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食物是指玩家可以消耗以恢復飢餓口渴。 有些食物可以提高或降低某些玩家的情緒,例如不快樂無聊疲勞. 玩家需要吃喝以恢復健康並防止餓.

大多數現成的食物都來自諾克斯事件之前,,易腐爛不易腐爛。許多食物甚至可以通過覓食農耕, 陷阱釣魚來取得。





如果玩家有足夠高的烹飪技能,易腐爛的食物即使在腐爛後也可以安全地食用(b40 之前),只要它們被用作烹飪的材料。當前將腐爛的項目添加到食譜中會使整個食譜在 b41+ 版本中腐爛。





不易腐爛的食物沒有保質期,因此永遠不會變質。這些例子包括巧克力汽水牛肉乾 and 奶油。它們的效果會隨著時間的推移而保持不變,許多甚至可以用作食譜中的成分,這使得它們非常適合儲存。



Main article: 營養/zh-hant

一種食物有其營養價值,由四個數值定義:碳水化合物, 蛋白質, 脂肪 and 卡路里。這些數值中的每一個目前都只對玩家的體重有影響,其中可以影響健身的經驗增益、 耐力移動速度脆弱程度.


Icon 名稱 重量 飢餓 口渴 不快樂 新鮮 (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
Beans.png 豆子罐頭 0.8 -25 - +10 (2) (4) Base.TinnedBeans
CannedCarrots.png 胡蘿蔔罐頭 0.7 -12 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedCarrots
CannedChili.png 辣醬罐頭 0.8 -15 - - (3) (5) Base.CannedChili
CannedCorn.png 玉米罐頭 0.7 -15 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedCorn
CannedCornedBeef.png 醃牛肉罐頭 0.8 -25 - - (2) (4) Base.CannedCornedBeef
CannedFruitCocktail.png 水果沙拉罐頭 1.0 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedFruitCocktail
CannedMushroomSoup.png 蘑菇湯罐頭 0.7 -10 -4 - (2) (4) Base.CannedMushroomSoup
CannedPeaches.png 桃子罐頭 0.3 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedPeaches
CannedPeas.png 豌豆罐頭 0.7 -15 -3 - (2) (4) Base.CannedPeas
CannedPineapple.png 鳳梨罐頭 0.3 -15 - -10 (5) (7) Base.CannedPineapple
File:CannedPotato2.png 馬鈴薯罐頭 0.7 -18 -7 - (2) (4) Base.CannedPotato2
CannedSardines.png 沙丁魚罐頭 0.7 -13 - - (2) (4) Base.CannedSardines
Soup.png 蔬菜湯罐頭 0.8 -25 -4 - (2) (4) Base.TinnedSoup
CannedBolognese.png 波隆那肉醬義大利麵罐頭 0.8 -25 - - (3) (5) Base.CannedBolognese
CannedTomato.png 番茄罐頭 0.7 -12 -8 - (2) (4) Base.CannedTomato2
Tuna.png 鮪魚罐頭 0.3 -17 - - (2) (4) Base.TunaTin
Dogfood.png 狗食 1 -30 - +50 (5) (7) Base.Dogfood


Icon 名稱 重量 Fresh}} (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟 (分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
JarBrown.png 罐裝甜椒 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedBellPepper
JarGreen.png 罐裝花椰菜 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedBroccoli
JarGreen.png 罐裝高麗菜 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedCabbage
JarBrown.png 罐裝胡蘿蔔 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedCarrots
JamPurple.png 罐裝茄子 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedEggplant
JarWhite.png 罐裝韭菜 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedLeek
JarWhite.png 罐裝馬鈴薯 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedPotato
JarBrown.png 罐裝櫻桃蘿蔔 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedRedRadish
JarBrown.png 罐裝番茄 0.5 60 90 60 120 Base.CannedTomato



