Snow Shovel

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Snow Shovel
Snow Shovel
Snow Shovel
Category Weapon
Heavy Load
Function Weapon
Equipped Two-handed
Condition max. 10
Skill Long Blunt
Type Blunt
Attack speed 2.1
Range 0.61–1.6 tiles
Damage 0.8–1.9
Knockback 0.5
Knockdown 0
Technical details
Base ID Base.Snowshovel


The snow shovel is notable due to sharing many combat stats with the standard shovel but not having the ability to damage clothing.


The snow shovel can be used as a weapon. It cannot currently be used to remove snow.


Retrieved: Build 41.53

	item SnowShovel
		Type				= Weapon,
		DisplayName			= Snow Shovel,
		Icon				= SnowShovel,
		Weight				= 2.0,
		SubCategory			= Swinging,
		MinAngle			= 0.85,
		MaxRange			= 1.6,
		MinRange			= 0.61,
		PushBackMod			= 0.5,
		HitAngleMod			= -30.0,
		SwingAnim			= Bat,
		MaxHitCount			= 3,
		WeaponSprite			= SnowShovel,
		IdleAnim			= Idle_Weapon2,
		RunAnim				= Run_Weapon2,
		Weight				= 1.5,
		DoorDamage			= 10,
		MinimumSwingTime		= 2.1,
		SwingTime			= 2.1,
		SwingAmountBeforeImpact		= 0.02,
		ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	= 10,
		ConditionMax			= 10,
		Categories			= Blunt,
		TwoHandWeapon			= TRUE,
		BreakSound			= BreakWoodItem,
		KnockdownMod			= 2,
		KnockBackOnNoDeath		= TRUE,
		MetalValue			= 70,
		TreeDamage			= 1,
		CriticalChance			= 40,
		CritDmgMultiplier		= 2,
		MaxDamage			= 1.9,
		MinDamage			= 0.8,
		BaseSpeed			= 0.8,
		WeaponLength			= 0.7,
		AttachmentType			= Shovel,
		Tags				= ClearAshes;DigGrave;DigPlow;TakeDirt,