  • Taking 10 tablets will lower character's health by 40%, 11 - 80%, and 12 will kill you.
  • While being drunk it takes only 5 tablets to cripple character's health by 40%, 6 tablets is enough to kill you.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Building/Room Container Rolls Chance
MedicalCache1 MedicalBox 4 1
all militarycrate 4 2
bathroom counter 4 1
medicine 4 1
shelves 4 1
bedroom dresser 4 1
sidetable 4 2
dentiststorage metal_shelves 4 1
metal_shelves 4 2
kennels counter 4 1
counter 4 2
laboratory crate 4 1


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item PillsSleepingTablets
	    DisplayCategory = FirstAid,
		Weight	=	0.2,
		Type	=	Drainable,
        UseDelta	=	0.1,
		UseWhileEquipped	=	FALSE,
		DisplayName	=	Sleeping Tablets,
		Icon	=	PillsSleeping,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_PillsSleeping,
		StaticModel = PillBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = SleepingTablets_Ground,
		Medical = TRUE,

See also