Spear with Ice Pick

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Project ZomboidItemsToolsSpear with Ice Pick
Spear with Ice Pick
Spear with Ice Pick
Spear with Ice Pick
Category Weapon
Heavy Load
Condition max. Default: 6
Crafted: See Spears
Skill Spear
Attachment Back
Type Spear
Attack speed 2
Range 0.98–1.42 tiles
Damage 1–1.6
Knockback 0.3
Knockdown 0
Technical details
Base ID Base.SpearIcePick

The spear with ice pick is a spear type weapon made from a crafted spear and an ice pick. Compared to other spear type weapons, the spear with letter opener is not very effective, but will serve in a pinch.


Spears with ice pick are upgraded with crafted spear, ice pick and duct tape.

Product XP gained Skill(s) Recipe Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Spear with Ice Pick
0 XP none SpearStick.png
Crafted Spear
Ice Pick
Duct Tape (2 units)


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.55
item SpearIcePick
  MaxRange                = 1.42,
  WeaponSprite            = SpearIcePick,
  MinAngle                = 0.8,
  Type                    = Weapon,
  MinimumSwingTime        = 2,
  KnockBackOnNoDeath      = FALSE,
  SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02,
  Categories              = Improvised;Spear,
  ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 3,
  Weight                  = 1.5,
  SplatNumber             = 1,
  PushBackMod             = 0.3,
  SubCategory             = Spear,
  ConditionMax            = 6,
  MaxHitCount             = 2,
  DoorDamage              = 5,
  SwingAnim               = Spear,
  DisplayName             = Spear With Ice Pick,
  MinRange                = 0.98,
  SwingTime               = 2,
  KnockdownMod            = 0,
  SplatBloodOnNoDeath     = FALSE,
  Icon                    = SpearIcePick,
  RunAnim                 = Run_Weapon2,
  IdleAnim                = Idle_Weapon2,
  TreeDamage              = 0,
  TwoHandWeapon           = TRUE,
  CriticalChance          = 30,
  CritDmgMultiplier       = 10,
  MinDamage               = 1,
  MaxDamage               = 1.6,
  DamageCategory          = Slash,
  DamageMakeHole          = TRUE,
  BreakSound              = SpearIcePickBreak,
  HitFloorSound           = SpearIcePickHit,
  ImpactSound             = SpearIcePickHit,
  DoorHitSound            = SpearIcePickHit,
  HitSound                = SpearIcePickHit,
  SwingSound              = SpearIcePickSwing,
  AttachmentType          = Shovel,
  Tags                    = FishingSpear,

See also