MSR700 Rifle

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Project ZomboidItemsWeaponsFirearmsMSR700 Rifle
UI Tick.png
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MSR700 Rifle
VarmintRifle Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Slot attached
Magazine size
Max condition
Noise radius
Aiming time
Reload time
Item ID

A MSR700 rifle is a bolt action rifle. It is a two-handed weapon and can be attached to the back of a character to reduce encumbrance.


The MSR700 Rifle is a bolt action rifle, utilizing an internal 3 round magazine using .223 Rounds as ammo. This means that the rifle does not need any magazines to function, unlike the other rifles. It can only hit one target at a time but can pierce through targets. The rifle will need to be racked after reloading. Should the rifle jam on the player, press X to rack it and un-jam the rifle.

The MSR700 with its small magazine capacity of 3 and reload time makes it ill-suited for fast-paced or close quarters combat. However, given with enough distance and small number of zombies, it can be a surprisingly decent weapon as its .223 rounds can pack a punch and one shot most zombies. However, this is not a rifle for low level aiming especially with its low magazine size and base hit chance of 25%, should be used by a level 4+ aiming skill player.

Pros Cons
  • Ammo is fairly common.
  • Internal magazine allows for slightly slower, but more consistent reload time, and reduces the amount of encumbrance in magazines you would be carrying.
  • Rounds penetrate through zombies, allowing the player to hit up to two zombies at once.
  • Long range allows the player to dispatch enemy survivors or weaken hordes from far away.
  • Damage is low compared to the M14 rifle and MSR788 rifle.
  • Requires 4+ aiming skill to use effectively.
  • Slow fire rate can limit crowd controlling capabilities (although the target penetration compensates for it).
  • As a rifle, firing it is loud and can attract a lot of zombies.

Drive-by shooting

All guns have the ability to shoot from vehicles. First press V, which opens the vehicle radial menu and open your window. Aim and fire. Drivers and passengers are all able to use this ability at the cost of reduced accuracy while the vehicle is moving. The driver cannot control the vehicle while aiming, it's recommended to cruise at a safe speed and make sure there are no obstacles that can cause a crash while you're driving and shooting.


The MSR700 Rifle can be fitted with the following attachments with the use of a screwdriver:

  • Iron Sight ScopeIronSight.png: Increases maximum firing range by 3 tiles.
  • x2 Scope Scope2x.png: Increases minimum firing range by 6 tiles and maximum firing range by 7 tiles.
  • x4 Scope Scope4x.png: Increases minimum firing range by 8 tiles and maximum firing range by 13 tiles.
  • x8 Scope Scope8x.png: Increases minimum firing range by 10 tiles and maximum firing range by 20 tiles.
  • Recoil Pad RifleRecoilPad.png: Reduces recoil.
  • Red Dot RedDot.png: Increases aiming speed.
  • Fiberglass Stock RifleFibreglassStock.png: Decreases weight by 0.5 and increases base hit chance by 8%.
  • BayonetFuture HuntingKnife.png: Seemingly has no function in-game as of build 41.78.16.

To install an attachment, right-click the MSR700 you want to modify, click 'Upgrade' and select the attachment you want to install. Requires a screwdriver and the attachment you wish to install.


The MSR700 Rifle is a firearm. As such, the durability of the weapon is dependent on the player's aiming skill. This weapon's chance of losing durablity is: 1 in (60 + aiming x 2)


Requires level 4 Aiming and another MSR700 Rifle to repair with. The higher the aiming skill is, the chances of a better and successful repair go up. Remember that with each consective repair, the amount of durablity restored decreases.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

VarmintRifle distribution Show / Hide
Building / Room Container Rolls Chance
SafehouseLoot counter 4 6.0
all RifleCase1 1 200.0
all wardrobe 4 0.05
armysurplus displaycase 4 6.0
changeroom locker 4 0.1
closet crate 4 0.05
closet metal_shelves 4 0.05
drugshack crate 4 6.0
garagestorage locker 4 6.0


The MSR700 Rifle can be found in most homes (notably in wardrobes/closets) and gun shops.



Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_weapons.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item VarmintRifle
        DisplayCategory = Weapon,
       ImpactSound	=	null,
       MaxRange	=	10,
       WeaponSprite	=	VarmintRifle,
       SoundVolume	=	200,
       MinAngle	=	0.95,
       Type	=	Weapon,
       MinimumSwingTime	=	0.5,
       ToHitModifier	=	1.5,
       NPCSoundBoost	=	1.5,
       KnockBackOnNoDeath	=	TRUE,
       Ranged	=	TRUE,
       SwingAmountBeforeImpact	=	0,
       ProjectileCount	=	1,
       ConditionLowerChanceOneIn	=	60,
       Weight	=	4,
       SplatNumber	=	3,
       PushBackMod	=	0.3,
       SubCategory	=	Firearm,
       ConditionMax	=	10,
       ShareDamage	=	FALSE,
       MaxHitCount	=	1,
       IsAimedFirearm	=	TRUE,
       DoorDamage	=	20,
       UseEndurance	=	FALSE,
       SwingAnim	=	Rifle,
       DisplayName	=	MSR700 Rifle,
       MinRange	=	0.61,
       SwingTime	=	0.5,
       MultipleHitConditionAffected	=	FALSE,
	   BringToBearSound = MSR700BringToBear,
       SwingSound	=	MSR700Shoot,
       HitSound = BulletHitBody,
	   ClickSound = MSR700Jam,
       SoundRadius	=	70,
       MinDamage	=	0.6,
       MaxDamage	=	1.3,
       SplatSize	=	3,
       KnockdownMod	=	2,
       SplatBloodOnNoDeath	=	TRUE,
       Icon	=	LeverActionRifle,
       RunAnim	=	Run_Weapon2,
       IdleAnim	=	Idle_Weapon2,
       CriticalChance = 25,
       CritDmgMultiplier = 8,
       AimingPerkCritModifier = 12,
       HitChance = 27,
       AimingPerkHitChanceModifier = 17,
       AimingPerkMinAngleModifier = 0.01,
       AimingPerkRangeModifier = 2,
       RecoilDelay = 90,
       PiercingBullets = TRUE,
       SoundGain = 2,
       ReloadTime = 25,
       AimingTime = 30,
       RequiresEquippedBothHands = TRUE,
       BreakSound  =   MSR700Break,
       MetalValue = 45,
       TwoHandWeapon = TRUE,
       AmmoBox = 223Box,
       MaxAmmo = 3,
		EquipSound = MSR700Equip,
		UnequipSound = MSR700UnEquip,
       InsertAmmoSound = MSR700InsertAmmo,
       EjectAmmoSound = MSR700EjectAmmo,
		InsertAmmoStartSound = MSR700InsertAmmoStart,
		InsertAmmoStopSound = MSR700InsertAmmoStop,
		EjectAmmoStartSound = MSR700EjectAmmoStart,
		EjectAmmoStopSound = MSR700EjectAmmoStop,
        ShellFallSound = MSR700CartridgeFall,
       RackSound = MSR700Rack,
       AmmoType = Base.223Bullets,
       WeaponReloadType = boltactionnomag,
/*       ModelWeaponPart = FiberglassStock HuntingKnife none bayonet,*/
       ModelWeaponPart = Bayonnet Bayonnet bayonnet bayonnet,
       ModelWeaponPart = x2Scope x2Scope scope scope,
       ModelWeaponPart = x4Scope x4Scope scope scope,
       ModelWeaponPart = x8Scope x8Scope scope scope,
       ModelWeaponPart = IronSight IronSight scope2 scope2,
       ModelWeaponPart = RecoilPad RecoilPad recoilpad recoilpad,
       ModelWeaponPart = RedDot RedDot reddot reddot,
       RackAfterShoot = TRUE,
       /*MagazineType = Base.223Clip,*/
       JamGunChance = 5,
       AttachmentType = Rifle,
       StopPower = 15,

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\fixing.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
fixing Fix Varmint Rifle
   Require : VarmintRifle,

   Fixer : VarmintRifle; Aiming=4,

See also