Black Leather Trousers

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Project ZomboidItemsClothingBlack Leather Trousers
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Black Leather Trousers
Category Clothing
Body location Pants
Scratch defense 60
Bite defense 40
Technical details
Item ID Base.Trousers_LeatherBlack

Black leather trousers are an exceptionally rare piece of armor that takes the Legs clothing slot. They, along with skinny leather trousers offer the most resistance out of any pair of pants, with a potential total of 40% bite and 60% scratch resistance. They share the same item sprite as jeans. Black leather trousers offer more defense than firefighter pants, while also being much lighter.


They can very rarely be seen being worn by Biker Zombies, in survivor homes, or more commonly (but still extremely rarely) in clothing stores & outlets as well.


See also