McCoy Logging Co.

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Project ZomboidWorldLocationsBusinessesMcCoy Logging Co.
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McCoy Logging Co.
McCoy Logging Co.
McCoy Logging Co. logo
McCoy Logging Co.
Isometric view of McCoy Logging Co.
Timber yard
Muldraugh outskirts

The McCoy Logging Co. is a timber yard located exclusively on the outskirts of Muldraugh, across Dixie Highway from the town itself. Various vehicles with McCoy branding can be found throughout Knox Country as well. The facility is one of Muldraugh's most iconic locations and likely served as one of the largest employers in Knox Country.

Interior and surrounding area

The facility can be divided into two separate areas.

Lumber yard

The lumber yard is a very large fenced in area that mostly contains several log stacks that can be looted for logs. However, there are a few prefab structures present near the entrance, a prefab office and a small security booth. The security booth contains no weapons.

Processing plant

The processing plant is located a short distance north of the lumber yard. The plant is composed of several factories and depots, each containing a large amount of additional logs, planks, and various tools and equipment.

The factories also contain locker rooms, a cafeteria, and bathrooms for use by the now-undead factory crew.


  • While the zombie population around the lumber yard and factories doesn't tend to be particularly high, the use of vehicles to transport the loot will attract large amounts of zombies from Dixie Highway. Be prepared for a fight.
  • Molotovs and fire bombs can be very useful in clearing out the zombies, as there are many open areas nearby to start fires without the risk of burning valuable loot to the ground.
  • Alternatively, a firearm such as a shotgun can be used, but remember to bring plenty of ammo.
  • Melee weapons are not recommended, as attempting to fight that many zombies at once will likely cause severe exhaustion, leading to almost certain death.


  • Characters with the lumberjack occupation are employees of McCoy Logging Co.
  • The construction site west of the timber yard has door that the player may shoot through.
  • The Tree Planting Guide VHS tape gives more information about the McCoy Logging Co.
  • There is another logging camp in Rosewood. Whether this logging camp is also operated by McCoy is unknown.


See also