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Gum Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
HungerUI Hunger.png
UnhappinessUI Unhappy.png
Item ID

Gum is a non-perishable food item.


Gum can be eaten, providing the player with some positive effects. As it is non-perishable, gum will never go stale or rotten.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Gum distributionShow / Hide

Effective chance calculations are based off of default 'apocalypse' loot settings, with no luck modifier, and average zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits. Duplicate entries do exist, but have been removed for clarity.

Building/Room Container Effective chance
artstore shelves 18.34%
bandkitchen counter 23.67%
bandkitchen overhead 23.67%
bathroom locker 23.67%
bedroom desk 19.68%
bedroom locker 23.67%
bookstore shelves 18.34%
butcher shelves 18.34%
cafeteria shelves 23.67%
camerastore shelves 18.34%
candystorage cardboardbox 23.67%
candystorage crate 23.67%
candystorage metal_shelves 23.67%
candystorage smallbox 23.67%
candystore counter 23.67%
candystore displaycase 23.67%
candystore shelves 23.67%
candystore shelves 18.34%
cardealershipoffice desk 41.46%
changeroom locker 23.67%
changeroomjockey locker 23.67%
classroom desk 5.77%
clothingstore shelves 18.34%
conveniencestore cardboardbox 11.21%
conveniencestore crate 11.21%
conveniencestore metal_shelves 11.21%
conveniencestore shelves 23.67%
conveniencestore shelves 18.34%
conveniencestore smallbox 11.21%
cornerstore cardboardbox 11.21%
cornerstore crate 11.21%
cornerstore metal_shelves 11.21%
cornerstore shelves 23.67%
cornerstore shelves 18.34%
cornerstore smallbox 11.21%
cornerstorestorage cardboardbox 11.21%
cornerstorestorage counter 23.67%
cornerstorestorage crate 11.21%
cornerstorestorage metal_shelves 11.21%
cornerstorestorage smallbox 11.21%
coroneroffice desk 11.21%
cortmanoffice desk 11.21%
departmentstore shelves 18.34%
detectiveoffice desk 12.63%
electronicstore shelves 18.34%
elementaryclassroom desk 5.77%
elementaryschool locker 23.49%
factorystorage locker 23.67%
fossoil cardboardbox 11.21%
fossoil crate 11.21%
fossoil metal_shelves 11.21%
fossoil shelves 23.67%
fossoil shelves 18.34%
fossoil smallbox 11.21%
garagestorage locker 23.67%
gas2go cardboardbox 11.21%
gas2go crate 11.21%
gas2go metal_shelves 11.21%
gas2go shelves 23.67%
gas2go shelves 18.34%
gas2go smallbox 11.21%
gasstorage cardboardbox 11.21%
gasstorage counter 23.67%
gasstorage crate 11.21%
gasstorage metal_shelves 11.21%
gasstorage smallbox 11.21%
gasstore cardboardbox 11.21%
gasstore crate 11.21%
gasstore metal_shelves 97.57%
gasstore metal_shelves 76.71%
gasstore metal_shelves 41.46%
gasstore shelves 23.67%
gasstore shelves 18.34%
gasstore smallbox 11.21%
generalstore cardboardbox 19.68%
generalstore crate 19.68%
generalstore shelves 19.68%
generalstore shelves 18.34%
generalstore smallbox 19.68%
giftstore shelves 18.34%
gigamart cardboardbox 4.44%
gigamart crate 4.44%
gigamart shelves 19.68%
gigamart shelves 18.34%
grocery cardboardbox 4.44%
grocery crate 4.44%
grocery shelves 19.68%
grocery shelves 18.34%
grocery smallcrate 4.44%
grocerystorage cardboardbox 4.44%
grocerystorage crate 4.44%
grocerystorage metal_shelves 4.44%
grocerystorage smallcrate 4.44%
hall locker 23.49%
hospitalroom desk 11.21%
janitor counter 23.67%
laboratory locker 23.67%
laundry locker 23.67%
livingroom sidetable 3.28%
mayorwestpointoffice desk 11.21%
medicaloffice desk 11.21%
movierental shelves 18.34%
musicstore shelves 18.34%
nolansoffice desk 41.46%
office desk 19.68%
office desk 12.63%
office desk 11.21%
officechurch desk 11.21%
optometrist desk 11.21%
pawnshop shelves 18.34%
pharmacy shelves 23.67%
pharmacy shelves 18.34%
policelocker locker 23.67%
policeoffice desk 12.63%
schoolstorage counter 23.67%
secondaryclassroom desk 5.77%
secondaryhall locker 23.49%
security counter 12.63%
security desk 12.63%
security locker 23.67%
stripclub dresser 23.67%
thundergas cardboardbox 11.21%
thundergas crate 11.21%
thundergas metal_shelves 11.21%
thundergas shelves 23.67%
thundergas shelves 18.34%
thundergas smallbox 11.21%
toolstore shelves 18.34%
toystore shelves 18.34%
waitingroom desk 19.68%
zippeestorage cardboardbox 11.21%
zippeestorage counter 23.67%
zippeestorage crate 11.21%
zippeestorage metal_shelves 11.21%
zippeestorage smallbox 11.21%
zippeestore cardboardbox 11.21%
zippeestore crate 11.21%
zippeestore metal_shelves 11.21%
zippeestore shelves 23.67%
zippeestore shelves 18.34%
zippeestore smallbox 11.21%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Glove Box 6.53%
Step Van_ Zippee Truck Bed 23.67%
Amount Skill level Biome: chance Weather modifiers % Month modifiers
Snow Rain Day Night Months available Bonus months Malus months
1 - ForagingNav: 1
TownZone: 1
TrailerPark: 1
- - - - - - -

Gum can often be found in bakeries, cafes, candy stores, and some convenience store shelves.



Version Description
Build 42.0.0 StaticModel added with value Gum_Ground.
Build 41.69 DisplayCategory added with value Food.
Build 41.66 WorldStaticModel added with value Gum_Ground.
Build 41.65 Released on this version.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food_snack.txt

Retrieved: Build 42.0.2
item Gum
		DisplayName = Gum,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Icon = Gum,
		HungerChange = -1,
		UnhappyChange = -5,
		Calories = 30,
		Carbohydrates = 10,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 0,
		StaticModel = Gum_Ground,
		WorldStaticModel = Gum_Ground,