Tennis Racket

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Tennis Racket
Tennis Racket
Tennis Racket
Category Sports
Heavy Load
Equipped One-handed
Condition max. 4
Skill Long Blunt
Attachment Back
Type Blunt
Attack speed 1.1
Range 0.61–1.25 tiles
Damage 0.3–0.5
Tree damage 0
Door damage 2
Knockback 0.3
Knockdown 2
Technical details
Base ID Base.TennisRacket

A tennis racket is a long blunt weapon



The tennis racket can hit up to 2 enemies at a time (with multi-hit enabled), dealing a maximum of 0.5 damage to enemies (unless a critical hit) from up to 1.25 tiles away at an attack speed of 1.1.


The tennis racket has a maximum condition of 4. Its rate of degradation is influenced by the long blunt and maintenance skills. The chance of losing durability can be simplified to the following formula: 1 in (6 + maintenanceMod × 2). Where "maintenanceMod" is calculated using the long blunt and maintenance skills.
Below is an example of the chance of losing durability at varying levels of the maintenance and long blunt skills.

For how this is calculated, see: Condition
Maintenance skill Weapon skill Condition lower chance
0 0 1/6 (17%)
0 4 1/8 (13%)
0 8 1/10 (10%)
4 0 1/10 (10%)
8 0 1/14 (7%)
4 4 1/12 (8%)
4 8 1/14 (7%)
8 8 1/18 (6%)
10 10 1/20 (5%)


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item TennisRacket
        DisplayCategory = Sports,
        MaxRange	=	1.25,
        WeaponSprite	=	TennisRacket,
        MinAngle	=	0.75,
        Type	=	Weapon,
        MinimumSwingTime	=	4,
        KnockBackOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
        SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0.02,
        Categories	=	Improvised;Blunt,
        ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	6,
        Weight	=	1,
        SplatNumber	=	1,
        PushBackMod	=	0.3,
        SubCategory	=	Swinging,
        ConditionMax	=	4,
        MaxHitCount	=	2,
        DoorDamage	=	2,
        SwingAnim	=	Bat,
        DisplayName	=	Tennis Racket,
        MinRange	=	0.61,
        SwingTime	=	4,
        KnockdownMod	=	2,
        SplatBloodOnNoDeath	=	FALSE,
        Icon	=	TennisRacket,
        BreakSound  =   TennisRacketBreak,
        DoorHitSound = TennisRacketHit,
		HitSound = TennisRacketHit,
		HitFloorSound = TennisRacketHit,
		SwingSound = TennisRacketSwing,
        TreeDamage  =   0,
        CriticalChance	=	5,
        CritDmgMultiplier = 1,
        MinDamage	=	0.3,
        MaxDamage	=	0.5,
        BaseSpeed = 1.1,
        AttachmentType = Racket,

See also