Santa Hat

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Revision as of 23:48, 22 January 2022 by Omar (talk | contribs) (Minor fixes, updated code)
Santa Hat
Santa Hat
HatSantaRed.png HatSantaGreen.png
Category Clothing
Heavy Load
Body location Hat
Insulation 0.80
Wind resistance 0.25
Technical details
Item ID Base.Hat_SantaHat

A Santa hat is a hat that provides no protection and moderate insulation.


A Santa hat is a hat that provides decent insulation and can be a fairly effective combatant to the cold.

Body Location

Protection Hat.png
  • Head


From clothing_hats.txt (Project Zomboid directory/media/scripts/clothing)
Santa Hat (Red) Santa Hat (Red) Retrieved: Build 41.65

	item Hat_SantaHat
		DisplayCategory	= Accessory,
		Type		= Clothing,
		DisplayName	= Santa Hat,
		ClothingItem	= Hat_SantaHAt,
		BodyLocation	= Hat,
		Icon		= HatSantaRed,
		CanHaveHoles	= false,
		ChanceToFall	= 80,
		BloodLocation	= Head,
		Insulation	= 0.80,
		WindResistance	= 0.25,
		Weight		= 0.5,

Santa Hat (Green) Santa Hat (Green) Retrieved: Build 41.65

	item Hat_SantaHatGreen
		DisplayCategory	= Accessory,
		Type		= Clothing,
		DisplayName	= Green Santa Hat,
		ClothingItem	= Hat_SantaHAtGreen,
		BodyLocation	= Hat,
		Icon		= HatSantaGreen,
		CanHaveHoles	= false,
		ChanceToFall	= 80,
		BloodLocation	= Head,
		Insulation	= 0.80,
		WindResistance	= 0.25,
		Weight		= 0.5,