Plastic Cup

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Plastic Cup
PlasticCup Red Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Empty: 0.1
Full: 0.3
Cooking utensil
2 units
Can boil water
Rain factor
Item ID
Contents can only be purified in a microwave.
Can be used to collect rainwater when placed on the ground outside.
— In-game tooltip

A plastic cup is a water container used in cooking.


A plastic cup turns into a plastic cup of water when filled with water from a water water source. The plastic cup can also be used to craft a beverage. A cup holds 2 units of water.

A plastic cup can be placed outside in the rain to collect rain water. The water must be boiled before drinking, but it can be done only in a microwave oven. A plastic cup of water can be left in the player's main inventory and will be consumed as it's needed.

This article may be in need of improvement.
Add usage as recipe ingredients.
Editors are encouraged to add any missing information to the article, while verifying that the article's current content is correct.


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PlasticCup.png Base.PlasticCup
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\newitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item PlasticCup
	    DisplayCategory 	= WaterContainer,
        Type				= Normal,
        DisplayName			= Plastic Cup,
        Icon				= PlasticCup,
        Weight				= 0.1,
        WorldStaticModel 	= PlasticCup_Ground,
        CanStoreWater 		= TRUE,
		ReplaceOnUseOn		= WaterSource-PlasticCupWater,
		ReplaceTypes		= WaterSource PlasticCupWater,
		RainFactor 			= 0.2,
		Tooltip 			= Tooltip_item_RainFromGroundOnlyPurifyMicrowave,

PlasticCup.png Base.PlasticCupWater
Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item PlasticCupWater
		DisplayName = Plastic Cup of Water,
		DisplayCategory = Water,
		Type = Drainable,
		Weight = 0.3,
        Icon = PlasticCup,
		CanStoreWater = TRUE,
		EatType = Can,
		FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserCeramic,
		FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapCeramic,
		IsWaterSource = TRUE,
		RainFactor = 0.2,
		ReplaceOnDeplete = PlasticCup,
		ReplaceOnUseOn = WaterSource-PlasticCupWater,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_item_RainFromGroundOnlyPurifyMicrowave,
		UseDelta = 0.5,
		UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,
		CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromMug,
        WorldStaticModel = PlasticCup_Ground,

See also