Icon 名稱 重量 飢餓 口渴 不快樂 無聊 新鮮 (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟 (分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
水煮蛋 水煮蛋 0.1 -10 - - - 14 21 5 20 Base.EggBoiled
BowlFull.png 一碗豆子 1.5 -25 - +10 - 2 4 20 40 Base.BeanBowl
Oatmeal.png 一碗穀片 0.8 -8 -20 - - 1 1 - - Base.CerealBowl
Oatmeal.png 碗裝燕麥 0.8 -10 - - - 1 1 - - Base.Oatmeal
碗裝義大利麵 碗裝義大利麵 1.0 ? ? ? ? - - 10 40 Base.PastaBowl
碗裝米飯 碗裝米飯 1.0 ? ? ? ? - - 10 40 Base.RiceBowl
BowlFull.png 碗裝湯 1.0 -15 -15 -20 - 1 3 15 25 Base.SoupBowl
碗裝燉菜 碗裝燉菜 1.0 -15 -15 -20 - 2 4 15 25 Base.StewBowl
Dough.png 麵團 0.3 -15 +20 -20 - 3 6 40 80 Base.BreadDough
CakeBatter.png 蛋糕麵糊 0.3 - - - - - - - - Base.CakeBatter
待烘焙的蛋糕 待烘焙的蛋糕 0.5 -30 - -20 - - - - - Base.CakePrep
CakeSlice.png 切片蛋糕 0.2 -7 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.CakeSlice
SushiFish.png 魚壽司 0.1 -12 - - - 2 4 - - Base.SushiFish
OnionRings.png 炸洋蔥圈 0.1 -10 - - - 4 7 10 30 Base.FriedOnionRingsCraft
ShrimpFried.png 炸蝦 0.1 -15 - - - 2 4 10 30 Base.ShrimpFriedCraft
Gravy.png 肉醬 0.2 -7 - - - - - - - Base.Gravy
Jackolantern.png 萬聖節南瓜燈 1.0 -40 - - - 5 8 - - Base.HalloweenPumpkin
Maki.png 手卷 0.1 -8 - - - 2 4 - - Base.Maki
MuffinGeneric.png 瑪芬 0.1 -7 - -10 - 5 8 - - Base.MuffinGeneric
Muffintray Batter.png 瑪芬烤盤(瑪芬) 1.5 -30 - - - 3 10 30 60 Base.BakingTray_Muffin
NoodleSoup.png 湯麵 1.0 -10 - -20 - 1 3 10 20 Base.NoodleSoup
Dough.png 派麵團 0.3 - - - - - - - - Base.PieDough
待烘焙派 待烘焙派 0.5 -30 - -20 - - - - - Base.PiePrep
Pie.png 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.Pie
Pie Apple.png 蘋果派 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieApple
Pie Blueberry.png 藍梅派 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieBlueberry
Pie Keylime.png 墨西哥萊姆派 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PieKeyLime
PiePumpkin.png 檸檬蛋白派 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.LemoMeringue
PiePumpkin.png 南瓜派 0.5 -30 - - - 5 8 - - Base.PiePumkin
EggPoached.png 荷包蛋 0.1 -10 - - - 14 21 0 10 Base.EggPoached
一鍋湯 一鍋湯 4 -30 -30 -20 - 3 5 50 100 Base.PotOfSoup
EggScrambled.png 炒蛋 0.1 -20 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggScrambled


Icon 名稱 重量 飢餓 口渴 不快樂 無聊 新鮮 (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
漢堡 漢堡 0.3 -20 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.BurgerRecipe
墨西哥捲餅 墨西哥捲餅 0.1 -5 - - - 3 5 - - Base.BurritoRecipe
蛋糕 蛋糕 0.2 -15 - -10 - 4 9 40 110 Base.CakeRaw
熱飲 熱飲 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - 10 50 Base.HotDrink
熱飲 熱飲 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - 10 50 Base.HotDrinkRed
熱飲 熱飲 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - 10 50 Base.HotDrinkWhite
熱飲 熱飲 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - 10 50 Base.HotDrinkSpiffo
Muffintray Batter.png 瑪芬烤盤(瑪芬) 1.5 -30 - - - 3 10 30 60 Base.BakingTray_Muffin_Recipe
EggOmelette.png 歐姆蛋 0.1 -20 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggOmelette
PancakesFruit.png 美式鬆餅 0.3 -20 - +10 - 3 5 10 30 Base.PancakesCraft
義大利麵 (煮鍋) 義大利麵 (煮鍋) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.PastaPot
義大利麵 (湯鍋) 義大利麵 (湯鍋) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.PastaPan
派 0.2 -15 - -10 - 4 9 40 110 Base.PieWholeRaw
米飯 (煮鍋) 米飯 (煮鍋) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.RicePot
米飯 (湯鍋) 米飯 (湯鍋) 3 - - - - 3 5 20 50 Base.RicePan
烤蔬菜 烤蔬菜 1.3 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.PanFriedVegetables2
沙拉 沙拉 0.5 -60 - - -5 2 3 - - farming.Salad
沙拉 (Fruit) 沙拉 (Fruit) 0.7 -60 - - - 2 3 - - Base.FruitSalad
三明治 (Bread) 三明治 (Bread) 0.2 -10 - - - 3 6 - - Base.Sandwich
三明治 (Baguette) 三明治 (Baguette) 0.2 -10 - - - 3 6 - - Base.BaguetteSandwich
Soup Soup 4 -40 -40 -20 - 3 5 50 100 Base.PotOfSoupRecipe
Stew Stew 4 -40 -40 -20 - 3 5 70 140 Base.PotOfStew
熱炒 (平底鍋) 熱炒 (平底鍋) 1.2 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.PanFriedVegetables
熱炒 (煎鍋) 熱炒 (煎鍋) 1.2 - - - - 3 5 - - Base.GriddlePanFriedVegetables
塔可 塔可 0.3 -25 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.Taco
格子鬆餅 格子鬆餅 0.3 -15 - -10 - 3 5 - - Base.WafflesRecipe


