Bottle of Gasoline

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Project ZomboidItemsEquipmentBottle of Gasoline
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Bottle of Gasoline
Bottle of Gas Animation
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.6
Item ID
Base.WhiskeyPetrol, Base.PetrolBleachBottle, Base.WinePetrol, Base.PetrolPopBottle, Base.WaterBottlePetrol

The bottle of gasoline is an empty bottle filled with gasoline.


The bottle of gasoline can hold 1-2 units of gasoline, depending on bottle type. It can be filled from gas pump, as well as siphoning gas from vehicles.


Cannot be found anywhere naturally, only created by the player from filling the bottle with gas.



Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item PetrolBleachBottle
		DisplayName = Bleach Bottle of Gasoline,
	    DisplayCategory = VehicleMaintenance,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 1.6,
		Icon = Bleach,
		FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserPlasticBig,
		FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapPlasticBig,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = BleachEmpty,
		ReplaceOnUseOn = WaterSource-WaterBleachBottle,
		UseDelta = 0.5,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		StaticModel = BleachBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = BleachBottle,
		Tags = Petrol,

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item PetrolPopBottle
		DisplayName = Bottle of Gasoline,
	    DisplayCategory = VehicleMaintenance,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 0.8,
		Icon = BottlePopGas,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = PopBottleEmpty,
		UseDelta = 1,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		StaticModel = PopBottleGasoline,
		WorldStaticModel = PopBottleFullGasoline,
		Tags = Petrol,

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item WaterBottlePetrol
		DisplayCategory = VehicleMaintenance,
		DisplayName = Bottle of Gasoline,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 0.8,
		Icon = BottleWithGas,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = WaterBottleEmpty,
		UseDelta = 1,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		StaticModel = WaterBottleGasoline,
		WorldStaticModel = WaterBottleFullGasoline,
		Tags = Petrol,

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item WhiskeyPetrol
		DisplayCategory = VehicleMaintenance,
		Weight	=	0.7,
		Type	=	Drainable,
		UseWhileEquipped	=	FALSE,
		UseDelta	=	1,
		DisplayName	=	Bottle of Gasoline,
		Icon	=	WhiskeyBottleGas,
		ReplaceOnDeplete	=	WhiskeyEmpty,
		StaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGasoline,
		WorldStaticModel = WhiskeyBottleGroundGasoline,
		Tags = Petrol,

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item WinePetrol
		DisplayName	=	Bottle of Gasoline,
		DisplayCategory = VehicleMaintenance,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 1,
		Icon = WineEmpty,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = WineEmpty,
		UseDelta = 1,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		StaticModel = WhiteWineBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = WineWhiteGround,
		Tags = Petrol,

See also