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Base ID
SugarBrown.png 紅糖 0.6 -6 - - Base.SugarBrown
辣醬 辣醬 0.2 -15 - +20 Base.Hotsauce
Ketchup.png 番茄醬 0.2 -20 - +30 Base.Ketchup
楓糖 楓糖 0.2 -45 - -20 Base.MapleSyrup
Marinarai.png 義式番茄醬 0.2 -10 - - Base.Marinara
美乃滋 美乃滋 0.5 -30 - +5 farming.MayonnaiseFull
Mustard.png 芥末醬 0.2 -20 - +30 Base.Mustard
橄欖油 橄欖油 0.2 -30 - +50 Base.OilOlive
Pepper.png 胡椒 0.2 -10 +20 +20 Base.Pepper
米酒 米酒 0.2 -20 - 50 Base.RiceVinegar
Salt.png 0.2 -10 +20 +20 Base.Salt
Soy sauce 醬油 0.2 -10 +40 +50 Base.Soysauce
Sugar.png 0.6 -6 - - Base.Sugar
植物油 植物油 0.2 -30 - +50 Base.OilVegetable
芥末 芥末 0.2 -10 +20 - Base.Wasabi


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Stress Fatigue Alcoholic Poison Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
BeerBottle.png 啤酒瓶 0.4 -9 -13 -16 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.BeerBottle
BeerCan.png 啤酒罐 0.3 -8 -13 -15 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.BeerCan
Bleach.png 消毒水 0.3 - -60 +99 - - - +120 - - Base.Bleach
WhiskeyFull.png 波本威士忌 0.7 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.WhiskeyFull
杯裝冷飲杯裝冷飲杯裝冷飲杯裝冷飲 Cold Cuppa 1 -5 -50 -5 - - - - - - Base.ColdCuppa
MugFulll.png 杯裝熱飲 1 -5 -50 -5 -10 -5 - - - - Base.Mugfulll
Teacup.png 熱飲 0.5 - -20 -10 - - - - - - Base.HotDrinkTea
JuiceBox.png 盒裝果汁 0.1 -2 -13 -10 - - - - - - Base.JuiceBox
Milk.png 牛奶 1 -10 -100 - - - - - 4 7 Base.Milk
Pop4.png 橘子汽水 0.8 -12 -85 -10 - - - - - - Base.PopBottle
Pop2.png 汽水 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop2
Pop.png Pop 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop
Pop3.png Pop 0.3 -8 -60 -10 - - - - - - Base.Pop3
Wine2Full.png 紅酒 1 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.Wine2
WineFull.png White Wine 1 -20 -20 -20 - - Contains alcohol - - - Base.Wine


Icon Name Weight Thirst Units of water Base ID
水瓶 Bleach Bottle with Water 1.6 -100 10 Base.WaterBleachBottle
碗裝水 Bowl of Water 1.2 -20 2 Base.WaterBowl
桶裝水 Bucket of Water 4 -323 32.3 Base.BucketWaterFull
裝水煮鍋 Cooking Pot with Water 3 -250 25 Base.WaterPot
Gardening Spray Can (Full) Gardening Spray Can (Full) 1 -100 10 farming.GardeningSprayFull
壺裝水 Kettle of Water 2 -143 14.3 Base.FullKettle
裝水馬克杯 Mug of Water 0.8 -10 1 Base.WaterMug
裝水湯鍋 Saucepan with Water 2 -250 25 Base.WaterSaucepan
裝水茶杯 Teacup of Water 0.4 -10 1 Base.WaterTeacup
水瓶 Water Bottle 0.8 -100 10 Base.WaterBottleFull
Water Bottle (Beer) Water Bottle (Beer) 0.4 -62.5 6.25 Base.BeerBottle
Water Bottle (Bourbon) Water Bottle (Bourbon) 1.4 -125 12.5 Base.WhiskeyWaterFull
Water Bottle (Mayonnaise) Water Bottle (Mayonnaise) 0.5 -67 6.7 farming.MayonnaiseWaterFull
Water Bottle (Orange Soda) Water Bottle (Orange Soda) 0.8 -100 10 Base.WaterPopBottle
Water Bottle (Remoulade) Water Bottle (Remoulade) 0.5 -67 6.7 farming.RemouladeWaterFull
Water Bottle (White Wine) Water Bottle (White Wine) 1 -125 12.5 Base.WineWaterFull
Watering Can (Full) Watering Can (Full) 4 -400 40 farming.WateredCanFull


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Food Sickness Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
Bacon.png 培根 0.3 -12 - ? 3 5 20 50 farming.Bacon
TZ BaconBits.png 培根丁 0.1 -1 - ? 1 1 15 30 farming.BaconBits
TZ BaconRashers.png 培根片 0.1 -4 - ? 1 2 15 30 farming.BaconRashers
Baloney.png 波洛尼亞香腸 0.2 -30 - - 2 4 - - Base.Baloney
BaloneySlices.png 波洛尼亞香腸片 0.4 -5 - - 2 4 - - Base.BaloneySlice
BeefJerky.png 牛肉乾 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.BeefJerky
Chicken.png 0.3 -35 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Chicken
ChickenFoot.png 雞腳 0.1 -12 - - 2 4 - - Base.ChickenFoot
DehydratedMeatStick.png 脫水乾肉條 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.DehydratedMeatStick
Egg.png 雞蛋 0.1 -10 - - 14 21 - - Base.Egg
Egg Carton Egg Carton 1 - - - 14 21 - - Base.EggCarton
Frogmeat.png Frog Meat 0.2 -10 - - 4 8 10 40 Base.FrogMeat
Ham.png 火腿 1 -60 - - 5 10 - - Base.Ham
HamSlices.png 火腿切片 0.2 -10 - - 3 6 - - Base.HamSlice
MeatPatty.png Meat Patty 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MeatPatty
MincedMeat.png Minced Meat 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MincedMeat
Mutton.png Mutton Chop 0.3 -30 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.MuttonChop
Pepperoni.png Pepperoni 0.1 -20 - - 15 30 - - Base.Pepperoni
Porkchop.png Pork Chop 0.3 -30 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.PorkChop
Salami.png Salami 0.1 -20 - - 10 15 - - Base.Salami
SalamiSlices.png Salami Slices 0.02 -10 - - 10 15 - - Base.SalamiSlice
Sausage.png Sausage 0.1 -20 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.Sausage
Steak.png Steak 0.3 -40 - ? 2 4 50 70 Base.Steak
Tofu.png Tofu 0.3 -10 - - 6 14 - - Base.Tofu


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Food Sickness Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
BirdDead.png Dead Bird 0.2 -20 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadBird
MouseDead.png Dead Mouse 0.2 -10 - +30 ? 6 10 15 50 Base.DeadMouse
RabbitDead.png Dead Rabbit 0.2 -30 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadRabbit
DeadRat.png Dead Rat 0.2 -15 - +30 ? 6 10 20 60 Base.DeadRat
SquirrelDead.png Dead Squirrel 0.2 -30 - +20 ? 8 12 25 60 Base.DeadSquirrel
Rabbitmeat.png Rabbit Meat 0.3 -30 - - ? 2 4 25 70 Base.Rabbitmeat
Smallanimalmeat.png 小动物肉 0.3 -15 - - ? 2 4 20 70 Base.Smallanimalmeat
Smallbirdmeat.png 小鸟肉 0.3 -15 - - ? 2 4 20 70 Base.Smallbirdmeat


Icon Name Weight Hunger Unhappiness Food Sickness Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
FishBass.png Bass 1.1 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Bass
FishCatfish.png Catfish 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Catfish
FishCrappie.png Crappie 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Crappie
Crayfish.png Crayfish 0.2 -10 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Crayfish
FishFillet.png Fish Fillet 0.2 -25 - - 2 4 20 50 Base.FishFillet
FishRoe.png Fish Roe 0.1 -10 - - 14 21 - - Base.FishRoe
FishMinnow.png Little Bait Fish 0.1 -5 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.BaitFish
Lobster.png Lobster 0.4 -40 - ? 2 4 30 60 Base.Lobster
Oysters.png Oysters 0.1 -5 - - 2 4 10 25 Base.Oysters
FishPerch.png Perch 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 30 60 Base.Perch
FishPike.png Pike 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Pike
Salmon.png Salmon 0.3 -30 +20 - 2 4 80 130 Base.Salmon
Shrimp.png Shrimp 0.1 -10 - ? 2 4 10 60 Base.Shrimp
Squid.png Squid 0.2 -30 - - 2 4 - - Base.Squid
SquidCalamari.png Squid Calamari 0.1 -10 - - 2 4 10 20 Base.SquidCalamari
FishPanfish.png Sunfish 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Panfish
FishTrout.png Trout 0.4 -15 +20 - 4 8 20 60 Base.Trout


Icon Name Weight Hunger Effect Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
Black Sage Black Sage 0.1 -1 Pain -7 - - - - Base.BlackSage
Cockroach Cockroach 0.1 -11 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Cockroach
Common Mallow Common Mallow 0.1 -1 Cold -5 - - - - Base.CommonMallow
Cricket Cricket 0.1 -6 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Cricket
Ginseng Ginseng 0.1 -1 Endurance -2 - - - - Base.Ginseng
Grape Leaves Grape Leaves 0.1 -4 - - - - - Base.GrapeLeaves
Grasshopper Grasshopper 0.1 -7 Unhappiness +20 - - 5 25 Base.Grasshopper
Lemon Grass Lemon Grass 0.1 -1 Food Sickness -12 - - - - Base.LemonGrass
Rosehips.png Rosehips 0.1 -6 - - - - - Base.Rosehips
Violets.png Violets 0.1 -2 - - - - - Base.Violets
WildEggs.png Wild Eggs 0.1 -10 Food Sickness ? 14 21 10 30 Base.WildEggs
Worm Worm 0.01 -5 Unhappiness +20 - - - - Base.Worm


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Poison Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
Apple.png 蘋果 0.2 -15 -7 - - 5 8 Base.Apple
Banana.png Banana 0.2 -17 -5 - - 5 7 Base.Banana
BerryBlack.png Berry 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryBlack
BerryBlue.png Berry 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryBlue
BerryGeneric1.png Berry 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric1
BerryGeneric2.png Berry 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric2
BerryGeneric3.png Berry 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric3
BerryGeneric4.png Berry 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric4
BerryGeneric5.png Berry 0.1 -10 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryGeneric5
BerryPoisonIvy.png Berry 0.1 -5 -1 - ? 6 10 Base.BerryPoisonIvy
Cherry.png Cherry 0.3 -3 -1 - - 4 9 Base.Cherry
Grapefruit.png Grapefruit 0.3 -20 -50 - - 6 8 Base.Grapefruit
Grapes.png Grapes 0.2 -15 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Grapes
Lemon.png Lemon 0.2 -10 -5 - - 7 9 Base.Lemon
Lime.png Lime 0.2 -10 -5 - - 7 9 Base.Lime
Mango.png Mango 0.3 -20 -13 - - 6 14 Base.Mango
Orange.png Orange 0.2 -12 -20 - - 6 9 Base.Orange
Peach.png Peach 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Peach
Pear.png Pear 0.2 -15 -7 - - 5 8 Base.Pear
Pineapple.png Pineapple 0.3 -25 -13 - - 6 14 Base.Pineapple
BerryStraw.png Strawberries 0.1 -5 -5 -10 - 2 5 farming.Strewberrie
Watermelon.png Watermelon 3 -60 -140 - - 6 8 Base.Watermelon
WatermelonSmashed.png Watermelon Chunks 0.6 -12 -25 - - 2 3 Base.WatermelonSmashed
WatermelonSliced.png Watermelon Slice 0.3 -6 -20 - - 3 4 Base.WatermelonSliced


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) 煮熟(分) 燒焦 (分) Base ID
BagelPlain.png Bagel 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelPlain
Baguette.png Baguette 0.3 -30 - - 3 6 - - Base.Baguette
Bread.png Bread 0.3 -30 - - 3 6 - - Base.Bread
BreadSlices.png Bread Slices 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BreadSlices
OatsRaw.png Can of Oats 0.8 -50 - - - - - - Base.OatsRaw
Cereal.png Cereal 0.2 -40 - - - - - - Base.Cereal
Cornbread.png Cornbread 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.Cornbread
Crackers.png Crackers 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.Crackers
Croissant.png Croissant 0.1 -8 - -15 - - - - Base.Croissant
Ramen.png Dry Ramen Noodles 0.2 -15 +40 - - - - - Base.Ramen
Flour.png Flour 1.0 - - - - - - - Base.Flour
GrahamCrackers.png Graham Crackers 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.GrahamCrackers
GranolaBar.png Granola Bar 0.2 -15 - - 40 80 - - Base.GranolaBar
Popcorn.png Instant Popcorn 0.3 -10 +10 - - - 5 10 Base.Popcorn
SpagettiRaw.png 義大利麵 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - - Base.Pasta
Poppy Bagel Poppy Bagel 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelPoppy
RiceRaw.png 米飯 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - - Base.Rice
RicePaper.png Rice Paper 0.1 -4 - - - - - - Base.RicePaper
BagelSesame.png Sesame Bagel 0.1 -10 - - 1 2 - - Base.BagelSesame
TacoShell.png 塔可餅皮 0.1 -5 - - 15 20 - - Base.TacoShell
Tortilla.png Tortilla 0.1 -5 - - 3 5 - - Base.Tortilla
TortillaChips.png Tortilla Chips 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.TortillaChips


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Boredom Fatigue Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
Biscuit.png Biscuit 0.1 -15 - - - - 3 5 Base.Biscuit
CakeBlackForest.png Black Forest Cake Slice 0.2 -10 - -15 - - 3 5 Base.CakeBlackForest
LicoriceBlack.png Black Licorice 0.1 -2 - - - - - - Base.LicoriceBlack
CakeSlice.png 切片蛋糕 0.2 -7 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeSlice
Candycane.png Candy Cane 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Candycane
CandyPackagei.png Candy Package 0.6 - - - - - - - Base.CandyPackage
CakeCarrot.png Carrot Cake Slice 0.2 -7 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeCarrot
CakeCheesecake.png Cheese Cake Slice 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeCheesecake
Crisps.png Chips 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps
Crisps2.png Chips 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps2
Crisps3.png Chips 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps3
Crisps4.png Chips 0.2 -15 - - - - - - Base.Crisps4
Chocolate.png Chocolate 0.2 -15 - - -10 - - - Base.Chocolate
Painauchocolat.png Chocolate Bread 0.1 -2 - - - - 3 7 Base.Painauchocolat
CakeChocolate.png Chocolate Cake Slice 0.2 -10 - -15 - - 3 5 Base.CakeChocolate
ChocolateChips.png Chocolate Chips 0.1 -6 - - - - 3 7 Base.ChocolateChips
CookiesChocolate.png Chocolate Cookie 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesChocolate
DoughnutChocolate.png Chocolate Doughnut 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutChocolate
CinnamonRoll.png Cinnamon Roll 0.1 -12 - - - - - - Base.CinnamonRoll
CookieChocolateChip.png Cookie 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookieChocolateChip
Cupcake.png Cupcake 0.2 -20 - - - - - - Base.Cupcake
DoughnutPlain.png Doughnut 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutPlain
DoughnutFrosted.png Frosted Doughnut 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutFrosted
MuffinFruit.png Fruit Muffin 0.1 -7 - -10 - - 5 8 Base.MuffinFruit
Icecream.png Ice Cream 0.2 -30 - -10 - - 1 1 Base.Icecream
ConeIcecream.png Ice Cream Cone 0.2 -25 - -10 - - 1 1 Base.ConeIcecream
Icing.png Icing 0.1 -10 - -10 - - 4 8 Base.Icing
DoughnutJelly.png Jelly Doughnut 0.1 -7 - -15 - - - - Base.DoughnutJelly
Lollipop.png Lollipop 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.Lollipop
Marshmallows.png Marshmallows 0.1 -5 - -5 - - - - Base.Marshmallows
MintCandy.png Mint Candy 0.1 -2 - -10 - - - - Base.MintCandy
Modjeska.png Modjeska 0.1 -10 - - - - - - Base.Modjeska
CookiesOatmeal.png Oatmeal Cookie 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesOatmeal
Peppermint.png Peppermint 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Peppermint
PiePumpkin.png Pumpkin Pie Slice 0.5 -30 - - - - 5 8 Base.PiePumpkin
CookieJelly.png Raspberry Shortbread 0.1 -7 - -10 - - - - Base.CookieJelly
LicoriceRed.png Red Licorice 0.1 -2 - - - - - - Base.LicoriceRed
CakeRedVelvet.png Red Velvet Cake Slice 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeRedVelvet
CookiesShortbread.png Shortbread Cookie 0.1 -5 - -10 - - - - Base.CookiesShortbread
Smore.png Smore 0.1 -10 - - - - 10 15 Base.Smore
CakeStrawberryShortcake.png Strawberry Cake Slice 0.2 -8 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.CakeStrawberryShortcake


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Boredom Fatigue Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
BakingSoda.png Baking Soda 0.3 - - - - - - - Base.BakingSoda
Butter.png Butter 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Burger
Burger.png 漢堡 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Burger
Cheese.png Cheese 0.3 -15 - -10 - - 14 20 Base.Cheese
Sandwich cheese.png Cheese Sandwich 0.3 -50 - - - - 2 4 Base.CheeseSandwich
ChickenNuggets.png Chicken Nuggets 0.2 -10 - - - - 5 8 Base.ChickenNuggets
CocoaPowder.png Cocoa Powder 0.2 -10 - - - - 5 8 Base.CocoaPowder
InstantCoffee.png Coffee 1 -30 +60 +20 - -50 - - Base.Coffee2
Cone.png Cone 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.Cone
Corndog.png Corndog 0.1 -12 - - - - 3 6 Base.Corndog
SushiEgg.png Egg Sushi 0.1 -12 - - - - 2 4 Base.SushiEgg
ChickenFried.png Fried Chicken 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.ChickenFried
FishFried.png Fried Fish 0.2 -30 - - - - 4 7 Base.FishFried
OystersFried.png Fried Oysters 0.1 -6 - - - - 4 7 Base.OystersFried
TofuFried.png Fried Tofu 0.3 -15 - - - - 6 14 Base.TofuFried
Fries.png Fries 0.4 -10 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Fries
JamFruit.png Fruit Jam 0.2 -30 - -10 - - - - Base.JamFruit
GravyMix.png Gravy Mix 0.1 - - - - - - - Base.GravyMix
Guacamole.png Guacamole 0.1 -7 - - - - - - Base.Guacamole
Gum.png Gum 0.1 -1 - -5 - - - - Base.Gum
Honeybottle.png Honey 0.4 -20 - - - - - - Base.Honey
HotdogCrafted.png Hotdog 0.3 -20 - - - - 3 6 Base.Hotdog
Macandcheese.png Mac and Cheese 0.5 -40 - - - - - - Base.Macandcheese
JamMarmalade.png Marmalade 0.2 -30 - -10 - - - - Base.JamMarmalade
MeatDumpling.png Meat Dumpling 0.1 -10 - - - - 2 4 Base.MeatDumpling
MeatSteamBun.png Meat Steam Bun 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.MeatSteamBun
Onigiri.png Onigiri 0.1 -10 - - - - 2 4 Base.Onigiri
PancakeMix.png Pancake Mix 0.1 - - - - - - - Base.PancakeMix
Pancakes.png 美式鬆餅 0.3 -20 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Pancakes
PeanutButter.png Peanut Butter 0.3 -25 - -15 -5 - - - Base.PeanutButter
PeanutButterSandwich.png Peanut Butter Sandwich 0.4 -40 - -10 - - 2 4 Base.PeanutButterSandwich
Peanut.png Peanuts 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.Peanuts
Perogies.png Perogies 0.1 -7 - - - - 3 7 Base.Perogies
Pie.png 0.5 -30 - - - - 5 8 Base.Pie
Pizza.png 披薩 0.3 -25 - -10 - - 3 5 Base.Pizza
PotatoPancakes.png Potato Pancakes 0.1 -15 - - - - 3 7 Base.PotatoPancakes
Processedcheese.png Processed Cheese 0.3 -5 - - - - 6 10 Base.Processedcheese
RefriedBeans.png Refried Beans 0.2 -10 - - - - - - Base.RefriedBeans
TZ RemouladeFull.png Remoulade 0.5 -10 - +5 +10 - 8 11 farming.RemouladeFull
ShrimpDumpling.png Shrimp Dumpling 0.1 -15 - - - - 2 4 Base.ShrimpDumpling
Springroll.png Spring Roll 0.1 -20 - - - - 2 4 Base.Springroll
SunflowerSeeds.png Sunflower Seeds 0.1 -5 - - - - - - Base.SunflowerSeeds
Teabag.png Tea Bag 0.1 -5 +10 +10 - -15 - - Base.Teabag2
TVDinner.png TV Dinner 0.4 -23 - +25 +30 - - - Base.TVDinner
Vinegar.png Vinegar 0.3 - - - - - - - Base.Vinegar
Waffles.png 格子鬆餅 0.3 -15 - -10 - - - - Base.Waffles
Yoghurt.png 優格 0.3 -10 - - - - 10 15 Base.Yoghurt


Icon Name Weight Hunger Thirst Unhappiness Poison Fresh (日) 腐爛 (日) Base ID
Avocado.png 酪梨 0.3 -15 -7 - - 6 14 Base.Avocado
BellPepper.png 甜椒 0.2 -8 -2 - - 5 8 Base.BellPepper
Blackbeans.png Black Beans 0.1 -10 - - - 3 5 Base.Blackbeans
Broccoli.png 花椰菜 0.2 -9 -4 - - 4 6 Base.Broccoli
Cabbage.png 高麗菜 0.2 -25 -15 - - 2 4 farming.Cabbage
Carrots.png Carrots 0.2 -8 -4 - - 6 8 Base.Carrots
Corn.png 玉米罐頭 0.2 -14 -4 - - 5 8 Base.Corn
Daikon.png Daikon 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Daikon
DriedBlackBeans.png Dried Black Beans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedBlackBeans
DriedChickpeas.png Dried Chick Peas 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedChickpeas
DriedKidneyBeans.png Dried Kidney Peas 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedKidneyBeans
DriedLentils.png Dried Lentils 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedLentils
DriedSplitPeas.png Dried Split Peas 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedSplitPeas
DriedWhiteBeans.png Dried White Beans 2 -60 +60 +40 - - - Base.DriedWhiteBeans
Edamame.png Edamame 0.1 -5 - - - 3 5 Base.Edamame
Eggplant.png 茄子 0.2 -15 -9 - - 5 8 Base.Eggplant
GingerPickled.png Ginger Pickled 0.1 -5 - - - 14 21 Base.GingerPickled
PepperHabanero.png Habanero 0.1 -2 - - - 5 8 Base.PepperHabanero
PepperJalapeno.png 墨西哥辣椒 0.1 -2 - - - 5 8 Base.PepperJalapeno
Leek.png 韭菜 0.2 -12 -5 - - 5 8 Base.Leek
Lettuce.png Lettuce 0.7 -15 -7 - - 3 5 Base.Lettuce
MushroomGeneric1.png Mushroom 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric1
MushroomGeneric2.png Mushroom 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric2
MushroomGeneric3.png Mushroom 0.2 -15 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric3
MushroomGeneric4.png Mushroom 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric4
MushroomGeneric5.png Mushroom 0.2 -15 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric5
MushroomGeneric6.png Mushroom 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric6
MushroomGeneric7.png Mushroom 0.2 -13 -1 - ? 3 4 Base.MushroomGeneric7
Onion.png Onion 0.2 -10 - - - 7 9 Base.Onion
Rings.png Onion Rings 0.1 -5 - - - 4 7 Base.OnionRings
Peas.png Peas 0.6 -20 -5 - - 3 5 Base.Peas
Pickles.png Pickles 0.1 -5 - - - - - Base.Pickles
Potato.png 鳳梨 0.2 -18 -7 - - 14 28 farming.Potato
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin 1.0 -40 - - - 5 8 Base.Pumpkin
Radish.png Radish 0.1 -3 -1 - - 3 7 farming.RedRadish
Seaweed.png Seaweed 0.2 -3 - - - - - Base.Seaweed
Tomato.png 番茄 0.2 -12 -15 - - 4 12 farming.Tomato
Zucchini.png Zucchini 0.3 -10 -10 - - 6 14 Base.Zucchini

See also